What's happening to the First Amendment?

Yeah, NY Times is fake news... that is very Putin-like of you. It is fake news if you don't believe it.

Not hurting over Hillary... Hurting for my country where free speech was once the most important of our founding principles. Somewhere Thomas Jefferson is weeping.
Trump is the best thing to happen in politics in a very long time. Sit back and enjoy the ride

NY Times has been caught in more bad lies than weekend golfers


Do not demean the millions who died in WW2 at the hands of Nazi scum by making comparisons to Trump

Do not insult your President with such venom

Obama sucked. Let terrorists go from Gitmo and countless bad deals but he was my President and I never whined Like a child and compared him to such a despicable despot
Trump is the best thing to happen in politics in a very long time. Sit back and enjoy the ride

NY Times has been caught in more bad lies than weekend golfers


Do not demean the millions who died in WW2 at the hands of Nazi scum by making comparisons to Trump

Do not insult your President with such venom

Obama sucked. Let terrorists go from Gitmo and countless bad deals but he was my President and I never whined Like a child and compared him to such a despicable despot
Well done! Hitler killed 6 million Jews in gas chambers and they're comparing Trump tweeting about Fake News at CNN to Auschwitz. Appalling and shameless. With no respect to the actual victims of Nazi torture.
Libturds wouldn't do it!

Obama’s private briefings for liberal members of the media, which excluded conservatives, were well-documented. A few:

  • December 2012: Several journalists reported that MSNBC hosts were meeting privately with President Obama to discuss the impending “fiscal cliff” fight.
  • May 2013: NPR’s Ari Shapiro reported that President Obama was meeting privately with “lefty columnists,” but hastened to add that there was “nothing nefarious” about it.
  • November 2013: President Obama met again with liberal journalists, as Obamacare struggled with the failure of and other problems.
  • March 2015: Politico’s media reporter, Hadas Gold, reported that “a group of journalists and columnists,” all on the left, met privately with President Obama, but the White House refused to say “who else was at the meeting or what was discussed.”
Don't confuse him with facts.
what has happened to this board?
I am going to pull something from "The Simpsons"

Oh Canada
Our home and native land
True patriot love
In all thy sons command
With glowing hearts
We see thee rise
The True North Strong and FREE....
what has happened to this board?
I am going to pull something from "The Simpsons"

Oh Canada
Our home and native land
True patriot love
In all thy sons command
With glowing hearts
We see thee rise
The True North Strong and FREE....
Keep supporting comrade Trumpsky and you will need to learn the words to the Russian national anthem.
Keep supporting comrade Trumpsky and you will need to learn the words to the Russian national anthem.

With the polarization of America recently the options always seem like:
1.) Bankrupt, unemployed, snowflake Greece (or Italy, or France, or Spain)
2.) Totalitarian, oppresive Russia

Here's hoping that Trump can ultimately get us back to the "less government, more business" America of the past.

At the very least, I'm quite happy that the "Business (or lack thereof) as Usual" is being kicked out of Washington right now.

I'll certainly be interested in continuing to vote outsiders (especially business-oriented folks) into office at every level, so we can prioritize efficiency and actually getting things done!!
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With the polarization of America recently the options always seem like:
1.) Bankrupt, unemployed, snowflake Greece (or Italy, or France, or Spain)
2.) Totalitarian, oppresive Russia

Here's hoping that Trump can ultimately get us back to the "less government, more business" America of the past.

At the very least, I'm quite happy that the "Business (or lack thereof) as Usual" is being kicked out of Washington right now.

I'll certainly be interested in continuing to vote outsiders (especially business-oriented folks) into office at every level, so we can prioritize efficiency and actually getting things done!!
Bc the professional politicians hv done such a great job this country. Lower Corp tax rates and repatriation deal on about 3 trillion in US Corp profits in foreign banks ought to do wonders for our economy. Obama would be more concerned with filling out his March madness brackets then stimulating our economy with pro growth policies. It's a welcome change to hv a results orientated prez.
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Reactions: Bodizephax know my conservative roots, and while I don't agree with the first amendment implication you suggest, nor the analogy to Hitler's Germany, I do agree that Trump and his admin are making a huge mistake in excluding legitimate news organizations, from any briefings, etc... our Democracy requires a vigilant skeptical press that constantly questions actions and motives, of our political leaders, etc.... This administration seems too thin skinned and puts everything into context of personal attacks, and Trumps characteristic go on the attack response is not in our best interest. That said, I don't recall any liberal outrage when Obama attacked the Supreme Court justices for a decision he didn't like at one of his State of the Union addresses, nor did I hear any liberal outrage over the numerous times Obama criticized Fox News and blamed them for his inability to get anything done in Congress. I totally disagree with how Trump is responding to press criticism, as I think this hurts our democracy, but no more so than a liberal press that repeatedly failed to question and challenge Obama for his disregard for our system of checks and balances, etc... We are all best served when the media meets its obligation of being vigilant and skeptical and questioning, while refraining from reports that cannot be verified from multiple sources, and today's media is far from this. know my conservative roots, and while I don't agree with the first amendment implication you suggest, nor the analogy to Hitler's Germany, I do agree that Trump and his admin are making a huge mistake in excluding legitimate news organizations, from any briefings, etc... our Democracy requires a vigilant skeptical press that constantly questions actions and motives, of our political leaders, etc.... This administration seems too thin skinned and puts everything into context of personal attacks, and Trumps characteristic go on the attack response is not in our best interest. That said, I don't recall any liberal outrage when Obama attacked the Supreme Court justices for a decision he didn't like at one of his State of the Union addresses, nor did I hear any liberal outrage over the numerous times Obama criticized Fox News and blamed them for his inability to get anything done in Congress. I totally disagree with how Trump is responding to press criticism, as I think this hurts our democracy, but no more so than a liberal press that repeatedly failed to question and challenge Obama for his disregard for our system of checks and balances, etc... We are all best served when the media meets its obligation of being vigilant and skeptical and questioning, while refraining from reports that cannot be verified from multiple sources, and today's media is far from this.

Good post as usual. Trump is certainly combative and I think that is , mostly,more a plus than a minus. I was checking out CNN online this morning, and not only was everything negative about Trump but they even took shoots at the First Lady and Trump's daughter.
The " Loyal " opostion is giving no ground or trying to cooperate in any way, and neither are CNN, NYT, etc. I think that, therefore, our President realizes that he is in a "war" and he is also not going to give any ground ? Perhaps it is time to slug it out instead of " Boxing " and fancy dancing ?
I am with you that freedom of the press is vital to our democracy, but I think that President Trump has it correct that the Major Media is certainly an arm of the Democratic Party ? News outlets that simple dispense
propaganda are certainly free to do so , but , by so doing, they do a disservice to the country and to true Journalism.
I would like to see Journalist get back to reporting the news accurately without interjecting there own biases. Any opinions should be left to tha Opinion Pages and Editorials.
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Good post as usual. Trump is certainly combative and I think that is , mostly,more a plus than a minus. I was checking out CNN online this morning, and not only was everything negative about Trump but they even took shoots at the First Lady and Trump's daughter.
The " Loyal " opostion is giving no ground or trying to cooperate in any way, and neither are CNN, NYT, etc. I think that, therefore, our President realizes that he is in a "war" and he is also not going to give any ground ? Perhaps it is time to slug it out instead of " Boxing " and fancy dancing ?
I am with you that freedom of the press is vital to our democracy, but I think that President Trump has it correct that the Major Media is certainly an arm of the Democratic Party ? News outlets that simple dispense
propaganda are certainly free to do so , but , by so doing, they do a disservice to the country and to true Journalism.
I would like to see Journalist get back to reporting the news accurately without interjecting there own biases. Any opinions should be left to tha Opinion Pages and Editorials.
RGC....Largey agree, just wish the Admin would come up with a more effective way of calling out the BS, while not taking it personal as is Trumps habit. They have to come up with a strategy that identifies totally fabricated news without taking broad brush slaps at the media, and they should never ban news organizations from briefings as that has the look and feel of manipulating the news to their own advantage. They can only "win" this war if they are smart and criticize only fake news, and substantiate this, while growing some balls and recognize and embrace the legitimate role of the news media in our democracy; something I don't think Trump is capable of doing. Would rather be seeing tax reform and regulation reform and healthcare reform as the focus, rather than stories about the NYT and CNN et al not being allowed into a briefing.
Comrade Trump is now banning press (CNN, NYTimes, Politico.)

Can you imagine if Obama banned Fox?!

This is all beginning to feel very 1930s Germany.
LOL Yuo realize Obama banned Fox from a televised press conference, right? He had to drop it when the other news agency said they would not participate just as Fox did in this example. The move was petty and stupid by Trump but it has nothing to do with freedom of the press. That right does not promises free access nor keep someone to meeting with a portion of the press as Presidents do all the time. You must realize many news providers are not credentialed form the White House. This wasn't a freedom of the press issue. It was a stupid move issue.

I agree it was a dumb idea but please be more accurate when discussing the constitution.
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Comrade Trump is now banning press (CNN, NYTimes, Politico.)

Can you imagine if Obama banned Fox?!

This is all beginning to feel very 1930s Germany.
Democrats, can't live with them and we can't ship them off to Mexico. Notice how Republicans didn't bitch when Obama took office, but Democrats lose the White House and the Senate, so t don't get there way and now they want to act like 4 years who didn't get there way. Grow the hell up!
Yeah, NY Times is fake news... that is very Putin-like of you. It is fake news if you don't believe it.

Not hurting over Hillary... Hurting for my country where free speech was once the most important of our founding principles. Somewhere Thomas Jefferson is weeping.
You know you are full of crap if you believe that.
RGC....Largey agree, just wish the Admin would come up with a more effective way of calling out the BS, while not taking it personal as is Trumps habit. They have to come up with a strategy that identifies totally fabricated news without taking broad brush slaps at the media, and they should never ban news organizations from briefings as that has the look and feel of manipulating the news to their own advantage. They can only "win" this war if they are smart and criticize only fake news, and substantiate this, while growing some balls and recognize and embrace the legitimate role of the news media in our democracy; something I don't think Trump is capable of doing. Would rather be seeing tax reform and regulation reform and healthcare reform as the focus, rather than stories about the NYT and CNN et al not being allowed into a briefing.

I agree with you just about on all points, especially the Tax Reform, healtht care , and regulations.
In the final analysis, If President Trump can get his programs all approved and working effectively,
I think that he will unite this country like is has not been united in a long time.
If he does that, The Democrats will become a minority party for many years ! I just watched their
vote for a new DNC chairman, and some of the first words out of his mouth were " That Trump was
the Worse President ever ! " Wow , after one month and without many of his cabinet and nominations
not even in place ? Doesn' look like our President is going to get any help or cooperation from the " Loyal
opposition? "
The only way the country will ever come together is if our President succeds !
  • Like
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Yeah, NY Times is fake news... that is very Putin-like of you. It is fake news if you don't believe it.

Not hurting over Hillary... Hurting for my country where free speech was once the most important of our founding principles. Somewhere Thomas Jefferson is weeping.
What the white house did is not a violation of free speech. The White House doesn't tell those excluded news agencies want to print or what to say.
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Libturds wouldn't do it!

Obama’s private briefings for liberal members of the media, which excluded conservatives, were well-documented. A few:

  • December 2012: Several journalists reported that MSNBC hosts were meeting privately with President Obama to discuss the impending “fiscal cliff” fight.
  • May 2013: NPR’s Ari Shapiro reported that President Obama was meeting privately with “lefty columnists,” but hastened to add that there was “nothing nefarious” about it.
  • November 2013: President Obama met again with liberal journalists, as Obamacare struggled with the failure of and other problems.
  • March 2015: Politico’s media reporter, Hadas Gold, reported that “a group of journalists and columnists,” all on the left, met privately with President Obama, but the White House refused to say “who else was at the meeting or what was discussed.”
Name calling, the weapon of choice of the uninformed.
Republicans didn't complain when Obama took office!!!!
They complained for 8 years. Called him a muslim. Non stop birther bitching. Republicans blamed Obama for the Iraq war. They vowed to obstruct anything he did. As McConnell said their job was not to put America to work but to put Obama out of work.

Lets put it this way then. The Dems can do anything that the republicans did and you can't call it whining. Plus, you can call it following the majority's will.
Republicans didn't complain when Obama took office!!!!
They complained for 8 years. Called him a muslim. Non stop birther bitching. Republicans blamed Obama for the Iraq war. They vowed to obstruct anything he did. As McConnell said their job was not to put America to work but to put Obama out of work.

Lets put it this way then. The Dems can do anything that the republicans did and you can't call it whining. Plus, you can call it following the majority's will.

Infamous Watergate reporter Bob Woodward had some uncomfortable words for the mainstream media's safe-space-seekers. Following a tempestuous few days as the media and the White House toss propaganda grenades at one another, on Friday's broadcast of MSNBC's "Hardball" show, the Washington Post Associate Editor stated that:

the press “shouldn’t whine, and if we sound like we are an interest group only concerned with ourselves, it doesn’t work with the public.
Yeah, NY Times is fake news... that is very Putin-like of you. It is fake news if you don't believe it.

Not hurting over Hillary... Hurting for my country where free speech was once the most important of our founding principles. Somewhere Thomas Jefferson is weeping.
The country is not hurting for you.
Funny how you use Jefferson as if would approve of the Lefts agenda.
The Press has no problem with free speech....It's naming their sources for the lies they spread

By the way what did you think of that "Scape Goat " tweet!. Pelosi, and Cummings looked like the fools they have become
Yeah, NY Times is fake news... that is very Putin-like of you. It is fake news if you don't believe it.

Not hurting over Hillary... Hurting for my country where free speech was once the most important of our founding principles. Somewhere Thomas Jefferson is weeping.
I've must of missed you post on James Rosen when the Obama administration violated his rights
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Republicans didn't complain when Obama took office!!!!
They complained for 8 years. Called him a muslim. Non stop birther bitching. Republicans blamed Obama for the Iraq war. They vowed to obstruct anything he did. As McConnell said their job was not to put America to work but to put Obama out of work.

Lets put it this way then. The Dems can do anything that the republicans did and you can't call it whining. Plus, you can call it following the majority's will.
I don't recall any comparisons to Hitler. Do you?
Keep supporting comrade Trumpsky and you will need to learn the words to the Russian national anthem.

This comrade narrative is such BS. Clinton loses the election. The democratic operatives and media say there is evidence of Russian interference. /the narrative from the Democratic party leadership and their news media says the Russians wanted 'Trump to win because that would be better from the Russians Where is the effing evidence? there is none Meanwhile HRC provides 20% of all Uranium mines to the Russians Putin. Prior to that your savior Obama promised he would have more flexibility after the 2012 election to the Russian ambassador.. The reality is they may have interfered from some degree or another but its not like the people are drones and said we got to vote for Trump now. Also if anything the Russians would not care who won only if they could disrupt things for confusion. maybe if your theory on Russian interference affecting the outcome they wanted HRC to win. There is no proof of anything. /if you look @ the documents that were released from the agencies nothing said there was a result that had an effect on the election.. Also Wikileaks leader said he did not get the information from the Russians. Per Sean Hannity interview. He would not say who was the culprit. one thing we can say about Wikileaks is they have never been proven wrong. As far as HRC she set up an illegal server in the bathroom closet of a non-approved IT company. The system was not secure. Even you could have hacked this computer. Or least someone like you who lives in their mothers basement saving the internet.
The supposed "hacking" was in great part releasing emails that were accurate but embarassed Hillary and Podesta. Things papers would get the Pulitzer prize for.
This comrade narrative is such BS. Clinton loses the election. The democratic operatives and media say there is evidence of Russian interference. /the narrative from the Democratic party leadership and their news media says the Russians wanted 'Trump to win because that would be better from the Russians Where is the effing evidence? there is none Meanwhile HRC provides 20% of all Uranium mines to the Russians Putin. Prior to that your savior Obama promised he would have more flexibility after the 2012 election to the Russian ambassador.. The reality is they may have interfered from some degree or another but its not like the people are drones and said we got to vote for Trump now. Also if anything the Russians would not care who won only if they could disrupt things for confusion. maybe if your theory on Russian interference affecting the outcome they wanted HRC to win. There is no proof of anything. /if you look @ the documents that were released from the agencies nothing said there was a result that had an effect on the election.. Also Wikileaks leader said he did not get the information from the Russians. Per Sean Hannity interview. He would not say who was the culprit. one thing we can say about Wikileaks is they have never been proven wrong. As far as HRC she set up an illegal server in the bathroom closet of a non-approved IT company. The system was not secure. Even you could have hacked this computer. Or least someone like you who lives in their mothers basement saving the internet.
Anonymous sources tell the Media per the media. That's their proof. It's essentially hearsay.
The supposed "hacking" was in great part reasing emails that were accurate but embarassed Hillary and Podesta. Things papers would get the Pulitzer prize for.
Where was the FBI announcement prior to the election of the investigation of comrade Trumpsky's treasonous dealings with the Russians? Putin is pulling all of comrade Trumpsky's strings and when the truth is revealed comrade Trumpsky will be tried for treason.
Where was the FBI announcement prior to the election of the investigation of comrade Trumpsky's treasonous dealings with the Russians? Putin is pulling all of comrade Trumpsky's strings and when the truth is revealed comrade Trumpsky will be tried for treason.
Keep buying tinfoil stocks they appear to be going higher!
Where was the FBI announcement prior to the election of the investigation of comrade Trumpsky's treasonous dealings with the Russians? Putin is pulling all of comrade Trumpsky's strings and when the truth is revealed comrade Trumpsky will be tried for treason.

um who made the deals for uranium. and how much did Clinton make off of it. maybe you can have a socialist or communist perfection state that most california residents want.
um who made the deals for uranium. and how much did Clinton make off of it. maybe you can have a socialist or communist perfection state that most california residents want.
He calls people Comrade and says Trumpsky. After Clinton s illegal private email server which compromised national security. So she could continue her illegal foreign money laundering operation ( Clinton Foundation ) without them being subject to congressional oversight and FOIA requests. He says all that bs after Benghazi and the lie of the youtube video inciting a spontaneous riot. What is more accurately is an Alinskyite! Smear the opponent. Facts be damned.
Where was the FBI announcement prior to the election of the investigation of comrade Trumpsky's treasonous dealings with the Russians? Putin is pulling all of comrade Trumpsky's strings and when the truth is revealed comrade Trumpsky will be tried for treason.

What are his treasonous dealing with the Russians? What's the truth that will be revealed. Please tell us you have something.
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I doubt very much you will ever get an answer to your Question ? I came to the conclusion that
many of the Liberal Posters are Robots and not real People. It is like trying to reason with a programed answering Robot.
If you would like a time table, press number 1.
If you would like the price of a ticket, press number 2.
If you would like to purchase a ticket, press number 3.
If you would like me to repeat the selections, press number 4.
They simply are not programed to reason !
That's what happens when you force all opinions to match your own. I have never seen anything worse than the democratic party (and media control) for mainstream brainwashing. They want to get rid of free-thinking at all cost.

Clinton got her butt whooped fair and square by Trump. The democrats (and media) were so surprised that they cannot accept it. They cry, riot, terrorize people like thugs. In my mind, the democrat party have become terrorists.
Keep supporting comrade Trumpsky and you will need to learn the words to the Russian national anthem.
More democratic rhetoric. If I may, let me re-word: I scare democrats with my words and they heed. democrats may not be in control but we want it. Republicans won the election but we (democrats) don't recognize democracy.

By not recognizing President Trump - you do not recognize democracy. Keep spewing the caustic venom of the democratic party while the rest of us distance ourselves.
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Where was the FBI announcement prior to the election of the investigation of comrade Trumpsky's treasonous dealings with the Russians? Putin is pulling all of comrade Trumpsky's strings and when the truth is revealed comrade Trumpsky will be tried for treason.

Liberals whining is music to my ears. You are too stupid to realize just how many moderates and independents have been made sick to their stomach by all the liberal whining since the election. You are too stupid to realize that losing all the governorships and statehouses has made the Democratic Party truly the MINORITY party for some time to come.

Your stupid allegiance to Felonia and Billy Boy ruined the party; just as much as your pandering to every interest group has turned the majority of Americans against you.

Enjoy your time in the political wilderness.

By the way the MSM has no credibility with the majority of Americans either. Think on that fool.
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Comrade Trump is now banning press (CNN, NYTimes, Politico.)

Can you imagine if Obama banned Fox?!

This is all beginning to feel very 1930s Germany.
Kyrie Irving still has free speech rights telling everyone the Earth is Flat. :eek:
Kyrie Irving still has free speech rights telling everyone the Earth is Flat. :eek:
Was stu4don's post serious???? Obama did ban Fox from news conferences. The other networks refused to attend until Obama relented. This has to be intentional irony. No one could be that hilariously wrong.
Obama all had a reported followed an executed a search warrant against him.

"The referenced Daily Beast article is still available online, as is their source, a post by Judicial Watch.

The issue in question was in 2009, when the White House wanted Feinberg to do interviews with the major news networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN), but excluded Fox News. They originally claimed that this was a mistake, but as the documents obtained by Judicial Watch show, this was done deliberately"
Was stu4don's post serious???? Obama did ban Fox from news conferences. The other networks refused to attend until Obama relented. This has to be intentional irony. No one could be that hilariously wrong.
Obama all had a reported followed an executed a search warrant against him.

"The referenced Daily Beast article is still available online, as is their source, a post by Judicial Watch.

The issue in question was in 2009, when the White House wanted Feinberg to do interviews with the major news networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN), but excluded Fox News. They originally claimed that this was a mistake, but as the documents obtained by Judicial Watch show, this was done deliberately"
Too much Fake News these days Beach. It's better to watch sports.