I have tried to read all the posts on this tread and ,unfortunately , most have not been worth reading, so I just put those on Ignore.
As far as International Affairs go, President Trump will have a very dificult time because first President
Bush blundered us into over throwing Sadam. However, once we expended all that blood and treasue on
" Conquering " Iraq, We had to stay there untill Iraq was strong enough to defend itself.
Then, President Obama got elected, and declared the war won and over and set his timelines for withdrawing. Unfortunately, the Enemies did not realize or agree that the war was over !
Obama,s Vacumn resulted in ISIS and the Murder of hundreds of thousands of people, torture, burnings
alive, beheadings of Christians and other Muslims, as well as the displacement of millions of refugees who
now overflowing into the West.
President Obama also drew his red lines and never did anything when they were crossed. Russia saw the
weakness of our President and so did Iran. They now are entrenched in Syria and are spreading into Iraq.
President Trump is now in a box ? He must now deal with Syria, and Russia, as well as Iran.
Persident Obama was the most divisive President that this country has ever had in my life time. He could have been the best President possible to help the Black Community and put racial prejudices and hatreds
behind us. Instead he did just the opposite. He Demonized the police , backed groups like " Black Lives
Matter " while at the same time, Black criminals are murdering thousand of Black people every year.
How do we protect The overwhelmingly Large Majority of decent Black People from the Criminals without backing the Police ?
President Trump has reached out to the Black Community. He has promised to rebuild the inner cities,
bring in jobs, revise and expand educational opportunities for Black kids who are now trapper in poor
As far as Trump's Cabinet appointments go,how are they not good ? Mad Dog Mattis is my kind of Marine. So is General Kelly ! I have never seen a Cabinet member before , after swearing in, make the Sign of the Cross ! As a Catholic, I was veryo impress by that action by General Kelly !