I think of "snowflake" being primarily a reference to fragility, or maybe over-fragility. Maybe 30 years ago we might have used the term "pansy". Anyone who feels less safe or less secure because Mike Pence is speaking on campus is either overly fragile, overly dramatic, or some combination of both. The idea of feeling endangered by, or afraid of, SPEECH that indicates feelings contrary to yours is a pretty new phenomenon, and it appears to have its roots in academia. Now, instead of me disagreeing with the way you enunciate your feelings, or just ignoring you, I feel emboldened to impair your ability to voice those feelings within ear shot of me.
Nobody "mans up" or "toughs it out" anymore, and it seems like those behaviors are not even encouraged in academia. Instead of helping people overcome mental weakness (separating that from any kind of mental disorder), we now celebrate it.
What would Father Hesburgh do? He would be quick to recognize the right of any student to have an opposing opinion and to voice that opinion within reasonable parameters. He would also to be quick to warn any applicable students that their classmates have rights also, and one of those is to live and go to school on this campus free of intentional distraction and harassment. He would remind students that ND has a long history of welcoming figures from across the wide political spectrum, and treating them respectfully and engaging them in thoughtful discussion, no matter how much we agree or disagree with them, and we intend to continue that behavior mode. As to any student that told Father Hesburgh that he or she felt less safe because of a certain speaker being on campus, he would suggest staying in the safe sanctity of your dorm room until the coast was clear. But he'd think you were a pansy. He was a pretty tough cookie.![]()
There is no shortage of injustice and real life victims around the world, lots of very legitimate reasons for sincere protest. I just don't get this idea of college kids protesting people speaking on their campus, people whose views they disagree with. If you don't like my views, ignore them, counter them, debunk them, refute them. But the idea that you should be able to keep me from expressing them is just the rantings of a cowardly petulant child.Curious as to exactly how many ND students have stated that they would feel unsafe with Pence visiting. How many individuals have stated this? One? Two? I doubt there are many more than that.
I understand the desire to lump everyone who wants to protest in with these people who claim they will feel afraid. But the "snowflakes" who would be afraid of Pence (or Obama) stepping onto campus are less than 1% of protesters.
There is no shortage of injustice and real life victims around the world, lots of very legitimate reasons for sincere protest. I just don't get this idea of college kids protesting people speaking on their campus, people whose views they disagree with. If you don't like my views, ignore them, counter them, debunk them, refute them. But the idea that you should be able to keep me from expressing them is just the rantings of a cowardly petulant child.
Then I have no issue with it, as long as its done in a manner which is respectful to the rest of the student body and to the traditions of the University. And one of those traditions is treating people with respect.I don't think the ND students who are protesting are looking to stop Pence from speaking. Notre Dame isn't Cal.
Rather, they are using his appearance to voice their concerns about the direction of the nation. It is a smart move from their perspective. The same thing students (and non students) did when Obama came to speak.
Wow, it went totally over your head.Proper use of grammar? You're going the grammatical route, echo? The know it all that knows nothing but tells us how much more knowledgeable he is than the rest of us. Try to respond to what I wrote next time instead of pushing your infinite teacher wisdom on all of us. Jam it, echo, as far as possible. If there are any grammatical errors, u can jam them too, arrogant jackass.
Duck, I told u about how I feel about the students that "feel unsafe". U told me how u feel about those same students. Not sure how that translates into me not even trying to understand the others' points of view. I understand it and still think they're snowflakes. U think people of similar beliefs to mine are rednecks, white trash and mouth breathers that have no wit or intelligence. How does that translate into me not even trying to understand the others' points of view and you accepting others' points of view? So again, I understand your point of view. I know u liberals think u're more enlightened than the rest of us and that we're beneath you, but I promise I can grasp the student's protest. I just think they're full of shit. Same way I feel about you. Have a great day.
Call me all the names you d like. Doesn't change the fact that you completely didn't get the point.Wow, you're still an arrogant jackass.
Some things never change.
As many have stated, name calling is the weapon of choice of the uneducated.Believe it or not, I'm not losing any sleep over not "getting" one of your posts, echo. Most of them are about how much smarter and more knowledgeable you are than everyone else here. As for name calling, I don't think I need many other names for you. Arrogant jackass suits you perfectly.
The Republicans may be closer as evident by their Pro Life positions but they are much farther away on issues dealing with the poor and those in need.
As to your Bishop supporting one political party or position over another, this supports my belief that religions should lose their tax exempt status. They are increasingly political entities rather than charitable and/or spiritual entities.
And a lot of of good young men and women (as well as some not-so-young men and women) know better than to devalue their arguments by name calling, i.e. "Snowflake," "Libtard," etc. Also, many of us liberals do think that Pence is a misogyinist because of what he has said and written but don't believe that Clinton was a stalwart for women's rights. As to Ted Kennedy being a lion of the senate, the fact is that he was. He was deeply troubled and allowing that young woman to drown was, at best, cowardly and, at worst, criminal. That being said, he was a towering figure in the Senate and accomplished a lot. Back then, there were towering figures on both sides of the aisle that were able to work with the other side. Nowadays, we have (for the most part) puppets that only serve their financial backers. I appreciate your opinion that Pence is more in line with Catholic values because: (a) it is your opinion; and (b) I gave up on Catholicism a long, long time ago so I don't really care.
Funny story, back when I was at NDLS, I asked the only priest I knew if he would marry my fiancé and myself. My wife-to-be really wanted to get married at the Basilica. He declined and explained that while he was confident that I believed in the institution of marriage, he wasn't as confident that I believed in the sacrament of marriage. I had to respectfully agree with him and, instead, found a drunk Irish priest to do the ceremony. We got married on a beautiful Fall day while the football team was playing up in Lansing. Almost 33 years later, the marriage is still thriving even though we are both apparently snowflakes and/or libtards.
Conservative = Communist traitor under comrade Trumpsky's regime.Lol, a lib calling out conservatives for name calling. Classic.
Nocalirish = obnoxious petulant child at his parents' computerConservative = Communist traitor under comrade Trumpsky's regime.
A post that denounces name calling w/ name calling? Now how educated does that sound?
Actually, your statement about the poor and needy is completely wrong. Nothing is more important to the poor and needy than being provided the tools to succeed on their own and obtain a better life where they can depend on themselves and not the government. Dems prefer the status quo.
The Dems want tax money for educating the poor and treating the sick. The Reps want tax cuts for the rich and no money for education or medical.I don't know what Dems you have been talking to but I don't know of any Dems that want to maintain the status quo. The Dems and the Rs may have different ideas as to how to address poverty but I don't know of anyone that wants to keep people mired in poverty.
The Dems want tax money for educating the poor and treating the sick. The Reps want tax cuts for the rich and no money for education or medical.
The word "simpleton" is the first thing that comes to mind.The Dems want tax money for educating the poor and treating the sick. The Reps want tax cuts for the rich and no money for education or medical.
I wasn't talking to you, duck. But I do recall you calling people that used the term "snowflake" redneck, white trash, mouth breathers, lacking in wit & intelligence. And then condescendingly questioned whether I attended ND. Does that count?
I really don;t like how polarizing the extremes of politics have made our political discourse, the vast majority just want to get along with their lives, I reject both sides now, the left a little more because of that ideologies' simply terrible economics. Which is my opinion. But I wanted to post something on ROI of colleges in the USA, more than half of Universities and a to a slightly higher degree majors have a negative ROI:
I don't t lower the bar. I leave the uneducated stuff to you.A post that denounces name calling w/ name calling? Now how educated does that sound?
IMHO, if ROI were a key element in college choice, schools like ND would cease to exist. The college choice is about much more than ROI. It's just one of many factors, more important to some than it is to others.I really don;t like how polarizing the extremes of politics have made our political discourse, the vast majority just want to get along with their lives, I reject both sides now, the left a little more because of that ideologies' simply terrible economics. Which is my opinion. But I wanted to post something on ROI of colleges in the USA, more than half of Universities and a to a slightly higher degree majors have a negative ROI:
Ok, duck. You're equating calling someone a snowflake for overreacting to a speaker at a college to calling those people that think this way white trash, redneck mouth breathers. Got it.
Ok, duck. You're equating calling someone a snowflake for overreacting to a speaker at a college to calling those people that think this way white trash, redneck mouth breathers. Got it.
Echo, u need some new material. The whole I'm smarter than you thing has run its course.
Forgive me if your holier than thou attitude falls on my deaf ears, duck. You threw insults around in this thread as much as any. Once again, the liberal gets to tell the conservative what can be said & not said. Maybe you should question anyone that disagrees w/ you whether they were smart or good enough to attend ND again. That wasn't insulting at all. Practice what you preach, oh enlightened one.
francade...I withdraw my prior apology for being condescending. You, in fact, could never have attended ND. You have no apparent ability to understand anyone else's opinion and/or argument. You make statements without support. You are the type of person that makes people dislike Conservatives. There are plenty of Conservatives that I like and/or respect but you are not one of them. By the way, please note that I made this argument without having to use any infantile name-calling...just one more difference between you and I.
Truth does hurt I guess.Ok, duck. You're equating calling someone a snowflake for overreacting to a speaker at a college to calling those people that think this way white trash, redneck mouth breathers. Got it.
Echo, u need some new material. The whole I'm smarter than you thing has run its course.
This perfectly describes what this is all about. I'd only add that the colleges, who gleefully collect the absorbent tuition to enable and sustain professors who spew and indoctrinate gullible students with their socialist ideas and values, are just as responsible as the parents for failing to properly prepare graduates to face and, most importantly, survive in the world of reality they will soon be thrust into. If it wasn't so sad, colleges providing students with a "safe space" and time off to somehow deal with the Trump victory should have easily won "joke of the year" award. I'm sure in the business world such a need would have been easily accommodated by showing the requester the door and a warning not to let it hit them on the way out - for good!Add ND to the list of colleges that are filled w/ leftist professors & administrators (starting at the top) and snowflake 18-22 yr olds that usually have no clue what they're protesting. Protest to protest. Good plan. That's been perpetuated by the socialist community organizer we've had in office the last 8 yrs too. Maybe we should've invited reverend wright and the snowflake students would've cheered and been all warm & fuzzy inside when he shouted "god damn America has had its chickens come home to roost". I have no problem w/ the students speaking their mind but let's put in perspective that they're 18-22 years old and generally are full of shit at that age. I know I was, and most of my peers were too. Pence makes you feel unsafe? Don't worry snowflake, mommy & daddy will make sure little johnny & Susie are in a safe space. What a joke. Our generation has itself to blame for creating a bunch of fragile softies. Wait until they get into the real world and get steamrolled by the realities of life. Parents of this generation of kids should look in the mirror at that point.
The Dems want tax money for educating the poor and treating the sick. The Reps want tax cuts for the rich and no money for education or medical.