A Look at ND's 2016 Season

"The fact that you think those 2 quotes do anything other than price your completely incorrect and that each and every claim ..."

You're unglued. Your personal feelings are meaningless.


I love you quoting me, proving yourself wrong and me correct in the process, and even realizing it.

You can't talk football
You can't debate simple discussion points

What the hell can you do??
Wrong. You brought it up.

Also, there is no such thing as an alumn. It's alum. You have one seriously flawed dictation device.

"As an alumn, I can tell you your in the VAST minority, especially amongst anyone that follows football closely enough to know what they're talking about."

You haven't humiliated anyone. That record remains intact.


Quote the posts again and please note where I said specifically where I went to school, before the fool @cvgr brought it up

(Quick hint, the quote doesn't exist because it didn't happen)

Sorry to have to keep doing this to you in public

I don't think your reputation will ever recover from this beating

At this point, what I've done to you here completely defines you

Quote the posts again and please note where I said specifically where I went to school, before the fool @cvgr brought it up

(Quick hint, the quote doesn't exist because it didn't happen)

Sorry to have to keep doing this to you in public

I don't think your reputation will ever recover from this beating

At this point, what I've done to you here completely defines you

Walk into someone's office and say you're an alum. Have fun with that....

You are quite the bore.
As I said, go up to anyone and state, "I am an alum".

It's senseless.

Game, set, match.....

How does what you're saying here matter, at all

If you take any random comment out of context and just walk up to someone and say it at will be senseless

That doesn't change what was said (or not said), nor does it change the fact that you've proven yourself wrong by quoting me over and over again.....hoping the quote would suddenly say something itdoesn't

Son, you've completely exposed yourself
I've haven't just beaten you, I've dominated you so completely that you'll never recover..........and you know!
So you just keep hanging around this thread, hoping that getting the last work in may someone allow you to save a little face...........quick hint, it won't!

Sorry buddy

You've proven yourself wrong once again
How does what you're saying here matter, at all

If you take any random comment out of context and just walk up to someone and say it at will be senseless

That doesn't change what was said (or not said), nor does it change the fact that you've proven yourself wrong by quoting me over and over again.....hoping the quote would suddenly say something itdoesn't

Son, you've completely exposed yourself
I've haven't just beaten you, I've dominated you so completely that you'll never recover..........and you know!
So you just keep hanging around this thread, hoping that getting the last work in may someone allow you to save a little face...........quick hint, it won't!

Sorry buddy

You've proven yourself wrong once again

Well, what did you mean by this?

"As an alumn, I can tell you your in the VAST minority, especially amongst anyone that follows football closely enough to know what they're talking about."

What are you an alum of?

Here's the context:

"The stats I use are accurate. I liken myself to Yankee fans that couldn't stand Billy Martin. They loved the team and despised/loathed/disliked.... him. I have certainly and accurately described past "player behavioral" problems. Please provide an instance where I knocked ND.

PS I enjoyed your description: "an anti-Jelly agenda". There is a building on campus that bears the name of a lifelong friend/alum that calls him "jelly"..... His dislike of kelly, as with many other alum, is worse than mine...."

"As an alumn, I can tell you your in the VAST minority, especially amongst anyone that follows football closely enough to know what they're talking about. "

And you frequently post stats that are either slanted, it don't properly address the question at hand...just to forward you agenda

Not to mention you frequently post flat out lies
(Ex. "Kelly is not the winningest active CFB in the FBS)

27 TheDecker, Monday at 10:44 AM"
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Wait, so you think you can just claim in a post that we won't have impact players, and carrot out the Darkhorse candidates for Heisman at running back and quarterback… And people can't point out that those guys are the impact players?!!

The reality with this:
1. Will have top 25 level talent on offense, at a minimum

2. Will have four star in five star level talent at every position on defense, with a minimum of top 50 overall level talent

3. At worst where the second or third most talented team on our schedule

4 we should have a very good chance of going 10 wins or better, in 2016...again

5. That would be Kelly's 3rd 10+ Win season

6. Kelly will be well on his way to setting a record for Notre Dame coaches, in terms of number of 10+ when seasons

I'm guessing these facts are going to cause you a lot of anguish…

Amen !!
How does what you're saying here matter, at all

If you take any random comment out of context and just walk up to someone and say it at will be senseless

That doesn't change what was said (or not said), nor does it change the fact that you've proven yourself wrong by quoting me over and over again.....hoping the quote would suddenly say something itdoesn't

Son, you've completely exposed yourself
I've haven't just beaten you, I've dominated you so completely that you'll never recover..........and you know!
So you just keep hanging around this thread, hoping that getting the last work in may someone allow you to save a little face...........quick hint, it won't!

Sorry buddy

You've proven yourself wrong once again

The crickets are singing "owned", in a serenade to you..

Thank you argus. Perhaps you can interpret this remark and answer, where is the poster claiming to be an alum of? "As an alumn, I can tell you your in the VAST minority, especially amongst anyone that follows football closely enough to know what they're talking about."

It's all very "cloak and dagger" laughable. Perhaps the poster is an alum of your "funny farm". PS Your being on one side of a discussion obviously strengthens the other.

Here's the context:

"The stats I use are accurate. I liken myself to Yankee fans that couldn't stand Billy Martin. They loved the team and despised/loathed/disliked.... him. I have certainly and accurately described past "player behavioral" problems. Please provide an instance where I knocked ND.

PS I enjoyed your description: "an anti-Jelly agenda". There is a building on campus that bears the name of a lifelong friend/alum that calls him "jelly"..... His dislike of kelly, as with many other alum, is worse than mine...."

"As an alumn, I can tell you your in the VAST minority, especially amongst anyone that follows football closely enough to know what they're talking about. "

And you frequently post stats that are either slanted, it don't properly address the question at hand...just to forward you agenda

Not to mention you frequently post flat out lies
(Ex. "Kelly is not the winningest active CFB in the FBS)

27 TheDecker, Monday at 10:44 AM"
Thank you argus. Perhaps you can interpret this remark and answer, where is the poster claiming to be an alum of? It's all very "cloak and dagger" laughable. Perhaps the poster is an alum of your "funny farm". PS Your being on one side of a discussion obviously strengthens the other.

"As an alumn, I can tell you your in the VAST minority, especially amongst anyone that follows football closely enough to know what they're talking about."

Here's the context:

"The stats I use are accurate. I liken myself to Yankee fans that couldn't stand Billy Martin. They loved the team and despised/loathed/disliked.... him. I have certainly and accurately described past "player behavioral" problems. Please provide an instance where I knocked ND.

PS I enjoyed your description: "an anti-Jelly agenda". There is a building on campus that bears the name of a lifelong friend/alum that calls him "jelly"..... His dislike of kelly, as with many other alum, is worse thaPmemst."

"As an alumn, I can tell you your in the VAST minority, especially amongst anyone that follows football closely enough to know what they're talking about. "

And you frequently post stats that are either slanted, it don't properly address the question at hand...just to forward you agenda

Not to mention you frequently post flat out lies
(Ex. "Kelly is not the winningest active CFB in the FBS)

27 TheDecker, Monday at 10:44 AM"

Pmemorial, are you cvgr with another user name. I believe you are for the record. Just sayin.
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Thank you argus.

The 2013 study found that trolls often have a high expectation of what it means to be successful, which is higher than they are able to attain, and this results in them resenting others who think they are successful but who fall below their standards.

Wikipepia: Troll

Trolling is a game about identity deception, albeit one that is played without the consent of most of the players. The troll attempts to pass as a legitimate participant, sharing the group's common interests and concerns; smart posters, if they are cognizant of trolls and other identity deceptions, attempt to both distinguish real from trolling postings,

Here's where I come in:
and upon judging a poster a troll, make the offending poster leave the group.

Psychological characteristics
Two studies published in 2013 and 2014 have found that people who are identified as trolls tend to havedark personality traits and show signs of sadism, antisocial behavior,psychopathy, the noxious personality characteristics known as the "dark triad of personality" should be investigated in the analysis of trolling, trolling appears "to be an Internet manifestation of everyday sadism."

This is going to be another fun day. I can tell.
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@pmemorial didn't like getting called out for being factually incorrect

He handled it even worse than his other handle @cgvr handled the beating he took after raising the issue himself, in the first place

It's been an embarrassing thread for multiple @cgvr handles (@pmemorial) all around............but their meltdown has been fun to watch!!
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ND @ the pig skin final 2 vs the
