Deuce Knight

That's great! I want him to stick. I'm just saying usually where there are rumors, there is some truth to it. Let's not forget, Ole Miss is recruiting him hard, and there's a lot of time between now and December.
Other schools recruiting Deuce does not equate to Deuce potentially flipping the way the media makes it appear because there is nothing else to report on right now.
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More tweets this weekend from him trying to recruit guys etc. This is not how shaky commits behave. Shake commitments say things like they’re waiting for God to tell them their decision ie what Ivan Taylor said over the weekend.
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I would love for him to go to ND. He is raw but has all the tools to be an excellent QB. With that said , he’s not the only outstanding QB out there. I am not bad mouthing a 17 or 18 year old either. Heck I’m one of those guys where the “ people in glass houses “ rule applies. If he going to back away from his verbal, sooner rather than later would be better.
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He's a special talent. We haven't had anyone like him before
What are you talking about? a high 4* QB is about what ND has been recruiting every cycle/every other cycle for about 10 years now.
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Rivals didn’t even rank him in the Elite 11. But they seem to be the only ones.

He’s clearly a special talent. I hope he makes it to ND.
The Elite 11 people had him at #3 after two days. They do not publish a final ranking.

I believe he will struggle beating out CJ Carr.
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The Elite 11 people had him at #3 after two days. They do not publish a final ranking.

I believe he will struggle beating out CJ Carr.
Agree- but wouldn't he be good just sitting, learning, developing for 2 years?

Then when CJ leaves, he's totally prepared to go in and play a high high level.
Two years? I am not certain CJ Carr will beat out Steve Angeli for the 2025 job.
You could be right. The job will likely be up for grabs as we head into 25.

I'm sure Minchey will want in on the comp too.

Carr, Minchey,, that's an impressive group.
On3 ranked him first overall

247 ranked him 4th
Deuce Knight is composite #50 overall player

He's ranked about where Buchner, Gunner Kiel, CJ Carr, Wimbush etc. coming out of HS were

I know ND fans are desperate to find some shred of evidence out there that some material improvement is happening in regards to the football program but it simply doesn't exist

ND will take its tier 2.5 roster, with its 4-star QBs, and be woefully embarrassed yet again by teams actually doing what it takes to win at the highest level.
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Deuce Knight is composite #50 overall player

He's ranked about where Buchner, Gunner Kiel, CJ Carr, etc. coming out of HS

I know ND fans are desperate to find some shred of evidence out there that some material improvement is happening in regards to the football program but it simply doesn't exist

ND will take its tier 2.5 roster, with its 4-star QBs, and be woefully embarrassed yet again by teams actually doing what it takes to win at the highest level.
Now you're not using the composite rankings lol

How many QBs do you know at Notre Dame that were 6'5" 210 lbs runs a 4.52 40 and vertically jumps 42 inches with a strong arm? Ill wait....

And just because he is ranked as the 50th overall player now, doesn't mean that's where he will finish. He's a 5 star talent easily

You are a moron
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Deuce Knight is composite #50 overall player
I know ND fans are desperate to find some shred of evidence out there that some material improvement is happening in regards to the football program but it simply doesn't exist

Thanks for proving the fraud we all know you are. Pretending to be a Notre Dame Fan. You just exposed yourself as quite the opposite. What a loser you must be.
Thanks for proving the fraud we all know you are. Pretending to be a Notre Dame Fan. You just exposed yourself as quite the opposite. What a loser you must be.
You figured that out tonight? You can't be serious.
Deuce Knight is composite #50 overall player

He's ranked about where Buchner, Gunner Kiel, CJ Carr, etc. coming out of HS

I know ND fans are desperate to find some shred of evidence out there that some material improvement is happening in regards to the football program but it simply doesn't exist

ND will take its tier 2.5 roster, with its 4-star QBs, and be woefully embarrassed yet again by teams actually doing what it takes to win at the highest level.
Wait, the #1 ranked QB …and you are dismissing him? Quite a difference from the love fest you have repeatedly been spreading about LSU and their positional #1 recruits. Hmmm

Get more meds
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I'm so sick and tired of the narrative of the football program being miles apart from reality here in ND Nation.

We'll be building and taking yet another roster full of three and four star players into the season and expecting to beat teams in the playoffs full of four and five star talent, and unanimous all Americans and first round prospects up and down their rosters. it doesn't matter if Lombardi is your coach in that situation you got basically zero chance to win

But ND fans can't deal with reality so they delusion themselves with ideas of grandeur and won't allow themselves to listen to and accept truth: under the current way the football program has been operating for multiple decades now Notre Dame season is over before it even get started

Maybe just maybe on the 25th time in a row that ND gets ran over by teams that are actually competing to win college football games at the highest level it'll register and people will wake up and get fed up demand a better product and stop shooting the messenger
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I'm so sick and tired of the narrative of the football program being miles apart from reality here in ND Nation.

We'll be building and taking yet another roster full of three and four star players into the season and expecting to beat teams in the playoffs full of four and five star talent, and unanimous all Americans and first round prospects up and down their rosters. it doesn't matter if Lombardi is your coach in that situation you got basically zero chance to win

But ND fans can't deal with reality so they delusion themselves with ideas of grandeur and won't allow themselves to listen to and accept truth: under the current way the football program has been operating for multiple decades now Notre Dame season is over before it even get started

Maybe on the 25th time in a row that ND gets ran over by teams that are actually competing to win college football games at the highest level it'll register and people will wake up and get fed up demand a better product and stop shooting the messenger
Michigan won it last year with lesser recruiting classes

How is Deion doing in recruiting? Remember all that momentum you said he had, how is that working out ?
Michigan won it last year with lesser recruiting classes
They also had several years of top five F+ finishes before ultimately winning their national title. Meaning there was evidence building of their Ascension as a football program and as a national title contender none of that is the case with current Notre Dame

Notre Dame hasn't finished a single time in the top five in F+ in the modern era of college football

Michigan is an outlier as it relates to the success they had with second tier talent -- you understand this concept of outliers but conveniently forget it when it comes to supporting your biased and inaccurate views of the football team.

The difference between someone like me and you as a fan is that I can acknowledge that we suck and still love and root for the football team I don't need to lie to myself and make up stories in my head to still be a fan
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They also had several years of top five F+ finishes before ultimately winning their national title. Meaning there was evidence building of their Ascension as a football program and as a national title contender none of that is the case with current Notre Dame

Notre Dame hasn't finished a single time in the top five in F+ in the modern era of college football

Michigan is an outlier as it relates to the success they had with second tier talent -- you understand this concept of outliers but conveniently forget it when it comes to supporting your biased and inaccurate views of the football team.

The difference between someone like me and you as a fan is that I can acknowledge that we suck and still love and root for the football team I don't need to lie to myself and make up stories in my head to still be a fan
You said we had zero chance. I thought you forgot about the NC from this year

How is Deion doing in recruiting? How is all that momentum working for him?
You said we had zero chance. I thought you forgot about the NC from this year

How is Deion doing in recruiting? How is all that momentum working for him?
You’re a big part of the problem on this site feeding trolls.

Same boring shit.

Chaseball posts.

You bite.

Hook Line Sinker.
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I'm so sick and tired of the narrative of the football program being miles apart from reality here in ND Nation.

We'll be building and taking yet another roster full of three and four star players into the season and expecting to beat teams in the playoffs full of four and five star talent, and unanimous all Americans and first round prospects up and down their rosters. it doesn't matter if Lombardi is your coach in that situation you got basically zero chance to win

But ND fans can't deal with reality so they delusion themselves with ideas of grandeur and won't allow themselves to listen to and accept truth: under the current way the football program has been operating for multiple decades now Notre Dame season is over before it even get started

Maybe just maybe on the 25th time in a row that ND gets ran over by teams that are actually competing to win college football games at the highest level it'll register and people will wake up and get fed up demand a better product and stop shooting the messenger
I would respond, but you aren't worth my time. Just STFU LOSER.
When I was a kid I thought people came to the internet to message boards like this one to discuss issues of reality and become more well researched and intelligent on topics. To challenge their ideas through peer review so to speak and to learn the truth. To become educated on topics they are passionate about. In my opinion there is nothing greater than the truth.

But this community has taught me over the last 20 years or so is that people come to the internet for different reasons and that it's myopic of me to think that it is only just for facts knowledge truth research objectivity etc

People come to the internet and post on message boards like these for connection and support. support of their ideas support of their values support of their views even if they are inaccurate some people don't want their views challenged etc

To those people I can see how what I post is extremely frustrating to read but I would challenge those people to use the ignore feature so that people who are here to actually learn about the realities of the current state of the football program can do so in peace

I get a lot of book burning vibes from the mob on this site which is extremely ironic given that we are discussing a football team at a top academic institution with many members of the community here alumni lol
Let me give you an example of some of my frustration.

You got posters here who understand the importance of recruiting rankings understand the predictability of them and understand to their core what they represent but as soon as those recruiting rankings don't confirm their biases they dismiss them or start using another criteria that is more favorable to their view

That goes for recruiting rankings for sophisticated algorithms like F+ for talent rankings for projection systems for any evidence whatsoever we all just ignore it despite it being correct over and over and over again

You got posters who insist that the latest recruit or the latest class is some new level of talent that's going to come in and lead Notre Dame to a new level of performance and productivity but we have databases that go back 20 years and we can see clear as day that this new quarterback recruit or this incoming recruiting class isn't any better than the previous ones that came before it

You got posters here who've been getting in the same heated debates with me on the same topics for years decades even who have the benefit of hindsight who still stubbornly refuse to accept the evidence and I'm not just talking about one year of hindsight but year after year after year after year of me posting the evidence and the evidence turning out to be correct and still earning zero benefit of the doubt

This board constantly reinforces to me just how scary humanity is, just how prone we are to error, and just how stubborn humans can be even in the face of mounting evidence.
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They also had several years of top five F+ finishes before ultimately winning their national title. Meaning there was evidence building of their Ascension as a football program and as a national title contender none of that is the case with current Notre Dame
So for several years their recruiting was enough to finish highly in your favorite metric. You can't have it both ways. Either that recruiting is sufficient or it is not.
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So for several years their recruiting was enough to finish highly in your favorite metric. You can't have it both ways. Either that recruiting is sufficient or it is not.
Or it's nuanced and not everything has a perfect explanation. Michigan's results are extremely unique (my theory is that it has something to do with Jim Harbaugh being a uniquely great coach) but that doesn't mean we can't use the overwhelming evidence to make good educated guesses on what's likely to happen going forward based on the best available evidence and based on the program's track record

What are the chances that out of the 100+ FBS head coaches we have the next Hall of Fame head coach/the next harbaugh?

Wouldn't it simply be more prudent to not rely on such low odds and to instead do whatever we can within our power within the rules to close the talent gap so we aren't completely outclassed on the football field? ( Which is how the other 99.999999% of programs have won their national title over the last 30+ years)
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