The poll and why it's such a sham...


I've posted how many times?
Sep 9, 2013
The popularity contest continues...The beauty pageant rolls on....

Let's take the top 6 and dissect the sham

#1 Oregon
They played two games I would consider tough. Just two. Both at home.
Ironically both were won via field goal. One that was made as time expired and one that never happened as time expired.
Boise State and Ohio State
Should they be #1? You be the judge on that.

#2 Georgia
Oh the good old trendy favoritism continues.
Beat Clemson at a neutral by a good margin. I don't know the intangibles there..but it was 6-0 at the half.
Since that win they beat Kentucky by 1 point. Yes KU! By ONE!
They were down 30-7 at the half to an average Alabama team. Lost by seven points at the end to a Bama team that should have 3 losses!
Beat a very bad MSU team by 10
Beat a Texas team on the road but this Texas team was riding excitement and trendy rah rah. Texas should NOT have been #1 nor a top 5 team.

#3 PSU
Might have the best resume at present..or the second best. At the very least they should be ranked #2.
No losses, Beat a ranked Illinois team by 14, Beat USC which does have some athletes on the road..
If they can finally get over the OSU hump they should be #1 and will stay there the rest of the year. NO Michigan on the schedule this year.
Not saying they're the best team but at this point probably has the strongest cleanest unbeaten resume.

#4 OSU
They've played one tough game. Just one. At Oregon and they lost. Coulda, woulda, but didn't....
Should be ranked higher than Georgia..

#5 Texas
one tough game and a 15 point loss at home. The rest of their schedule to this point has been WEAK!
They are not a #5 team.

#6 Miami
Can you spell lucky? That said they haven't lost yet.

At this point in the year the undefeated teams should never be ranked lower than a 1 loss team.

This will all sort itself by year's end but half way through the year 1 one loss teams should be lining up behind the undefeated teams. Period!

Army, Navy..
More love for them please!!! Nobody in the top ten would want anything to do with them...
They need ranked higher. period!

If OSU is ranked #4 then Boise State should be no lower than 6th
Again a big game loss on the road that was nearly identical to OSU's only loss.
Yet Boise State isn't in the trendy beauty club. Another reason why we need even more than 12 playoff teams.
Would you like to play Boise State? I promise you Oregon and any other top ten teams want no part of that.

Let's talk about our beloved.

We can run the ball. Perhaps the best in the country.
We CAN'T PASS the ball. The worst thing that happened was Michigan winning last year showing you can win a title being a running team. That's fine but J.J. could throw the ball when needed. Real passes.
RL can't make those throws when needed. Plus Michigan didn't lose. We already lost one.
Defense we are a top 5 unit.
We just don't have the pretty style points and when we HAVE to throw the ball to steal a of those games that always comes up...we will be in trouble.

Where should we be right now?
Who knows..Does it really matter if we are #8 or #14? If we deserve to be in the top 12 it will sort itself out by years end.
The USC game if we get through the academies will be everything and USC playing with motivation to ruin our chances.
Can we get there with only one loss....

That FSU game still scares me. Maybe it shouldn't and perhaps FSU has given the coach the deaf ear and written the season off but that will be a cool fall night game.
Laws of averages can kick in in if they don't win again until then they will be due.
FSU is 1-6
If we sleepwalk in that game it could be a problem.