You guys never do, when someone is in sufficiently adamant disagreement with you, you're always befuddled as to why. Or at least you claim to be. Especially on a subject like this.
Anyway, this whole saga ain't over by a long shot, regardless of any single impending court ruling. I'm not entirely sure what the NCAA's long game is with this, I'm not a lawyer nor have I researched it that thoroughly. But they didn't offer 20% of the gross when they didn't have to for nothing, out of the goodness of their heart. And you can be sure that this arrangement that the schools have unilaterally proposed is not going to do justice to what the players could rightly demand, as it obviously does not. And the whole rev share dispensation sounds like an unnatural, utter shit show.
But as with professional athletes, the big TV contracts are made with the franchise, and the league, not the individual players. And they have unions, unions that can call for strikes, that negotiate their cut on their behalf. They call that a CBA. And that's what we should ultimately expect for CFB. And that way the schools can negotiate for a rules regime they can live with. And it won't be the 'Wild West' anymore.