No, it is not due to the military. The US military only endangers US citizens, it never helps them. The USA has never been under anything even slightly resembling attack or threat of overthrow of our democracy and the constitution by a hostile foreign belligerent. They simply do not protect Americans from anything, because we are not and have never been under any imminent threat, other than maybe Pearl Harbor, and that was just a raid. Of all the weirdo philosophical pillars you guys build your fantasy ethos around, that one has always been the most egregious.
It's utterly nonsensical, and you just keep it trotting it out every time you guys feel threatened or somebody starts badmouthing the army. Liberal Hollywood even made a movie mocking this very notion, and it became a huge hit, and appears to have gone right over the head of most patriotic jingoistic military types. It was called 'A Few Good Men', and it was a very clear moral attack on the entire US military ethos, even though nobody seemed to have caught on at the time. And the climactic sequence, we get Jack Nicholson's famous speech, about that wall that marines have to guard, that liberal pussies are too scared to do themselves, when the truth is we are not under any attack, we occupy part of Cuba and threaten them, for our own ends and purposes, not the other way around. Cuba is not going to attack America, and the only thing standing between us and foreign occupation is Guantanamo. And that's true for America's entire global military presence. Which only creates resentment and terrorism, at least in the Middle East with all that oil we pretty much consider our own property. If the military wants to take credit for anything, let it be for artificially raising America's standard of living, through global economic coercion and armed power projection, and not protecting US citizens' personal freedoms and constitutional rights at home, which they do not do at all, because they're not under threat, and require no, nor receive any military protection. And it's' a totally nonsense claim to keep making as if it were a mantra. It's like creepy propaganda or something, because it's so absurdly stupid and untrue.