The NC State line backer chasing down Merriweather and preventing TD.

No excuses for Tobias, but Holden Staes could have acted as interference, similar to Avery Davis on this when we played Clemson a couple of years ago. I would say that Tobias is going to show out and will be granted to opportunities to do so. That linebacker Peyton Wilson was timed prior to the season and ran a 4.49. This dude is about 240 lbs. He is a freak and would possibly be a very high draft pick, but for his injury history. He has had surgery on both shoulders. Even with that stated, he is an exceptional player - for sure.
No excuses??? There are plenty of reasons why Tobias caught, the biggest was the really fast dude chasing him.

Again. Really fast.
I rewatched this as well. After the catch, Tobias was moving straight to the sideline. He has to then turn up field. The linebacker was never moving to the sideline, he was moving to the arrival point on a diagonal. Once Tobias made the sweeping turn the LB made the diving tackle. If they where both moving up filed together Tobias wins. It was the crossing route to the sideline that gave a very smart and fast LB the angel.
Of course, but he had head start and slight angle. Tobias isn't quick he's fast. He wasn't going to catch him without diving. He was clearly pulling away from the DB though that didn't have the angle.
Yes. You are right. Most fans overlook the impact of a defender having an angle. In fact, you were the first person in this thread to mention it, and FtnFan above makes great points too.

Fans see player X tackle player Y and conclude the former is faster than the latter. The linebacker had a slight angle that definitely made a difference.

Tobias is plenty fast. He just needs a bit more time and development to impact games, but he’s improving. I actually wish our fans would lay off the criticism of the kid. He blocks well and is doing better each week.

By the way, Tobias looked very fast running down the field on Aidric’s 80 yard run. That’s worth re-watch for anyone questioning his speed.