Key to the game

RL will be the key to the game on offense. If he can keep UGA's defense on their heels with a run threat, it should help open up their defense.
I feel that if RL can rush for 80-100 yards and pass for around 180-190 ND should win.

Defense pressure will be the key. ND needs to shut down UGA running the ball and get pressure on the QB. I am sure AG will have some blitzes etc that their QB has not seen.
So you want RL to rush for a hundy today? That would be nice, that would definitely be stepping up. Stepping up in the clutch.

I’m pessimistic about the game today

Dude, i'm as pessimistic about this game as any.

Two things.

One, ND has a well established track record of embarrassment against teams like UGA. It ain't been pretty!

Second, I worry and feel that our patch work defensive front is going to finally be exposed. They got away with it against a soft schedule, but you better believe UGA will push this issue all game. I would if I were them.
ND has played UGA twice since 2017 and both losses where 7 points or less, and those were much better UGA teams, so point 1 is not quite right. Could we lose? Sure, but we match up ok, so could we win? Sure, absolutely
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Game moved to Thursday Night

No, it is not due to the military. The US military only endangers US citizens, it never helps them. The USA has never been under anything even slightly resembling attack or threat of overthrow of our democracy and the constitution by a hostile foreign belligerent. They simply do not protect Americans from anything, because we are not and have never been under any imminent threat, other than maybe Pearl Harbor, and that was just a raid. Of all the weirdo philosophical pillars you guys build your fantasy ethos around, that one has always been the most egregious.

It's utterly nonsensical, and you just keep it trotting it out every time you guys feel threatened or somebody starts badmouthing the army. Liberal Hollywood even made a movie mocking this very notion, and it became a huge hit, and appears to have gone right over the head of most patriotic jingoistic military types. It was called 'A Few Good Men', and it was a very clear moral attack on the entire US military ethos, even though nobody seemed to have caught on at the time. And the climactic sequence, we get Jack Nicholson's famous speech, about that wall that marines have to guard, that liberal pussies are too scared to do themselves, when the truth is we are not under any attack, we occupy part of Cuba and threaten them, for our own ends and purposes, not the other way around. Cuba is not going to attack America, and the only thing standing between us and foreign occupation is Guantanamo. And that's true for America's entire global military presence. Which only creates resentment and terrorism, at least in the Middle East with all that oil we pretty much consider our own property. If the military wants to take credit for anything, let it be for artificially raising America's standard of living, through global economic coercion and armed power projection, and not protecting US citizens' personal freedoms and constitutional rights at home, which they do not do at all, because they're not under threat, and require no, nor receive any military protection. And it's' a totally nonsense claim to keep making as if it were a mantra. It's like creepy propaganda or something, because it's so absurdly stupid and untrue.

You are free to believe what you want...but I am surprised you believe what you do. No hard feelings. Each to their own.

We line up behind Notre Dame today.

Game moved to Thursday Night

I don't have this stain for the military as I've already said. You guys were just Pawns in a bigger game. However let's stop with the big reverence for the military veterans. You guys chose to sign up because you needed a job. You got paid. You got all sorts of other benefits. You're no different than a fireman. So sick of people saying thank you for your service when the person voluntarily decided they wanted to shoot other people

I volunteered out of gratitude for the USA accepting my family and me as immigrants. I even lost a scholarship because I still wasn't naturalized in college when I took ROTC. I still honored my commitment...sure, you do what you're asked to do.

And yes, it's uncommon service. You put your life and limb on the line. And yes, as an officer, I got a bit more pay and benefits compared to enlisted men. But nothing compared to my civilian peers.

Honor the enlisted 11Bravo's who serve < 20 years. They don't qualify for pensions. But struggle to transition to a civilian sector often disdaining them. They kept open global supply chains, correlated to rising GDP everywhere. Keeping ambitious oppressors at I explained.

BTW: we watched college football together in the military. Rec rooms were packed. Jawing back and forth. These are your fellow fans and Americans. Great enlisted looking to do better in life, classically from the lowest rung.

Today I'll cheer cheer for ole Notre Dame...and our veterans! You should too.


Attack on Bourbon St

You’re 1000% wrong in your assessment regarding what I think about Islam

To declare that Islam is a religion of peace is absurd

The point I made stands: Islam is malleable to exegesis that can make it a religion of has been done with Judaism and Christianity. You essentially said it isn't, hence my response...and by implication you make it seem it is intrinsically not a religion of peace.

Key to the game

RL will be the key to the game on offense. If he can keep UGA's defense on their heels with a run threat, it should help open up their defense.
I feel that if RL can rush for 80-100 yards and pass for around 180-190 ND should win.

Defense pressure will be the key. ND needs to shut down UGA running the ball and get pressure on the QB. I am sure AG will have some blitzes etc that their QB has not seen.

Game moved to Thursday Night

Gold only has value because people believe it has value. The same as the U$ dollar. The same as crypto.

The Ponzi scheme was already well entrenched before we left the gold standard.

We had a nice finance thread going for this topic. Investing and money are dear to my heart in a positive way. Suffice it to say, I'm a pretty disciplined and successful investor: 1) dollar cost into an age appropriate mix of stock, bond, money, & REIT funds; 2) Better yet, value invest in irrationally underpriced individual instruments, per Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett.

Money is the following:
  • Medium of exchange: People use money to buy and sell things from each other.
  • Unit of account: Money provides a common base for setting prices.
  • Stable Store of value: People can save money and use it later...emphasis on stability, which crypt isn't!
You are DEAD right about money being a matter of faith. All money is based on it fiat, crypto, or precious metals.

But, gotta be honest, there is no Ponzi scheme here. The US system is fair when it comes to money, investing, and ROI. The S&P500 has produced 9% CAGR in nearly any 20 year period since 1871. Never has lost in any 20 year period...a remarkable and investable phenomena.

Lastly, with that, don't bet your hard earned money on sports. Not even on Notre Dame. ;) Invest in the S&P500. Use some surplus to buy Irish tickets! :)

Is it just me....

Obviously the truck business is throwing a totally random wrench into the mix, and is a distraction. So it definitely does feel off. Kirby seems like a pretty good motivational coach. About as good a good old boy as they come. MF's going to have to match him, as far as getting this team up, under the bizarre circumstances.

Georgia is going to attempt to run the ball down NDs throat

You are by far more grounded than me in these matters and it's good to have people like you around to temper me down a bit lol

I totally times.... can see the forest through the trees in regards to ND football. MF more than ND needs this win to remove that doubt.

I still think Ga's QB has not seen the scheme that will be coming at him with this speed and wil eventually get in his head just my opinion but we'll see

On a side note it's rumored that if OSU wins it all Day/Kelly will be hired by the Chicago Bears.
Do you believe OSU will come after MF, and will he go if it does happens ?
If that’s the case with Day then I believe OSU will come hard after freeman especially if he wins today.
In my heart I believe freeman will stay here with us.
Maybe I’m just naive. We’ll see.
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Game moved to Thursday Night

Dear Talentless Mr Ripley,

Your contempt for those of us that have honorably served this nation is appalling. Yes, you are free to speak your opinion (most of it is baseless and delusional) and that is due to our military that you have that very right. Based on your rhetoric, maybe you would feel more at home commenting on another site than a college football forum.

There is no need for you to respond, because you have nothing of importance to say that would remotely garner my attention moving forward.
No, it is not due to the military. The US military only endangers US citizens, it never helps them. The USA has never been under anything even slightly resembling attack or threat of overthrow of our democracy and the constitution by a hostile foreign belligerent. They simply do not protect Americans from anything, because we are not and have never been under any imminent threat, other than maybe Pearl Harbor, and that was just a raid. Of all the weirdo philosophical pillars you guys build your fantasy ethos around, that one has always been the most egregious.

It's utterly nonsensical, and you just keep it trotting it out every time you guys feel threatened or somebody starts badmouthing the army. Liberal Hollywood even made a movie mocking this very notion, and it became a huge hit, and appears to have gone right over the head of most patriotic jingoistic military types. It was called 'A Few Good Men', and it was a very clear moral attack on the entire US military ethos, even though nobody seemed to have caught on at the time. And the climactic sequence, we get Jack Nicholson's famous speech, about that wall that marines have to guard, that liberal pussies are too scared to do themselves, when the truth is we are not under any attack, we occupy part of Cuba and threaten them, for our own ends and purposes, not the other way around. Cuba is not going to attack America, and the only thing standing between us and foreign occupation is Guantanamo. And that's true for America's entire global military presence. Which only creates resentment and terrorism, at least in the Middle East with all that oil we pretty much consider our own property. If the military wants to take credit for anything, let it be for artificially raising America's standard of living, through global economic coercion and armed power projection, and not protecting US citizens' personal freedoms and constitutional rights at home, which they do not do at all, because they're not under threat, and require no, nor receive any military protection. And it's' a totally nonsense claim to keep making as if it were a mantra. It's like creepy propaganda or something, because it's so absurdly stupid and untrue.
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