I take back everything I said...

You literally now have players, playing for the school but not tied to the school.
You have people who live at the university. They can honor class if the want, they don't really have to go to class. They are playing for the university, but not because they are students
I question whether they are even playing for the university at this point...Looks more like they are playing for the power brokers....the special interests. The university is a byproduct.
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ND will beat Georgia 31-17

I wish I had your optimism. Until we can actually win a game against a team like Georgia, I have a hard time seeing us winning.

Now. I don't feel this is one of those Georgia teams like we've seen in the past and they're obviously beatable. I kind of think we match up well against them. If the game is a low scoring affair, I give my node to us pulling it out, but we can't let them jump up by double digits early.

Curt Cignetti

Cignetti is a dick, pure and simple. He coached locally at Elon and he was a prick from day one. He’s finally made it to the big leagues (google me) and thinks that his dickness will work in Bloomington. The act will wear out soon (although they did adore the biggest dick head coach in college sports) so maybe the good Indiana fans like dicks.
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I take back everything I said...

Exactlly. IMO, it's totally out of hand. No limit on what one player can be paid nor a max on the team overall as I understand the NIL program.

I live in North Carolina. When they hired Bill Belichick the President of NC said they would provide him with "Tens of millions of dollars" to get players from the Portal. Now Belichick said "Everyone is calling me. Agents, players, etc. all want to be a part of this". Translation: All they're seeing is green.

To me, if a player is negotiating with different teams simply to get the most money, that's probably not the type of player you want. Next year, he'll do it again and the year after that and on and on.

True to a good extent. But maybe teams like ND can leverage the brand to get more stability. Rounding the roster with key transfers with disproportionate NIL money?

I bet Riley Leonard is having the time of his life. And ND is an NFL path. Getting some solid degree too. He will be an advocate...telling players: stick it out, ND is the real deal, make some $$$ and give yourself many life options.

The key is if ND can keep up with what Ohio State is becoming: all the depth that NIL, brand, transfers, academic accommodation, and coaching can produce...with NFL coaching coming if Day doesn't get it done, ala Belichick, a move more significant that some realize.

I think ND can keep up on the stability and brand factor, with a coach like MF who has the charisma to convince great players to come and stay. There are enough good ones who can pass ND academics to put together an elite team.
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I take back everything I said...

"Ohio State is pushing the next level in this evolutionary arms race"

I would like to thank the Supreme Court for their shortsightedness for destroying a staple institution.
Not so much in regards to playoffs, or players getting paid , but since the 1800s students were not getting paid to play a game (I know corporate money at the time wasn't a corrupted source), but it was a fair trade an education for playing a game.
The Court could of ruled that the whole structure had a certain amount of time to figure out a way to figure out how not destroy the institution of college football but be fair across the landscape from the players to the university to the fan base who are the harmed party in all this to be honest.
There's no doubt dirty money is being flushed through this debacle, and the ncaa has been castrated

I too lamented the demise of at least a nominal student-athlete ideal. I think we discussed in the past how giving false grades was rampant once even at ND. Then it came under more scrutiny, with some but not all colleges clamping down. But even with this, the athletes were part of the college and student body.

They're now fully going semipro.

And yet the people come. I admit I was riveted last night watching Ohio State. Their fans are genuine. Many graduates behind a culture of winning. And former players. Deep coaching DNA.

I wonder if their players take harder degrees? Grades? Again, maybe some of these easy degrees can be a remedial academic path? At least with money management & personal finance? Securing that NIL with ROI?

ND can take charge here. As a social and Catholic mission. Yes, I'm fantasizing a bit...because I believe in the ND brand, Catholic mission, and winning.

:D 🙏 :D

It sure is changing. Maybe, just maybe, glimmer of hope for not the worst.
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I take back everything I said...

Its all about the benjamins. Looks like Kelly's whining and stumping for more NIL cash is paying off in the portal. It really is an arms race...but only amongst the superpowers.
Exactlly. IMO, it's totally out of hand. No limit on what one player can be paid nor a max on the team overall as I understand the NIL program.

I live in North Carolina. When they hired Bill Belichick the President of NC said they would provide him with "Tens of millions of dollars" to get players from the Portal. Now Belichick said "Everyone is calling me. Agents, players, etc. all want to be a part of this". Translation: All they're seeing is green.

To me, if a player is negotiating with different teams simply to get the most money, that's probably not the type of player you want. Next year, he'll do it again and the year after that and on and on.
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I take back everything I said...

"Ohio State is pushing the next level in this evolutionary arms race"

I would like to thank the Supreme Court for their shortsightedness for destroying a staple institution.
Not so much in regards to playoffs, or players getting paid , but since the 1800s students were not getting paid to play a game (I know corporate money at the time wasn't a corrupted source), but it was a fair trade an education for playing a game.
The Court could of ruled that the whole structure had a certain amount of time to figure out a way to figure out how not destroy to the institution of college football but be fair across the landscape from the players to the university to the fan base who are the harmed party in all this to be honest.
There's no doubt dirty money is being flushed through this debacle, and the ncaa has been castrated
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I take back everything I said...

Its all about the benjamins. Looks like Kelly's whining and stumping for more NIL cash is paying off in the portal. It really is an arms race...but only amongst the superpowers.

2 good posts hitting the nail on the head.

It's indeed about committing $$$.

NIL has changed everything. SEC can't aggrandize with under the table payments anymore. Don't have the pockets like many others getting more talent.

The blue bloods with the pockets are in pole position only by $$$ committed.

ND surprisingly stands to do well. Deep pockets. Brand. The most surprising factor...the brand + stability, as many teams have too volatile a roster. This might negate that ND won't offer academic accommodation.

ND can fine tune at key positions with transfers, but still have enough talent and depth with attracting the best athletes who can handle the curriculum. Finally, Marcus Freeman is exactly the coach needed in this situation. He has the charisma and is evolving FAST as a total coach.
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I take back everything I said...

One thing I believe is true. A handful of teams garner most of the top end talent. Then there is a considerable drop off with the rest of the field. If you have 4 teams , then 5&6 complaint they should’ve been in. If you have 8 teams then 9&10 say they should’ve been in. The beat goes on. There’s no perfect formula. What is true though is that most top talent goes to the same schools year after year. Just go look at recruiting rankings over the last 20 years. Most of the same teams are in the top ten every year. Those teams have talent 3 and 4 deep at every position. NIL and more likely the Portal has helped those other teams become competitive, like SMU and IU when they normally wouldn’t be that good. What those teams lack is depth. Teams like Georgia, Ohio state , Bama and Oregon replace players without missing a beat. That’s where most of the talent is at. Tennessee is a very good team with talent throughout. But Ohio state has eltite talent throughout. That was obvious. The moral of the story ? You could have 10 , 12 , 14 or more in a playoff. But the high end talent is in the top 5 or 6 teams. After that there’s a big drop off . That’s just the way it is.
Its all about the benjamins. Looks like Kelly's whining and stumping for more NIL cash is paying off in the portal. It really is an arms race...but only amongst the superpowers.
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I take back everything I said...

One thing I believe is true. A handful of teams garner most of the top end talent. Then there is a considerable drop off with the rest of the field. If you have 4 teams , then 5&6 complaint they should’ve been in. If you have 8 teams then 9&10 say they should’ve been in. The beat goes on. There’s no perfect formula. What is true though is that most top talent goes to the same schools year after year. Just go look at recruiting rankings over the last 20 years. Most of the same teams are in the top ten every year. Those teams have talent 3 and 4 deep at every position. NIL and more likely the Portal has helped those other teams become competitive, like SMU and IU when they normally wouldn’t be that good. What those teams lack is depth. Teams like Georgia, Ohio state , Bama and Oregon replace players without missing a beat. That’s where most of the talent is at. Tennessee is a very good team with talent throughout. But Ohio state has eltite talent throughout. That was obvious. The moral of the story ? You could have 10 , 12 , 14 or more in a playoff. But the high end talent is in the top 5 or 6 teams. After that there’s a big drop off . That’s just the way it is.

ND will beat Georgia 31-17

But that's the point.

A backup only takes so many snaps with the first team until the starting QB gets hurt. Now he's "The guy" and therefore is getting a LOT more reps. He won't be as effective as Beck but don't count him out, either. They can scale down the passing game for him and trust me, they've got a really good coaching staff top to bottom.

They'll have the kid prepared and it will be a dog fight (no pun intended).
He wouldn't be that back up quarterback at Georgia if he wasn't good. They rift out back ups that start elsewhere at good programs. I don't buy the quarterback issue.

If Tenn played in the SEC…

100% Oregon and Ohio State got shafted. I get an automatic qualifying setup. But it was dead wrong to place teams without some consideration for ranking and conference distribution.

FIFA does this right for soccer World Cup seedings and distribution. Ok, ranking itself is never perfect. Europe for example is much better than Asia and upper Americas. But you have to have some inclusivity. More European teams rightfully get in on...but once in, teams are pretty balanced, except 1 group of death...where you might get 2 strong and 2 good teams.

But no way should Oregon and Ohio State be in a path of death in this kind of setup. At least not until semis. The CFP committee will learn. They will get better at this.

I take back everything I said...

They certainly look like the best team SO FAR.

I know.

I've been saying for a while there is no standout team. But I may be wrong. We all might have college football is emotional as well as analytical, where even stacked teams don't get it all right.

Like I keep saying, Ohio State might just in time be getting it all right...looked scary last night. Against a solid Volunteers team too. I looked at the Tennessee message board...and most acknowledged the talent gap.

Ohio State is pushing the next level in this evolutionary arms race. It dawned on me that the Belichick move is giving them ideas if Day doesn't come through. They will find a pro young coach to take this to the next level.
