Did you feel the same way about Tea Party protests and marches? Or Civil Rights marches in the 60s?
Good thoughts on all the Marches. The Civil rights Marches were one of the greatest and Just marches in World History along with the marches of Ghandi years befofe. Those marches had just
goals and were non violent. The only violences that took place was by evil people against the people
No other marches can compare with those Marches.
The Tea Party did have specific Goals of lower taxes, smaller government, and a return to the Constitution.
It was also a peaceful march.
In my opinion, the Women's March was peaceful , and I have absolutely no problen with any peaceful
Marches that causes a mimimal amount of disruption to law enforcement and other citizens. ( you well
know that I am a very strick right to life person, as we have discussed this issue in previous posts ).
The Women's march did exclude all right to life Women, so it was more a pro abortion march than a Women,s March, because many women were excluded !
So if the goal of the March was strickly Abortion Rights. Even thought Donald Trump promised that he
would appoint Pro life ,constitutional , Justices to the Supreme Court, The Supreme Court still has to enforce the laws on the books. They can not revoke Rowe V Wade , only congrees can do that.
So I think that the March was a little pre mature.
However, Congress does have the power to cut funding but that remains to be seen.
In short, I am all for peaceful protests, but once Violence breaks out, I am also in favor of strong police actions , arrests , and prosecutions.
As far as protests against the election results, I find them absolutely pointless and counter productive,
unless their goal to start a Revolution !
As President Obama said : Elections have consequences !