Alize Jones

Since he's academically ineligible and cheating was not involved, it's likely Jones just didn't study enough or go to class enough to maintain his 2.0(I'm assuming that's the required GPA to play). Coaching staff and academic support staff can only do so much. While it sucks this happened, I think this says a lot of what ND expects of its student athletes. He obviously wasnt taking a bunch of PE and home ec classes to easily maintain his required GPA. If this scares recruits away, so be it. ND is not for everyone.

On a separate note, this is a huge blow to the offense. While the other TEs should be solid, none of them have the game breaking ability that Jones does.

If anyone is curious as to the requirements, there is a link below. Classes can be tough, but the requirements don't seem oppressive.

ND Eligibility Requirements -
Except any student doing poorly in a course does receive a mid-term grade warning to give the student time to work hard to improve the grade. So they do get a performance review with plenty of time for corrections. Your criticism is off-mark.

Some of Jones' academic difficulties likely happened during the Spring semester when football activities were lessened. He had the time. Likely will never know exactly what went wrong for him.
Good points granite and pen nick He likely knew and did not adjust his effort. That is potentially a problem because he may not have what it takes
This is why I don't have big expectations as a Notre Dame fan. Like it, or not, Notre Dame requires players to take real classes and pass the classes. At the same time, they recruit top players who are solely focused on the NFL and that's what it takes to win. I'm not at all angered or disappointed by this an neither should any other ND fan. If ND is going to land 5 start players, we must understand that those players won't always meet the standards at ND (standards that they wouldn't have to meet elsewhere). I want kids to get the total package and in believing in that, I'm ok with 9-3 or 10-2 along the way. That's the reality in 2016, when ND only lands one 5 star quality player every couple years. I'm not shocked when said player doesn't meet the standards because he is focused on a paycheck.

ND just got worse at two positions in 2016. I've learned to deal with it, however. I just assume we'll be without 3-4 of our top players every season.
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Have to admit, however, at the same time, that this speaks to the intelligence / commitment of some CFB players. ND is not hard. Not even close. Maybe compared to some state schools in the U.S., but compared higher education around the world, ND is fairly average, despite it's politically driven rankings that make it seem "hard". There are a lot of countries in which there much lesser known schools that are just as difficult, if not more so than Notre Dame, that fall much further down the rankings, for political reasons. This falls mostly on Aliz'e, but also in part to a crumbling U.S. high school system that inadequately high schoolers for University and is happy to exempt athletes from giving two shits about education.
Have to admit, however, at the same time, that this speaks to the intelligence / commitment of some CFB players. ND is not hard. Not even close. Maybe compared to some state schools in the U.S., but compared higher education around the world, ND is fairly average, despite it's politically driven rankings that make it seem "hard". There are a lot of countries in which there much lesser known schools that are just as difficult, if not more so than Notre Dame, that fall much further down the rankings, for political reasons. This falls mostly on Aliz'e, but also in part to a crumbling U.S. high school system that inadequately high schoolers for University and is happy to exempt athletes from giving two shits about education.
Yeah, Bishop Gorman is crumbling.... and ND is easy....
Got it....
Yeah, Bishop Gorman is crumbling.... and ND is easy....
Got it....

ND is not difficult. I only spent one semester there (on an exchange), but it's no harder than a lot of other schools. Schools are often ranked according to facilities, the quality of professors, etc... Unless you're Drue Tranquill, or a kid like him taking a major such as engineering (which the vast number of ND football players are not), there is no reason why you can't obtain the 1.8 GPA, or whatever it is, to be eligible. This falls squarely on Aliz'e from personal prospective, but we seem to see grades be an issue far too often to ND, especially among starting players.
2 big targets gone....Robinson and Jones...

I think our O may be more physical...

PS kelly has a melon head....

I was thinking the same thing.....BE MORE PHYSICAL! Does this possibility change the game for the QB battle?
13 catches for 190 yds and 0 touchdowns. The 3rd tackle can catch 13 if they want to make him a target.
Post less and read more.
*2013 Notre Dame Ind FR WR 6 6 160 26.7 1 2 8 4.0 0 8 168 21.0 1
2014 Notre Dame Ind SO WR 13 76 1094 14.4 15 0 0 0 76 1094 14.4 15
2015 Notre Dame Ind JR WR 13 62 1258 20.3 14 0 0 0 62 1258 20.3 14

Guess what those stats are of. A frosh that did very minimal but showed their talent just like alize, then they exploded their soph and jr years. Very few true frosh explode under kelly like adams did (injuries forced him), but year 2 players have typically shined at skilled positions. Alize is arguably as talented or more talented than any TE in the country and a near lock for the NFL...... he was most likely going to explode this year and be a HUGE red zone threat we desperately need.
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Actually, Ohio State just suspended 2 kids due to academics --

? 2 starting DT's? or two practice dummies?

I think the frustrations are that ND has to keep the fewer elite players that it brings in on the field.
ND does not have the depth of the football factories so losing an elite projected starter is a major setback.

These guys who may be academic casualties need 'shadows'; and those shadows need to report direct to the respective coordinators to get things on track at first indication of problem. Kelly is a master builder and organizer, So I have to think he has such monitoring set in place, and if so, then someone screwed up! And he has or will rip them a 'new one'!
TE is one of Kelly's key offensive weapons and he just lost one!
Is there a certain date they have to redshirt a player before receiving permission from the NCAA?
I would guess Kelly will announce that soon? If he is still in school, practicing & traveling with team, it sounds like a redshirt already.
no parameters involving redshirting. you have 5 years to play 4. there is no declaration. if you don't play say as a freshman you still have 4 years of eligibilty. if winbush doesn't play at all this year he maintains 3 more years of eligibilty.
*2013 Notre Dame Ind FR WR 6 6 160 26.7 1 2 8 4.0 0 8 168 21.0 1
2014 Notre Dame Ind SO WR 13 76 1094 14.4 15 0 0 0 76 1094 14.4 15
2015 Notre Dame Ind JR WR 13 62 1258 20.3 14 0 0 0 62 1258 20.3 14

Guess what those stats are of. A frosh that did very minimal but showed their talent just like alize, then they exploded their soph and jr years. Very few true frosh explode under kelly like adams did (injuries forced him), but year 2 players have typically shined at skilled positions. Alize is arguably as talented or more talented than any TE in the country and a near lock for the NFL...... he was most likely going to explode this year and be a HUGE red zone threat we desperately need.

Check Mate
the offense will be just fine.
You never hear about this happening at other schools. At Ohio State it's double secret probation and no pudding for a week!
*2013 Notre Dame Ind FR WR 6 6 160 26.7 1 2 8 4.0 0 8 168 21.0 1
2014 Notre Dame Ind SO WR 13 76 1094 14.4 15 0 0 0 76 1094 14.4 15
2015 Notre Dame Ind JR WR 13 62 1258 20.3 14 0 0 0 62 1258 20.3 14

Guess what those stats are of. A frosh that did very minimal but showed their talent just like alize, then they exploded their soph and jr years. Very few true frosh explode under kelly like adams did (injuries forced him), but year 2 players have typically shined at skilled positions. Alize is arguably as talented or more talented than any TE in the country and a near lock for the NFL...... he was most likely going to explode this year and be a HUGE red zone threat we desperately need.

Check Mate
Yeah he was going to explode. I doubt he was even going to start.
When comparing stats you should probably use the same position....that kind of matters.
Thanks for the laugh. Keep trying though.
the offense will be just fine.
Yes the offense will be fine, it was fine after losing folston, it was fine after losing malik, it was fine after losing smythe........but specifically the TE position for the first time in a long time had a minimal impact last year. With the limited experience at WR this year, a stud pass catching TE would have really helped.

Alize isn't the most important player on the team, but he's the type of talent that other teams could have to game plan around and help us have a chance at beating the Ohio states or alabama's of the world. We can still beat them, but our margin for error is smaller now.
ND is not difficult. I only spent one semester there (on an exchange), but it's no harder than a lot of other schools. Schools are often ranked according to facilities, the quality of professors, etc... Unless you're Drue Tranquill, or a kid like him taking a major such as engineering (which the vast number of ND football players are not), there is no reason why you can't obtain the 1.8 GPA, or whatever it is, to be eligible. This falls squarely on Aliz'e from personal prospective, but we seem to see grades be an issue far too often to ND, especially among starting players.

What do you mean by "difficult" exactly? Difficult to be admitted to? Difficult to achieve A's? Difficult to simply pass classes?

What I find, as a public school teacher here in the states, is that the notion of a "C" being "average" has long since passed. Especially in affluent towns like the one I work in, with very involved parents, anything less than a "B" might as well be failing. I don't think that we are properly preparing students for college with this type of approach, yet, it seems this type of grade inflation, and attitude of "everyone is above average" seems pretty rampant in most colleges these days. I went to a small Catholic school nicknamed "St. C's" because the average student truly did receive the average/'C' grade that their work determined. This pushed me to work harder because I did not want to settle with "average" work.

Regarding Aliz'e, with the academic supports in place at ND, I have to hold him responsible. There are more than enough people in place that would be more than willing to do everything in their power to help him, but at the end of the day it's on him to put in the work and pass the tests.
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It never ceases to amaze me when this happens at ND. How does the academic support staff miss something like this? It doesn't just appear out of left field. I'm glad he's staying in school and is facing this adversity like a man. He will be missed this season.
100 kids in the program, half of them teenagers. Why would anyone be surprised when one of the drops the ball academically. Academic support does not guarantee anything. The kid still needs to put in the time and do the work.
Yes the offense will be fine, it was fine after losing folston, it was fine after losing malik, it was fine after losing smythe........but specifically the TE position for the first time in a long time had a minimal impact last year. With the limited experience at WR this year, a stud pass catching TE would have really helped.

Alize isn't the most important player on the team, but he's the type of talent that other teams could have to game plan around and help us have a chance at beating the Ohio states or alabama's of the world. We can still beat them, but our margin for error is smaller now.
you never like to lose a talented player. that said smythe will do a solid job. now an injury at the spot would certainly hurt now given jones being out. not a lot of hand wrenching by me. the offense is designed to spread the wealth.
Totally agree

Hypocrisy. Make millions from football. The identity of ND was made by football. And the academics play games that make us unable to compete with the bamas. The Buckeyes. There needs to be probation or leniency. They don't take away his food or housing, so why football?

Educate the young man thru real life decicion making. Let him decide if he needs to take a season off to focus or if he thinks he can play and learn

Not the real world. In life, you are warned to improve your performance. They don't take away your paycheck. If you continue to fail. They do. That's how it should be.

I honestly feel bad for those who feel this way about the University of Notre Dame. It's such a selfish way to view the university and the football team. "There needs to be probation or leniency." Really? So you can get your ND football fix at the expense of a young man and his path towards a proper education and ND's standards?

You obviously have no knowledge of the education system at the school. Professors bend over backwards to help the students succeed. If you don't think players/coaches/advisors know when a student athlete BEGINS to fail a class, you are mistaken. That is your "leniency." I love ND football every bit as much as you, but I've sat in class with our student athletes and know that they are given every chance to succeed. A coach, advisor, or tutor cannot make an athlete do the work. They assist and council but if an athlete doesn't turn in a paper or study for a test, that is 100% on them.

THIS is what makes ND special. Do I like that we lose a key asset, absolutely not, but AJ knew what he signed up for in coming to ND.

The University of Notre Dame is not for everyone. Athletes and fans alike.

Member of the Class of 15'
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Yeah he was going to explode. I doubt he was even going to start.
When comparing stats you should probably use the same position....that kind of matters.
Thanks for the laugh. Keep trying though.

Ok Pennick, you the man, you are so awesome!! Gosh I wish i could be like you.
ND is the best in everything, no one else is worthwhile.
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ND is not difficult. I only spent one semester there (on an exchange), but it's no harder than a lot of other schools. Schools are often ranked according to facilities, the quality of professors, etc... Unless you're Drue Tranquill, or a kid like him taking a major such as engineering (which the vast number of ND football players are not), there is no reason why you can't obtain the 1.8 GPA, or whatever it is, to be eligible. This falls squarely on Aliz'e from personal prospective, but we seem to see grades be an issue far too often to ND, especially among starting players.

"ND is not difficult." That's an inaccurate broad brush remark. ND has classes across every discipline that make the best minds spin. I have posted on multiple occasions about the ease of many electives too....

I worry that Jones is struggling with elements of his core curriculum. If that's happening with academic assistance then we have a problem. He said what he had to say and I hope he stays enrolled.
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"...There are more than enough people in place that would be more than willing to do everything in their power to help him, but at the end of the day it's on him to put in the work and pass the tests...."

and Sen. Howard Baker might ask: 'So why did no one go to the head coach?'
2 weeks ago, at a presser it reported, everyone was on board; so what changed?
Progress Toward Degree In order to be academically eligible, student-athletes must satisfactorily complete 24 semester hours at the University prior to the start of the institution's third semester following the student-athlete's initial, full-time enrollment.

In addition, the student-athlete must complete 18 credit hours in the two regular semesters (i.e., fall and spring) since the beginning of the institution's previous fall term. For student-athletes entering at mid-year or student-athletes that have been granted an exception, the 18 hours must have been earned in the student-athlete's previous two semesters.

Furthermore, a student-athlete must declare a major prior to his/her fifth semester of collegiate enrollment and make progress toward that specific degree as follows:

(4) 40% of degree requirements must be completed before the fifth semester of enrollment (excluding summer)
(5) 60% of degree requirements must be completed before the seventh semester of enrollment (excluding summer)
(6) 80% of degree requirements must be completed before the ninth semester of enrollment (excluding summer)

University policy states that all continuing undergraduate students are required to maintain a term grade-point average of at least 2.0. A student-athlete who fails to meet the minimum GPA requirements will be placed on probation.

End of Fall Semester End of Spring Semester End of Summer

Pass 6 credits
1.7 GPA

Pass 6 credits
Pass 18 credits (fall & spring combined)
1.85 GPA Pass 24 credits (fall, spring, summer combined)
Sophomore Pass 6 credits
2.0 GPA Pass 6 credits
Pass 18 credits (fall & spring combined)
2.0 GPA Declare Major
40% of credits earned toward declared major
Junior Pass 6 credits
2.0 GPA Pass 6 credits
Pass 18 credits (fall & spring combined)
2.0 GPA 60% of credits earned toward declared major
Senior Pass 6 credits
2.0 GPA Pass 6 credits
Pass 18 credits (fall & spring combined)
2.0 GPA 80% of credits earned toward declared major

In football, a student-athlete who does not successfully complete at least 9 credit hours during the fall term and earn the Academic Progress Rate eligibility point for the fall term (e.g., meet minimum academic GPA standards outlined in the table above) shall not be eligible to compete in the first 4 contests against outside competition in the following playing season.Eligibility may be regained for the 3rd and 4th contests, provided he completes at least 27 semester hours of academic credit before the beginning of the next fall term.

Eligibility may be regained for all 4 contests once during the student-athlete's 5-year period of eligibility, provided he completes at least 27 semester hours of academic credit before the beginning of the next fall term.
Ok Pennick, you the man, you are so awesome!! Gosh I wish i could be like you.
ND is the best in everything, no one else is worthwhile.

Well, you have to credit him for incorrectly spelling # 44 Eric Penick's last name...
If all we lose is Jones to academics this year I can live with that.
Losing the other Jones in preseason last year was much worst.
Offense just reloads, Defense can't afford to lose anybody.
"ND is not difficult." That's an inaccurate broad brush remark. ND has classes across every discipline that make the best minds spin. I have posted on multiple occasions about the ease of many electives too....

I worry that Jones is struggling with elements of his core curriculum. If that's happening with academic assistance then we have a problem. He said what he had to say and I hope he stays enrolled.
The place has probably changed since you and Father Sorin left the place.
why does it get to this point with a star player? why doesn't a Prof. pick up a phone: "hey Coach, one of your guys is in trouble in my class", or something like that? wtf!
no offense to young mr. jones but when did he become a star player ?
There's a reason ND invest so much resources in the academic support staff for their student athletes. AJ messed up and that happens from time to time. I think he'll learn from this and grow. I think it will be a great object lesson for the rest of the athletes as they watch him this year. He can still practice with the team but he can't play on Saturdays. It's not the place for the fans to condone or condemn him. I'm proud of the young man for accepting his discipline. It speaks volumes about his character. It happens from time to time. I walked there myself during summer semester in 1974. I learned a great lesson too. Time management is important to succeed in college and life.

Yep, experiences vary. I got great grades in high school and never once took a book home my junior or senior year. My first semester in college (an engineering program at Purdue) was a disaster because I didn't know how to study or manage my time. I had classmates that were the product of some demanding private high schools. They thought it was pretty easy. By the time I graduated I was a better student than most, but it took me some time to catch up because I started by digging a pretty big hole for myself. I had to learn some skills just to stop the digging. Then I had to catch up. It can take time.
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Yeah he was going to explode. I doubt he was even going to start.
When comparing stats you should probably use the same position....that kind of matters.
Thanks for the laugh. Keep trying though.
Sharpley has a write up at 247 saying this is a bigger hit to ND than people realize. Said in the spring, the offense was literally different because of Alize, and BK will have to adjust his offensive strategy. Said Alize was targeted the most and it wasn't close.

On Smythe/Weisher: "The way it currently stands and what I saw in the spring, I do not view either as a threat to catch the ball."

Now trash Sharpley because you don't like the truth when it hurts.
no offense to young mr. jones but when did he become a star player ?

Don't you understand how football works? He became a star when the recruiting sites gave him stars. Things like practice and game performance don't matter - that's why CJ Prosise wasn't a real star last year. Its all about recruiting rankings. If it wasn't for the TV money they wouldn't even bother playing the games.
Don't you understand how football works? He became a star when the recruiting sites gave him stars. Things like practice and game performance don't matter - that's why CJ Prosise wasn't a real star last year. Its all about recruiting rankings. If it wasn't for the TV money they wouldn't even bother playing the games.
gotcha. i thought actually performing well on the field had something to do with it. my bad.
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