“ The fault Brutus lies not in the stars”

I really wonder if you guys are hoping for a loss here.

Are you gonna be pissed if RL leads us on a 10 game win streak, an 11-1 record, and a playoff birth?

What are you gonna say then?

"But you said 1st round". Blah blah blah.

Leonard is playing really well, the O is playing well, and you guys hate it.
I hope they win out, and ND gets to the playoffs.

As for Leonard playing well. Running the ball yes, but his passing has a lot to be desired.
1. Golson said that last spring/summer
2. Dozens of publications said that along with Golson (they've been cited on this board)
3. People are tired of you hi-jacking threads, so that you can "give people shit".

You jump from thread to thread looking for fights w a few people. You add nothing to the board from a content perspective.

You have to be a kid. Men don't act like this.
Name the dozens of publications that said Leonard was a first round pick or had 1st round talent. Every scouting report I read said no such thing going back to last year. Don't give me some obscure sites or articles from Driscoll.