I don't disagree that the QB's since Clausen have not had the same upside potential, but is it a case of "failing to bring them in" or them SIMPLY NOT WANTING TO COME?Both Kelly/Rees and now Rees failed to bring in elite QBs. We'll see on Minchey and Carr. But, up to this point, neither have brought in the proper level talent and developed it.
Is there some MAGIC Kelly didn't and now Rees hasn't been APPLYING?
I'm sure ND has offered every good QB out there over the LAST 15 YEARS. Are you saying that its recruiting has simply not been PERSUASIVE ENOUGH?
But then, I'm not sure you can bring in recruits who HAVE OTHER PLACES IN MIND . . . REGARDLESS of how persuasive you are.
I honestly don't know the answer to this issue, but I do know that all contractual arrangements are a TWO-WAY STREET.
So, where is the PROOF that ND simply didn't try hard enough to recruit elite QB's? The mere fact that they didn't come DOES NOT PROVE THAT, in and of itself.
There's at least a 50/50 chance those elite QB's weren't INTERESTED.
And might it be equally possible that this BAD RECRUITING ALIBI is nothing more than a RED HERRING meant to ignore or minimize ND's more selective academic standards and the DETERRENCE EFFECT they have on MANY PREMIER RECRUITS, not only including QB's?
If a premier QB is looking at Bama and ND, it's an APPLES AND ORANGES choice, is it not? And if most people prefer the path of least resistance, which school will most premier recruits favor?
Seems pretty obvious to me.