To be clear, my negativity re Freeman’s hire is part of a broader issue:
- If ND had an ALL-IN approach to its football program, it wouldn’t have to worry so much about losing recruits by not selecting a SPECIFIC coach – one by the way who a) might not be the best option and b) may be TOO POPULAR with the players so that the university, in effect, SUBS OUT much of the hiring process. Instead, it would have numerous qualified candidates at all times.
- Yes, it might have taken a season or two to RE-STABILIZE recruiting – or MAYBE NOT – but either way, the ND I would like to see would be a RECRUTING power, year on year REGARDLESS of who the coach was as was the case with Faust – 3 number one classes -- followed by Holtz’s 4 number one classes.
- In other words, the INSTITUTION must have its OWN SELLING POWER, apart from who its coach is. It should be ND SELLING ND and not just MARCUS FREEMAN doing it because, to me, that’s an ORDER OF MAGNITUDE DIFFERENT.
- Take OSU since the mid-90’s. They’ve been through a number of coaches. Has recruiting EVER faltered? No. But at ND where coaches have to play THREAD THE NEEDLE, the “fit,” “personality” and “values set” of the coach himself is expected to serve as the EQUALIZING X FACTOR. I mean, what a lot of EXTRA WORK and DRAMA. And to WHAT END?
- Plus, it premises the program’s ENTIRE CHANCES on nabbing that ever-elusive ONE MESSIAH COACH.
- Re Freeman, what matters as much to me is that should he prove successful, it will have been the result of a distant three-point shot rather than something higher percentage and closer to the basket. Sometimes, you get lucky and your BLIND PIG actually finds his ACORN, but, AS AN APPROACH, it’s the very DEFINITION of POOR PLANNING. And by BLIND PIG, I mean ND.
- Kelly’s OU and USC victories were, FOR ME, just as impressive AT THE TIME. There’s usually some RECENCY BIAS, so what happened last Saturday will almost ALWAYS have a leg up in the impressiveness sweepstakes than something from five or ten years ago. It’s fresher and SEEMINGLY more significant. And simply because it’s NOW. But how will it play over time? Watershed moment or random great game?
- And as for Kelly losing the BIG ONES – notably, for me, the two games to Bama and the two to Clemson – I don’t see how ND could have won EVEN ONE OF THEM – and regardless of how fired-up they could have gotten – given the TALENT DIFFERENTIALS. And I’d be willing to bet that Freeman wouldn’t have won those games either simply BY DINT of being Marcus Freeman.
The Clemson victory was NO DOUBT IMPRESSIVE, but ND certainly had the TALENT to beat North Carolina, Syracuse and BYU, not to mention Marshall and Stanford, neither of which it did. And both the OSU and other OSU game were, in the end, LOSSES. So, half a loaf is STILL not a loaf.
But the real point is TALENT. Freeman has beaten one really good team with TOP-TEN TALENT. That he’s ALLEGEDLY gotten the team up for big games more than Kelly did – even were it true – means nothing UNLESS YOU WIN THOSE AND MOST FUTURE GAMES.
By the way, did you see any LACK OF FIRE in Baton Rouge Saturday night? Was that not a BIG GAME win? Were those LSU players not MOTIVATED? Who’s their coach? Brian Kelly. Might LSU be a BETTER ENVIRONMENT for Brian Kelly to coach in? Early days, but he WILL get the talent.
But to finish my point, it was, to me, the COMPARATIVE POUND FOR POUND LACK OF TALENT that ULTIMATELY cost ND those butt whippings to Alabama and Clemson as anyone who watched those games COMPLETELY UNDERSTOOD at the time and, I HOPE, hasn’t forgotten.
The key thing now is HOW WELL WILL FREEMAN DO WITH THE WIND AT HIS BACK? He’s now officially MADE HIS BONES. Can he perform as well in the lead? We’ll see. Faust and Weis couldn’t but Freeman isn’t necessarily either. But if he does do well, I’ll certainly credit him, though whatever it is many think he has, I STILL HAVEN’T SEEN. But then, I could be DEAD WRONG.
In the meantime, thanks for the GOOD-FAITH offer, but GIVE THAT TRAIN SEAT to whomever wants it.