What would Father Hesburgh have done?

I always love it when Conservatives show their level of intelligence by starting with calling names like "libtard" and "snowflake." If you are going to try and make an intelligent argument, you lose all credibility when you start like that.

Next, is it safe to assume that your real objection to the Cal-Berkeley protests was that you support the beliefs of Milo Yiannopoulos? While I don't support the violence that occurred, I do support the protests. Personally I am against raping young boys but if you and Milo Y. believe in that, so be it.

This dust-up over Pence is much ado over nothing. Let Pence speak. Let the students whiteboard. No University should have a single point of view. Universities should encourage an open dialogue of multiple ideas, even Notre Dame.

There will be protests or complaints about any high profile speaker. I think even Pope Francis would be criticized.

Let em protest, who cares? But if they get violent - which is highly unlikely at ND - then Fr Ted's 15 minute rule applies.
I think it's somewhat of a useless exercise to try to determine who is "closer". Obama mentioned God a lot, too, in his speeches. For what it's worth, merely mentioning God doesn't strike me as particularly telling as to someone's religious beliefs. Call me cynical, but I tend to just group it as pandering.
Definitely and they all fall for it hook, line and sinker. I still want to hear Trump lead a prayer :eek:
It really angers me to see that we have snowflakes on campus that are protesting Pence's commencement address and have also protested other conservative speakers.

I heard one of the senior student leaders of the anti Pence crowd say that she didn't believe Pence reflects ND' Catholic values and that it makes her feel unsafe on campus.

Yet Clinton and Obama spoke on campus and they DO reflect Catholic values????

We really have just become another in the growing number of ordinary secular progressive universities that tolerate this BS. Father Ted would have told these clowns and clownettes to get back in class or face expulsion.

funny thing.... Snowflakes sometimes state Pence is a misogynist. Also these same liberals think Bill Clinton was a stalwart for womens rights and prior generation of liberals thought that Ted Kennedy was a lion of the senate. the same man who allowed a young women to drown. Pence is more in line with Catholic values than the snowflakes.
It's too bad that the snowflakes get so much attention these days. There are still lots of brave young men and women, with metal in their character, who answer the call of duty everyday. There's a lot of them who work hard and earn their degree(s) and take up chosen careers. Others go out into the world and melt into the great pot we call America. There's a lot of good young men and women in this generation folks.
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And a lot of of good young men and women (as well as some not-so-young men and women) know better than to devalue their arguments by name calling, i.e. "Snowflake," "Libtard," etc. Also, many of us liberals do think that Pence is a misogyinist because of what he has said and written but don't believe that Clinton was a stalwart for women's rights. As to Ted Kennedy being a lion of the senate, the fact is that he was. He was deeply troubled and allowing that young woman to drown was, at best, cowardly and, at worst, criminal. That being said, he was a towering figure in the Senate and accomplished a lot. Back then, there were towering figures on both sides of the aisle that were able to work with the other side. Nowadays, we have (for the most part) puppets that only serve their financial backers. I appreciate your opinion that Pence is more in line with Catholic values because: (a) it is your opinion; and (b) I gave up on Catholicism a long, long time ago so I don't really care.

Funny story, back when I was at NDLS, I asked the only priest I knew if he would marry my fiancé and myself. My wife-to-be really wanted to get married at the Basilica. He declined and explained that while he was confident that I believed in the institution of marriage, he wasn't as confident that I believed in the sacrament of marriage. I had to respectfully agree with him and, instead, found a drunk Irish priest to do the ceremony. We got married on a beautiful Fall day while the football team was playing up in Lansing. Almost 33 years later, the marriage is still thriving even though we are both apparently snowflakes and/or libtards.
And a lot of of good young men and women (as well as some not-so-young men and women) know better than to devalue their arguments by name calling, i.e. "Snowflake," "Libtard," etc. Also, many of us liberals do think that Pence is a misogyinist because of what he has said and written but don't believe that Clinton was a stalwart for women's rights. As to Ted Kennedy being a lion of the senate, the fact is that he was. He was deeply troubled and allowing that young woman to drown was, at best, cowardly and, at worst, criminal. That being said, he was a towering figure in the Senate and accomplished a lot. Back then, there were towering figures on both sides of the aisle that were able to work with the other side. Nowadays, we have (for the most part) puppets that only serve their financial backers. I appreciate your opinion that Pence is more in line with Catholic values because: (a) it is your opinion; and (b) I gave up on Catholicism a long, long time ago so I don't really care.

Funny story, back when I was at NDLS, I asked the only priest I knew if he would marry my fiancé and myself. My wife-to-be really wanted to get married at the Basilica. He declined and explained that while he was confident that I believed in the institution of marriage, he wasn't as confident that I believed in the sacrament of marriage. I had to respectfully agree with him and, instead, found a drunk Irish priest to do the ceremony. We got married on a beautiful Fall day while the football team was playing up in Lansing. Almost 33 years later, the marriage is still thriving even though we are both apparently snowflakes and/or libtards.

TAGS: democrats
rgc7, I appreciate your passion but you may want to do a little more research and/or rely less on Conservative websites. First of all, and as your dear Lord said, "There will always be poor amongst us." There are poor because we are human and we make mistakes. For some of us, the mistakes are of little import but for others, it can be devastating. Under the Republican leadership, the gap between rich (and ultra-rich) and the poor is expanding and the middle-class is shrinking. That is not a mistake. That is an intentional policy of the Republican Party. Under the proposed Trumpcare, millions would lose insurance coverage and the rich would receive tax breaks. Is this something that your bishop supports as being part of the Republican Position?

As you point out, Federal judges are not elected. They are nominated by the President and approved by Congress. The judicial branch is responsible for ensuring that neither of the other two branches violates the Constitution. National security and immigration issues are still subject to the Constitution. Either live with it or try and amend the Constitution. I will guarantee that these "radical judges" are a hell of a lot smarter than you.

Churches don't have a "freedom of speech." Individuals may and that is protected by the Constitution. Churches don't have that same freedom. Trump has promised to repeal the Johnson Amendment and he has also promised to build a wall on the Mexican border which will be paid by Mexico and that Obamacare will be repealed. He also promised that he wouldn't play golf because he'd be too busy. How's he doing so far on those promises?

Finally, the vast majority of churches (including the Catholic church) have been corrupted by greed and materialism. Your bishop has a very simple choice. He can either comply with the current law (the Johnson Amendment) or he can give up his tax exempt status and speak his mind. He can't have it both ways. Is there really any doubt but that he'll choose to retain his tax exempt status because, after all, where would he be without taxpayer support. I find it offensive that my tax dollars are used, in part, to support religious organizations and leaders like your bishop. Unfortunately, I don't see that changing in my lifetime.

Stop talking in generalities ! You do a lot of talking and don't say very much !
also cut out the " Do more research " nonsense ! If you do that, I will be happy to post further with you !
In answer to your last post ! I have a quote from Louis Armstrong in my office " Born Poor, died rich, and never hurt anyone along the way " , That is very inspirational to me !
I was poor and it was not a result of any mistakes ! I was born that way ! The poverty that I was born into was Extreme ,I did not blame anyone else for my problems. I worked hard , learned from my mistakes, and made my own way in life ! So please don't lecture me on poverty.
Under the Republicans, ...,,,,,, ? The Democrats have governed our inner cities for over 50 years on average.What have they done for the poor ? Zero ! Obama was the President for the past 8 years. He not only did zero, and was not only our worse President but also the most devisive !
Trump has only been President for a few months, so you have no crystal ball to tell exactly how his programs will turn out ? Only time and World events will determine that !
No need to live with it or ammend the Constitution, The Supreme Court will rule in Trump's favor !
Those Judges are a hell of a lot smarter than you are ? That is an assumption that you have no way of knowing ? undoubtablly, some may be smarter and others not ? As we both know, Judges were Lawyers,
who got politically appointed to be judges. Studying law does not make Judges smarter than any one else !
There are many people more intelligent than lawyers and judges in all walks of life ? I also have a number of lawyers and judges in my family and they are very intelligent. However, they may be my equals intellectually,
but no way are they superior !
The Catholic Church has been corrupted, Yes it has, much to my regret !
I find it offensive that my tax dollars are used to support Abortion, the murder of the innocent! much to my regret Colleges and Universities also have tax exempt status, I regret having my tax dollars go to them as well. my preference would be to do away with all tax exempt status. !
I find it even more offensive that some of my religious leader are more concerned with federal funds than with the teachings and examples of Christ !
It really angers me to see that we have snowflakes on campus that are protesting Pence's commencement address and have also protested other conservative speakers.

I heard one of the senior student leaders of the anti Pence crowd say that she didn't believe Pence reflects ND' Catholic values and that it makes her feel unsafe on campus.

Yet Clinton and Obama spoke on campus and they DO reflect Catholic values????

We really have just become another in the growing number of ordinary secular progressive universities that tolerate this BS. Father Ted would have told these clowns and clownettes to get back in class or face expulsion.

Is the single defining value abortion? As a catholic don't you think there are more values than that. IS that the only value of merit. Even the Pope himself vehemently disagrees with the stances of his administration, so why are you acting like Pence on Campus is a no-brainer? There is a debate to be had and students should debate.
I heard the analogy a while ago. Years ago when our country was young, we were like the cool, hip ,young Elvis. Then as success came, we became the fat, bloated, addicted Elvis. This is pretty much where we are as a country.
I always love it when Conservatives show their level of intelligence by starting with calling names like "libtard" and "snowflake." If you are going to try and make an intelligent argument, you lose all credibility when you start like that.

Next, is it safe to assume that your real objection to the Cal-Berkeley protests was that you support the beliefs of Milo Yiannopoulos? While I don't support the violence that occurred, I do support the protests. Personally I am against raping young boys but if you and Milo Y. believe in that, so be it.
Name calling is the weapon of choice of the uninformed. Grade school mentality.
And a lot of of good young men and women (as well as some not-so-young men and women) know better than to devalue their arguments by name calling, i.e. "Snowflake," "Libtard," etc. Also, many of us liberals do think that Pence is a misogyinist because of what he has said and written but don't believe that Clinton was a stalwart for women's rights. As to Ted Kennedy being a lion of the senate, the fact is that he was. He was deeply troubled and allowing that young woman to drown was, at best, cowardly and, at worst, criminal. That being said, he was a towering figure in the Senate and accomplished a lot. Back then, there were towering figures on both sides of the aisle that were able to work with the other side. Nowadays, we have (for the most part) puppets that only serve their financial backers. I appreciate your opinion that Pence is more in line with Catholic values because: (a) it is your opinion; and (b) I gave up on Catholicism a long, long time ago so I don't really care.

Funny story, back when I was at NDLS, I asked the only priest I knew if he would marry my fiancé and myself. My wife-to-be really wanted to get married at the Basilica. He declined and explained that while he was confident that I believed in the institution of marriage, he wasn't as confident that I believed in the sacrament of marriage. I had to respectfully agree with him and, instead, found a drunk Irish priest to do the ceremony. We got married on a beautiful Fall day while the football team was playing up in Lansing. Almost 33 years later, the marriage is still thriving even though we are both apparently snowflakes and/or libtards.

That original priest was correct he saw that you were for everything but believed in nothing
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Catholics support a president that has been twice divorced? Comrade Trumpsky's Communist cohorts would ban religion if he is not tried for treason first.
Stop talking in generalities...

rgc7, I agree that I should stop talking in generalities and will attempt to do so. As to you overcoming the poverty you were born into, good for you. There are some that can and some that can't. To the extent that you have lawyers and judges in your family, that is impressive and hopefully they helped you on your way. Again, not everyone is born with that kind of family support to the extent you received it.

You blame the Dems for innercity problems and I blame the Republicans for national problems. We are both right and we are both wrong. Politicians from both sides of the aisle have failed us all. I'm glad you have faith that Trump will be different. I believe he will be different but not better and likely far worse. We can have differing opinions and I'll never convince you that you are wrong and you will never convince me that I am wrong. I may be wrong but only time will tell.

As to the appointment of judges, I based my statement that they are smarter than you on your writing style. Perhaps you are of superior intelligence but have poor writing ability. I agree that I don't know whether or not that is true. I have been fortunate, however, to know a significant number of Federal judges. They have been, without exception, very intelligent and far, far smarter than me. They are not always right but it takes a particular type of intellect to be able to handle the intricacies of the law, especially issues that are often raised in the Federal court system. I am successful in handling some of those intricacies but the Federal judges that I've known are far better than I am at the bigger issues.

Finally, it is my hope that the Supreme Court will not side with Trump on his EOs regarding immigration. As you say, time will tell. What I suspect that we would all prefer is that Congress do their job and write law rather than abrogating their duties and allowing the president to rule by EOs.
He would have said peaceful protest is also protected speech shove your snowflake disparagement
It's too bad that the snowflakes get so much attention these days. There are still lots of brave young men and women, with metal in their character, who answer the call of duty everyday. There's a lot of them who work hard and earn their degree(s) and take up chosen careers. Others go out into the world and melt into the great pot we call America. There's a lot of good young men and women in this generation folks.

You're 100% correct. Watching snowflakes / unwashed makes me wonder if Colleges are the way to go?
This is too good and I could resist no longer. These snowflakes need to grow up and act like serious college students. For your entertainment--let the video roll.

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It really angers me to see that we have snowflakes on campus that are protesting Pence's commencement address and have also protested other conservative speakers.

I heard one of the senior student leaders of the anti Pence crowd say that she didn't believe Pence reflects ND' Catholic values and that it makes her feel unsafe on campus.

Yet Clinton and Obama spoke on campus and they DO reflect Catholic values????

We really have just become another in the growing number of ordinary secular progressive universities that tolerate this BS. Father Ted would have told these clowns and clownettes to get back in class or face expulsion.
In 10 years there will be a 20 per cent reduction in the number of colleges. Maybe more. It's a self fulfilling prophecy. Act like whiny buttholes and no one wants to be around that vibe. Plus there is zero ROI on a college education now and the professors will have to take their liberal work ethic to Walmart
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And a lot of of good young men and women (as well as some not-so-young men and women) know better than to devalue their arguments by name calling, i.e. "Snowflake," "Libtard," etc. Also, many of us liberals do think that Pence is a misogyinist because of what he has said and written but don't believe that Clinton was a stalwart for women's rights. As to Ted Kennedy being a lion of the senate, the fact is that he was. He was deeply troubled and allowing that young woman to drown was, at best, cowardly and, at worst, criminal. That being said, he was a towering figure in the Senate and accomplished a lot. Back then, there were towering figures on both sides of the aisle that were able to work with the other side. Nowadays, we have (for the most part) puppets that only serve their financial backers. I appreciate your opinion that Pence is more in line with Catholic values because: (a) it is your opinion; and (b) I gave up on Catholicism a long, long time ago so I don't really care.

Funny story, back when I was at NDLS, I asked the only priest I knew if he would marry my fiancé and myself. My wife-to-be really wanted to get married at the Basilica. He declined and explained that while he was confident that I believed in the institution of marriage, he wasn't as confident that I believed in the sacrament of marriage. I had to respectfully agree with him and, instead, found a drunk Irish priest to do the ceremony. We got married on a beautiful Fall day while the football team was playing up in Lansing. Almost 33 years later, the marriage is still thriving even though we are both apparently snowflakes and/or libtards.
So Pence is a misogynist and Ted K. was a lion of the Senate. Wow. That is some rich stuff.
In 10 years there will be a 20 per cent reduction in the number of colleges. Maybe more. It's a self fulfilling prophecy. Act like whiny buttholes and no one wants to be around that vibe. Plus there is zero ROI on a college education now and the professors will have to take their liberal work ethic to Walmart

Where is the evidence that there is zero ROI on college now?
Add ND to the list of colleges that are filled w/ leftist professors & administrators (starting at the top) and snowflake 18-22 yr olds that usually have no clue what they're protesting. Protest to protest. Good plan. That's been perpetuated by the socialist community organizer we've had in office the last 8 yrs too. Maybe we should've invited reverend wright and the snowflake students would've cheered and been all warm & fuzzy inside when he shouted "god damn America has had its chickens come home to roost". I have no problem w/ the students speaking their mind but let's put in perspective that they're 18-22 years old and generally are full of shit at that age. I know I was, and most of my peers were too. Pence makes you feel unsafe? Don't worry snowflake, mommy & daddy will make sure little johnny & Susie are in a safe space. What a joke. Our generation has itself to blame for creating a bunch of fragile softies. Wait until they get into the real world and get steamrolled by the realities of life. Parents of this generation of kids should look in the mirror at that point.
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In 10 years there will be a 20 per cent reduction in the number of colleges. Maybe more. It's a self fulfilling prophecy. Act like whiny buttholes and no one wants to be around that vibe. Plus there is zero ROI on a college education now and the professors will have to take their liberal work ethic to Walmart
Same people who are begging for their coal mining jobs versus getting educated.
There are 2 types of people who love use the phrase snowflake. The crotchety, older person who believes things will go back to the way they were in the 40s and 50s and resist change. Then there is the new age alt-righter who who things being conservative means they are up most outstanding human to walk the face of the earth and will resort to name calling to prove they are better.
There are 2 types of people who love use the phrase snowflake. The crotchety, older person who believes things will go back to the way they were in the 40s and 50s and resist change. Then there is the new age alt-righter who who things being conservative means they are up most outstanding human to walk the face of the earth and will resort to name calling to prove they are better.


Yes the sun is out in Bermuda! Enjoy your mediocrity!
Where is the evidence that there is zero ROI on college now?
Everywhere. See list of successful entrepreneurs and Presidents who did not graduate college. The argument and evidence for college providing ROI is weak. You can make the case but it is like saying Trump team colluded with Russia-- no eviddnce

Years ago, ok. Not anymore. Sure education will always have value and enrich a person. But ROI? Put the money u save on tuition into your career.

College has gone from a place to grow, learn and exchange ideas to a place that promulgates inaction and wimpiness. Sad
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I think it's somewhat of a useless exercise to try to determine who is "closer". Obama mentioned God a lot, too, in his speeches. For what it's worth, merely mentioning God doesn't strike me as particularly telling as to someone's religious beliefs. Call me cynical, but I tend to just group it as pandering.
Mentioning "god" in a speech is pretty vague. His "god" and my "God" are not the same.
As you say - it's pandering.
But ROI? Put the money u save on tuition into your career.

4 year degree (business administration) at private college:
Cost 200k
Job prospect: Barrista at starbucks

6 month boot camp Java development:
Cost 6k
Job prospect: 150k anywhere, any company.
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I have a son graduating 4 weeks from today from college, double major of English and Music who currently works at a Starbucks as a barrista. If that is his career choice we (or should I say he) are going to have a problem.
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Everywhere. See list of successful entrepreneurs and Presidents who did not graduate college. The argument and evidence for college providing ROI is weak. You can make the case but it is like saying Trump team colluded with Russia-- no eviddnce

Years ago, ok. Not anymore. Sure education will always have value and enrich a person. But ROI? Put the money u save on tuition into your career.

College has gone from a place to grow, learn and exchange ideas to a place that promulgates inaction and wimpiness. Sad

Who was the last President who did not graduate college?

A handful of entrepreneurs who did not graduate college is not evidence that there's no ROI on going to school.

No evidence for college providing ROI? This says otherwise:

I'd enjoy seeing you go to Notre Dame and telling all of those students there that they are wasting their money and are better off not going to school.
Mentioning "god" in a speech is pretty vague. His "god" and my "God" are not the same.
As you say - it's pandering.

Then I guess we agree that a president mentioning "God" in a speech is a poor indication of whether a President is somehow more Christian than another President.
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I have a son graduating 4 weeks from today from college, double major of English and Music who currently works at a Starbucks as a barrista. If that is his career choice we (or should I say he) are going to have a problem.

You certainly shouldn't say that "he are" going to have a problem.