Alize Jones

I usually agree with you, Echo, but not here. I think the loss of Jones will be big, especially early. We are pretty much replacing every receiver who started last year, and Jones, although he only had 13 catches, showed a lot of potential.
agreed that he has lots of potential. some think it will be a huge loss, i don't. we won't know until the season plays out. i hope i'm right.
ND is not difficult. I only spent one semester there (on an exchange), but it's no harder than a lot of other schools. Schools are often ranked according to facilities, the quality of professors, etc... Unless you're Drue Tranquill, or a kid like him taking a major such as engineering (which the vast number of ND football players are not), there is no reason why you can't obtain the 1.8 GPA, or whatever it is, to be eligible. This falls squarely on Aliz'e from personal prospective, but we seem to see grades be an issue far too often to ND, especially among starting players.

If cgvr could get into Notre Dame it must be a very easy academic school.
I guess I misinterpreted the purpose of the Koyack comparison.

I hope you're right about physicality of the offense, but I don't think your personal friend and mentor Brian Kelly will commit to that for an entire season. I have no idea what he'll do from game to game.

And, really, I'd much rather see a more physical defense.

P.S. I agree on MacAfee. My kids' oral surgeon went to school with MacAfee after MacAfee finished the NFL. They were close friends. He used to tell my son stories about MacAfee as he was digging around his gums. He kept telling my kid, "You really won't like what football does to your body."
Great story. McAfee and others from that era were carved out of granite. I still think a grab he made versus Texas was one of the greatest catches I have ever seen. It was fun telling him that....
Great story. McAfee and others from that era were carved out of granite. I still think a grab he made versus Texas was one of the greatest catches I have ever seen. It was fun telling him that....
McAfee was a star at Brockton HS in Massachusetts. Kind of surprised he didn't have a better pro career but obviously has a nice career in dentistry.
A guy I use to play golf with said he might not have graduated from HS if he wasn't able to cheat off McAfee's exams.
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McAfee was a star at Brockton HS in Massachusetts. Kind of surprised he didn't have a better pro career but obviously has a nice career in dentistry.
A guy I use to play golf with said he might not have graduated from HS if he wasn't able to cheat off McAfee's exams.

Brockton high had the unfortunate experience of coming down to my Highschool in New York and getting their butts handed to them 37 to 8. They were supposed to be one of the top teams in the Northeast and the country. We made them look like a bunch of girlymen. We slaughtered them !
Oct 1975
." Vestal is No. 1 ' ; Powerful Brockton High of Massachusetts rolled into New> York State this past weekend, supposedly for the purpose, of ^showing an Empire State opponent how the game of scholastic ^football (New England style) ought to be played. .< Brockton's foe, appropriately, was New York's No. 1 - ranked - Schoolboy power, Vestal, and a number of New Yorkers thought ^that the Vestal winning streak of 28 - 0 - 1 was about to end. f - Noway.< Playing at muddy Vestal Memorial Stadium, Brockton's rush* «ing attack accumulated one (1) yard. Its passing attack added 41 * 'yards, for a total offense of 42 yards against the most physically - » "* intimidating high school defense this writer has ever seen. Vestal rolled to a 37 - 8 win in a game that wasn't as close as the final ; 'score might indicate. - ; Vestal led in rushing yardage, 206 - 1, in passing yardage, 110 - 41, : *in total yardage, 316 - 42, and in first downs, 15 - 4. "We had something to prove and we proved it," said an elated Golden Bear> coach Dick Hoover. "This is probably the strongest defensive :' team I've ever had." - *, Brockton coach Armand Colombo, whose 1973 team may have i • been No. 1 in the country that year, commented, "What most impressed us about Vestal was their defense - excellent movement : I and intimidating. We're hurting at quarterback and the way Ves l 5 tal keeps coming at you, I'm sure our inexperienced quarterback ::was badly intimidated. Our statistics show 11 fumbles, mostly ; ." exchanges." . * * Vestal, a physically awesome high school team, obviously so - ' - lidified its No. 1 state ranking with the victory. The Bears have : . won four games by the scores of 30 - 7, 38 - 0, 37 - 8 and 37 - 8 and if the : pattern continues, Hoover's club is expected to be well up among ; • the top 10 nationally at season's end.
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McAfee was a star at Brockton HS in Massachusetts. Kind of surprised he didn't have a better pro career but obviously has a nice career in dentistry.
A guy I use to play golf with said he might not have graduated from HS if he wasn't able to cheat off McAfee's exams.

My understanding is that McAfee always aspired to become a dentist and realized that an injury to his hands in the NFL may have ended that dream, so he left.
What do you mean by "difficult" exactly? Difficult to be admitted to? Difficult to achieve A's? Difficult to simply pass classes?

What I find, as a public school teacher here in the states, is that the notion of a "C" being "average" has long since passed. Especially in affluent towns like the one I work in, with very involved parents, anything less than a "B" might as well be failing. I don't think that we are properly preparing students for college with this type of approach, yet, it seems this type of grade inflation, and attitude of "everyone is above average" seems pretty rampant in most colleges these days. I went to a small Catholic school nicknamed "St. C's" because the average student truly did receive the average/'C' grade that their work determined. This pushed me to work harder because I did not want to settle with "average" work.

Regarding Aliz'e, with the academic supports in place at ND, I have to hold him responsible. There are more than enough people in place that would be more than willing to do everything in their power to help him, but at the end of the day it's on him to put in the work and pass the tests.

Just wondering; do you fight the grade inflation in your own practice; or, do you cave to it?
Two things on this:

1) Practice started today, Jones is not eligible, so let's concentrate on who is. We will never know what impact he had this year, so let's move on.
2) He is not eligible because of his own actions. Let's concentrate on the kids who got it done & are playing this year.

Summary: waste of time to argue over something that is impossible to know & let's discuss the kids actually playing in 2016.
Jones not playing this year just opens the door for others to play. ND will be fine, BK knows what he is doing.