"Ohio State is pushing the next level in this evolutionary arms race"
I would like to thank the Supreme Court for their shortsightedness for destroying a staple institution.
Not so much in regards to playoffs, or players getting paid , but since the 1800s students were not getting paid to play a game (I know corporate money at the time wasn't a corrupted source), but it was a fair trade an education for playing a game.
The Court could of ruled that the whole structure had a certain amount of time to figure out a way to figure out how not destroy the institution of college football but be fair across the landscape from the players to the university to the fan base who are the harmed party in all this to be honest.
There's no doubt dirty money is being flushed through this debacle, and the ncaa has been castrated
I too lamented the demise of at least a nominal student-athlete ideal. I think we discussed in the past how giving false grades was rampant once even at ND. Then it came under more scrutiny, with some but not all colleges clamping down. But even with this, the athletes were part of the college and student body.
They're now fully going semipro.
And yet the people come. I admit I was riveted last night watching Ohio State. Their fans are genuine. Many graduates behind a culture of winning. And former players. Deep coaching DNA.
I wonder if their players take harder degrees? Grades? Again, maybe some of these easy degrees can be a remedial academic path? At least with money management & personal finance? Securing that NIL with ROI?
ND can take charge here. As a social and Catholic mission. Yes, I'm fantasizing a bit...because I believe in the ND brand, Catholic mission, and winning.
It sure is changing. Maybe, just maybe, glimmer of hope for not the worst.