So long Notredame

ya know, I doubt this is even about politics! these kids don't know diddly yet; they don't have a clue about right-wrong, good-bad, or any morality! this is more about entitlement and just a screwed up mindset infecting a generation looking to be sensational shocking or contrary. They are just dazed and confused.
A least greatest generation! That is until the next one! A slippery slope.
ya know, I doubt this is even about politics! these kids don't know diddly yet; they don't have a clue about right-wrong, good-bad, or any morality! this is more about entitlement and just a screwed up mindset infecting a generation looking to be sensational shocking or contrary. They are just dazed and confused.
A least greatest generation! That is until the next one! A slippery slope.

re: "they don't know diddly"

I would bet on a random team of three ND undergrads to beat a random team of three UnderTheDome posters in a game of College Quiz Bowl.
"The intolerance of the left and Dems is something to behold. The BS media and their 97 per cent anti Trump coverage according to Harvard shows how wrong and how far journalism has fallen

I expect the stark behavior of President Trump that has ruffled so many and caused them to react with such irrationality will be overshadowed by the man's accomplishments"

What accomplishments? He appointed a SCJ -- big deal, Bodi could do that. Trump is being criticized for his incompetence and possible criminal behavior in obstructing an on-going investigation.

You were fine with the talk of Obama's birther claims!
A REPUBLICAN SENATE investigated HRC for 3 years on Benghazi and found nothing.
HRC's emails? Comey was allowed to do his job and NOT FIRED by Obama and HRC was cleared. All of this while a REPUBLICAN SENATE investigated and investigated.

Isn't your crying hypocritical? What would you be saying if all of these accusations were swirling around Obama???? What would Fox be talking about?

This is NOT intolerance for a rich privileged guy but concern for our country. If you watch Fox you are not getting the truth. Even long-time conservative writers are writing daily about the subversion of our democracy. War hero John McCain is showing concern. Two Republican Members of the house called for Impeachment. Trump and his administration is off the rails.

Trump fired Comey (the FBI head who was investigating Russian involvement into our election and his people's possible part in it.)

Monday - Trump shared highly classified info with Russians at the WH.(No US Press allowed.)
Tuesday - Comey reveals Trump asked him to shut down the Flynn investigation. Comey said no and was fired.
Wednesday -- It is revealed Trump had been warned about Flynn, the Russians, and Flynn's job for Turkey -- Trump shot down a military strike on Isis at the behest of Flyn and Turkey. Where is Trump/Fox's ire at Isis now?! Trump didn't listen to warnings and kept Flynn for weeks before firing. Trump also says at the coast guard academy he is being treated worse than any president. Bullshit. Kennedy, Reagan, were shot! What a crybaby. Tell the truth and people will leave you alone. If you are innocent of charges.
Thursday -- Comey reveals he had to stay away from Trump because of his pleading about Flynn.
Friday -- Trump tells his best friends the Russians: Comey was a “nut job.” He also told them, the report said “I just fired the head of the FBI…I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

So he is bragging to one of our greatest enemies, the country that is trying to subvert our democracy, a country led by a petty autocrat, that he fired the guy who was investigating them (the Russians) and his people for being in bed with the Russians.

And you, and Fox, and all the evangelicals around the country are okay with this. Hypocrites.
ya know, I doubt this is even about politics! these kids don't know diddly yet; they don't have a clue about right-wrong, good-bad, or any morality! this is more about entitlement and just a screwed up mindset infecting a generation looking to be sensational shocking or contrary. They are just dazed and confused.
A least greatest generation! That is until the next one! A slippery slope.
Actually you don't know what you are talking about. I saw several of the protestors interviewed after the walkout and they were quite clear about the reasons for their protest. Pence is on record for the following and this is why the Notre Dame Students were protesting:

  1. Pence helped pass one of the nation’s harshest “religious freedom” laws that would have protected businesses who wanted to refuse service to LGBT people if they cited religious objections.
  2. He has resisted changes to hate-crime laws that would have included acts against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. And he was against the end of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” a Clinton administration policy that allowed gays to serve in the military.
  3. Pence proposed an immigration compromise that envisioned a guest worker program that required undocumented immigrants to “self-deport” before returning to America legally.
  4. Under Governor Pence, Indiana has diverted $53 million in the past two years from public school to funding vouchers for private schools, including religious schools, and to charter school programs. He was the first governor to try to repeal Common Core. Pence earned an F on the official NEA legislative report card in eight of his 12 years as a member of Congress.
  5. He was one of only 25 Republican congressmen to vote against George W. Bush’s “No Child Left Behind” initiative.
  6. He is skeptical of climate change and wrote a letter to President Obama threatening to disobey the new regulations on coal mandated by the Clean Power Plan.
  7. “Trade means jobs, but trade also means security. The time has come for all of us to urge the swift adoption of the Trans Pacific Partnership.”
  8. In his run for Congress show that Pence used political donations to pay the mortgage on his house, his personal credit card bill, groceries, golf tournament fees and car payments for his wife.
So discusted with nd students walking out on vp pence. My daughter wanted to go to Norte dame. Now I'm pushing her to go to Standard. I will no longer root for no football
There is lot to unpack in this post but lets just start with if you think ND is too liberal wait until your kid ends up at Stanford
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So much for draining the swamp - he's filling it with lobbyists and Russians!

The Trump administration, in a significant escalation of its clash with the government’s top ethics watchdog, has moved to block an effort to disclose any ethics waivers granted to former lobbyists who now work in the White House or federal agencies.

Dozens of former lobbyists and industry lawyers are working in the Trump administration, which has hired them at a much higher rate than the previous administration.

And the beat goes on....

Bernie? Where are you bud?!
Guys. There is a point when quality conversation reaches a point of silliness. It has reached that point.

Take a step back for a second and look at how ridiculous this argument is. It's troubling to me that the political divide in America is so deep that SOME people are willing to completely abandon all rationality in defense of their political interests, simply because they feel the otherside is disrespecting anything to do with their political stance... You're smarter than this guys. You have to be!!

Strip your political identity from this for a second and just look at the scenario objectively. If a stereotypical right wing, Conservative, Republican group was asked to sit in front of a LGBTQ speaker and listen to why he or she thinks they should consider changing their views on the topic, would you expect 100% of them to sit respectfully and listen? Of course not. That's not how humanity operates. It's the exact same thing. These kids believe that the Mr. Pence works on behalf of a Government that views important aspects of their life completely differently than they do. 99% of the crowd applauded, cheered and some even stood up. Those who stayed likely represented all sides of the political spectrum. A small number walked out in protest. As they did as well when President Obama gave his speech at Commencement.

Does that mean I'd leave? No. Do I think there is something to be gained from listening to the other side's opinion and considering it? Of course. But would I be completely dense to expect every person to act in that way?... Obviously.

They were exercising a Constitutional right. The same Constitutional rights that card carrying Republicans, Democrats, moderates, extremists, independents etc, etc, choose to invoke every single day.

Democrats would react the same way if the situation was reversed. These kids paid an absurd, only in America, price for their degree, if they want to walk out on the day they get to see their academic journey come to its completion, who friggen cares?

No issues will ever get fixed until people stop pointing the finger at the other side in these petty instances and start actually trying to fix the country with a blend of practical, proven and innovative methods. The same Century old arguments are doing nothing to address the issues and as America, once the world leader in so many areas, free falls down the lists in education, healthcare, and other things that really matter, here we are pointing fingers back and forth because citizens chose not to sit and listen to an elected official.

Give your head a shake... I have to believe that in a country with as many intelligent, capable and hard working people, there has to be a better solution to your national problems than saying "I don't have an answer for what is wrong, but 'they' are the problem, not me". Take some ownership and put your excessively petty differences aside to return your friggen country to its rightful place among the world leaders in just about everything.


Little Brother
the solution to these walkouts is simple; put an asterisk next to their name; nothing more. When inquiries are made regarding them, by future employers...let the asterisk be the 'voice'. That way the employer gets freedom of expression too!

How is that a solution? You are assuming this is a problem which whatever but because a kid has an opinion we put an asterisk on their name/degree? How does that make sense?
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ya know, I doubt this is even about politics! these kids don't know diddly yet; they don't have a clue about right-wrong, good-bad, or any morality! this is more about entitlement and just a screwed up mindset infecting a generation looking to be sensational shocking or contrary. They are just dazed and confused.
A least greatest generation! That is until the next one! A slippery slope.
How do you even know what the kids who walked out know? Perse is the worst... good god
There is lot to unpack in this post but lets just start with if you think ND is too liberal wait until your kid ends up at Stanford
not taking sides but it seems like he is upset mainly because students did this at a religious university
"excessively petty differences"

Sorry IIO --- our differences are anything BUT excessively petty. LGBTQ rights, women's health, the environment, tax cuts for the wealthy, fair pay for the average worker whose CEOs make 400% more, are not petty issues, they greatly affect us and our families and friends and most importantly our kids' futures -- our differences are wide in their areas.

Allowing the Russian to affect a Presidential Election (and then demonizing the people who are tying to get to investigate it) strikes at the core of who were are as a nation.
Is an opinion about Fox a litmus test for you?

stu should have included "only", as in "if you only get your news from FOX (or MSNBC), you are not getting the whole story".

Those are the two most biased sources of televised national news.
Is an opinion about Fox a litmus test for you?

Eight years ago Fox's Hannity bitched that Obama asked for Grey Poupon mustard on his burger. How things have changed!

Sean has no problem whatsoever with 1. the Russians meddling a Presidential Election, 2. the President firing the man looking into that meddling, and then 3. the President inviting the very people who are accused of such meddling into the WH 4. that president sharing defense secrets with those accused of meddling and 5. calling a fellow American, the director of our FBI a 'nut job' who the president bragged he 'just fired.'

How can you take any of those people seriously?
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Doesn't the left preach tolerance and acceptance? Tolerance for illegal immigrants, LGBT, Muslims and many other minority groups. Why weren't they tolerant of the VP, why weren't they tolerant of the election but rather destroyed property and burned the flag?

Why aren't they tolerant of opposing views and tolerant of religion? Manny Pacquiao posted a video on twitter expressing how he thought homosexuality was wrong, he was banned from several public establishments in LA including the mall. Tolerance and acceptance? I think not. It's a one way street with the progressives. That's not freedom of speech, they are absolutely destroying freedom of speech.

There are countless of examples of teachers that have referred to LGBT students by a word they don't deem fitting and have taken administrative and legal action.. over speech.

The left in general is intolerant of intolerance from my view. The right is the cornucopia of intolerance fighting like heck to combat a changing America. That has been a consistent theme that I have witnessed for 40 years in my mind. As a result, the left has to work overtime on it. No question the left will cross the lines sometimes and become intolerant in the first instance themselves.
Eight years ago Fox's Hannity bitched that Obama asked for Grey Poupon mustard on his burger. How things have changed!

Sean has no problem whatsoever with 1. the Russians meddling a Presidential Election, 2. the President firing the man looking into that meddling, and then 3. the President inviting the very people who are accused of such meddling into the WH 4. that president sharing defense secrets with those accused of meddling and 5. calling a fellow American, the director of our FBI a 'nut job' who the president bragged he 'just fired.'

How can you take any of those people seriously?

My comment was aimed at another post that seemed to disagree with an earlier assertion of yours.
Is an opinion about Fox a litmus test for you?
Nope, would have said the same thing if the topic was CNN, MSNBC, etc. Anyone who thinks that any one of these sources is always wrong (untruthful) is maybe even more a fool than someone who thinks they are always right (truthful).
Doesn't the left preach tolerance and acceptance? Tolerance for illegal immigrants, LGBT, Muslims and many other minority groups. Why weren't they tolerant of the VP, why weren't they tolerant of the election but rather destroyed property and burned the flag?

Why aren't they tolerant of opposing views and tolerant of religion? Manny Pacquiao posted a video on twitter expressing how he thought homosexuality was wrong, he was banned from several public establishments in LA including the mall. Tolerance and acceptance? I think not. It's a one way street with the progressives. That's not freedom of speech, they are absolutely destroying freedom of speech.

There are countless of examples of teachers that have referred to LGBT students by a word they don't deem fitting and have taken administrative and legal action.. over speech.

Tolerance doesn't extend to hate speech. If Pacquiao had stated that he thinks being Black is wrong or that being a Jew is wrong, don't you think that there would be the same outcry. Hate speech arises from ignorance and it is difficult for anyone to be tolerant of ignorance.

By the way, if you are actually going to try and argue your cause, try not to use generalizations - it undercuts your credibility. The Left is not a single, homogenous group. I disagree on issues with as many of those that are considered to be on the Left as those that are considered to be on the Right. No one is completely right and no one is completely wrong. Hell, I even found some beliefs in common with Marine La Pen and I think she is a whacko.
"excessively petty differences"

Sorry IIO --- our differences are anything BUT excessively petty. LGBTQ rights, women's health, the environment, tax cuts for the wealthy, fair pay for the average worker whose CEOs make 400% more, are not petty issues, they greatly affect us and our families and friends and most importantly our kids' futures -- our differences are wide in their areas.

Allowing the Russian to affect a Presidential Election (and then demonizing the people who are tying to get to investigate it) strikes at the core of who were are as a nation.
With the possible exception of the environment, those things you listed have very little impact on the overwhelming majority of Americans, or their kids. That's why candidates who try to run on those issues keep losing elections, and losing ground. Jobs, national security, the economy, fair taxation, a cogent fair immigration policy, et al. Those are things that effect everyone, and are important to the majority of Americans. That's why you have seen the political shift this country has made over the past ten years, and why a political goober like Donald Trump got elected President.
Being tolerant doesn't mean you have to sit and listen to someone speak. If a lesbian is giving a talk at your local town hall, and for some reason she offends you, you are more than welcome to leave. You have the option of "voting with your feet".
Can you touch on the destroying of property after the election results? Tolerance? I guess there was too much 'foot voting' and not enough poll voting.
Being tolerant doesn't mean you have to sit and listen to someone speak. If a lesbian is giving a talk at your local town hall, and for some reason she offends you, you are more than welcome to leave. You have the option of "voting with your feet".
But if you disrupt her ability to speak, disrupt the ability of others to hear or speak, or make threats against the party that invited her to speak, you are the poster child for intolerance.
Tolerance doesn't extend to hate speech. If Pacquiao had stated that he thinks being Black is wrong or that being a Jew is wrong, don't you think that there would be the same outcry. Hate speech arises from ignorance and it is difficult for anyone to be tolerant of ignorance.

By the way, if you are actually going to try and argue your cause, try not to use generalizations - it undercuts your credibility. The Left is not a single, homogenous group. I disagree on issues with as many of those that are considered to be on the Left as those that are considered to be on the Right. No one is completely right and no one is completely wrong. Hell, I even found some beliefs in common with Marine La Pen and I think she is a whacko.
So Pacquiao voicing his belief that homosexuality is wrong, is hate speech? I think he has a right to that belief and a right to voice it without being barred.

People see where this is heading at that's what scares people. It's just another step in the direction of forcing Catholic hospitals to perform abortions (something Obama pushed for), another step in forcing churches to marry LGBT couples when they don't condone it. By calling it hate speech it's a step in shutting down the other sides beliefs and rights to those beliefs.
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So Pacquiao voicing his belief that homosexuality is wrong, is hate speech? I think he has a right to that belief and a right to voice it without being barred.

People see where this is heading at that's what scares people. It's just another step in the direction of forcing Catholic hospitals to perform abortions (something Obama pushed for), another step in forcing churches to marry LGBT couples when they don't condone it. By calling it hate speech it's a step in shutting down the other sides beliefs and rights to those beliefs.

Catholic hospitals want an exemption from Federal law so that they can opt out of certain medical procedures yet they want to continue accepting Federal and state money in the form of tax exemptions and Medicare/Medicaid payments? That seems a little hypocritical to me. As a taxpayer, I am offended that my wife and/or my daughter can't get full and complete medical treatment at a Catholic hospital.
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So Pacquiao voicing his belief that homosexuality is wrong, is hate speech? I think he has a right to that belief and a right to voice it without being barred.

People see where this is heading at that's what scares people. It's just another step in the direction of forcing Catholic hospitals to perform abortions (something Obama pushed for), another step in forcing churches to marry LGBT couples when they don't condone it. By calling it hate speech it's a step in shutting down the other sides beliefs and rights to those beliefs.

If you check out the definition of hate speech that is held my many in liberal academia, you might be amazed. Saying you are against gay marriage is hate speech, saying you feel like affirmative action has outlived its usefulness is hate speech, saying you think transgender people should pick one bathroom and stick with it is hate speech, saying you are against unfettered immigration is hate speech. The reality is none of those require one iota of hate. They simply require you being on the side of the argument opposite the heavily liberal faction in America. And if they can, in their mind, call it hate speech, then they feel like they are justified in stamping it out, literally or figuratively. And they call it hate speech because of the negative connotation of the word "hate", and knowing nobody wants that word associated with them. So you will try very hard to not be called a "hater", i.e. you will keep your mouth shut.
Catholic hospitals want an exemption from Federal law so that they can opt out of certain medical procedures yet they want to continue accepting Federal and state money in the form of tax exemptions and Medicare/Medicaid payments? That seems a little hypocritical to me. As a taxpayer, I am offended that my wife and/or my daughter can't get full and complete medical treatment at a Catholic hospital.

I don't have the statistics, but I believe that a very large number of the hospitals in the USA are Catholic
Or other hospitals affiliated with religious groups who are opposed to performing procedures that are against
Their religious believes. To tie Federal Exemptions to those faith based hospitals to force them to act against
Their religious believes will force them to shut down and in so doing deprive patients who rely on those hospitals of badly needed medical care.
Catholic hospitals want an exemption from Federal law so that they can opt out of certain medical procedures yet they want to continue accepting Federal and state money in the form of tax exemptions and Medicare/Medicaid payments? That seems a little hypocritical to me. As a taxpayer, I am offended that my wife and/or my daughter can't get full and complete medical treatment at a Catholic hospital.
That would be more reasonable if there were some kind of monopoly on health care or hospital services, where you didn't have another hospital right down the road to opt for. While a veritable monopoly may be true in some very rural cases, it isn't for 90% + of Americans. And you can stumble into any Catholic hospital in America with an injury or illness and you will be treated, and usually treated well. As far as voluntary elective procedures where an actual hospital is required, all your doctor has to do is chose another hospital. You lose nothing.
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So discusted with nd students walking out on vp pence. My daughter wanted to go to Norte dame. Now I'm pushing her to go to Standard. I will no longer root for no football
That's some mighty fine spelling right there. Hope she favors her mother.
the solution to these walkouts is simple; put an asterisk next to their name; nothing more. When inquiries are made regarding them, by future employers...let the asterisk be the 'voice'. That way the employer gets freedom of expression too!
I hardly think their silent protest would have any effect whatsoever on their future employment opportunities.
How is that a solution? You are assuming this is a problem which whatever but because a kid has an opinion we put an asterisk on their name/degree? How does that make sense?
You expect him to start making sense now ? He would need divine intervention.
"The intolerance of the left and Dems is something to behold. The BS media and their 97 per cent anti Trump coverage according to Harvard shows how wrong and how far journalism has fallen

I expect the stark behavior of President Trump that has ruffled so many and caused them to react with such irrationality will be overshadowed by the man's accomplishments"

What accomplishments? He appointed a SCJ -- big deal, Bodi could do that. Trump is being criticized for his incompetence and possible criminal behavior in obstructing an on-going investigation.

You were fine with the talk of Obama's birther claims!
A REPUBLICAN SENATE investigated HRC for 3 years on Benghazi and found nothing.
HRC's emails? Comey was allowed to do his job and NOT FIRED by Obama and HRC was cleared. All of this while a REPUBLICAN SENATE investigated and investigated.

Isn't your crying hypocritical? What would you be saying if all of these accusations were swirling around Obama???? What would Fox be talking about?

This is NOT intolerance for a rich privileged guy but concern for our country. If you watch Fox you are not getting the truth. Even long-time conservative writers are writing daily about the subversion of our democracy. War hero John McCain is showing concern. Two Republican Members of the house called for Impeachment. Trump and his administration is off the rails.

Trump fired Comey (the FBI head who was investigating Russian involvement into our election and his people's possible part in it.)

Monday - Trump shared highly classified info with Russians at the WH.(No US Press allowed.)
Tuesday - Comey reveals Trump asked him to shut down the Flynn investigation. Comey said no and was fired.
Wednesday -- It is revealed Trump had been warned about Flynn, the Russians, and Flynn's job for Turkey -- Trump shot down a military strike on Isis at the behest of Flyn and Turkey. Where is Trump/Fox's ire at Isis now?! Trump didn't listen to warnings and kept Flynn for weeks before firing. Trump also says at the coast guard academy he is being treated worse than any president. Bullshit. Kennedy, Reagan, were shot! What a crybaby. Tell the truth and people will leave you alone. If you are innocent of charges.
Thursday -- Comey reveals he had to stay away from Trump because of his pleading about Flynn.
Friday -- Trump tells his best friends the Russians: Comey was a “nut job.” He also told them, the report said “I just fired the head of the FBI…I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

So he is bragging to one of our greatest enemies, the country that is trying to subvert our democracy, a country led by a petty autocrat, that he fired the guy who was investigating them (the Russians) and his people for being in bed with the Russians.

And you, and Fox, and all the evangelicals around the country are okay with this. Hypocrites.

Spot On. Trump lies in the morning when he wakes up and then says the exact opposite later the same day. Dementia ?

I am a Republican who did not vote for The Pussy Grabber and I did not vote or Hillary.

Why doesn't Trump release his taxes ? WTF is he hiding there ? How many deferments did tough talking - snowflake Trump have ? He is not only a pussy grabber - but a big pussy himself. What a disgrace to America.
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So discusted with nd students walking out on vp pence. My daughter wanted to go to Norte dame. Now I'm pushing her to go to Standard. I will no longer root for no football

I'm "discusted," too, about this "Norte dame" board. I'm assuming the above post was placed facetiously, or at least I hope so. Can all of you just shut the HELL up about your political views? This is supposed to be a FOOTBALL BOARD!!! I'm SO friggin' sick of reading everyone's political "take." Keep it to YOURSELVES!!! If you must express your political views, please go to a new website I just discovered, "Hereswhyidonthaveanycluebutmustshoutasloudasi canaboutmymisinformedopinions." JUST SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!! Gah!!!!!!!!!!! Lord, could someone, ANYONE (?), tell me something about the team? Tell me why Kelly should be fired after the upcoming season, or retained. Provide an obscure statistic in support of your views. Tell me why, or why not, Paul H. should have won the Heisman trophy over Jim Brown. Tell me why Ara was perfectly justified in doing what he did at the end of the Michigan State game in '66. Please, ANYONE??? CHRIST!!!
I'm "discusted," too, about this "Norte dame" board. I'm assuming the above post was placed facetiously, or at least I hope so. Can all of you just shut the HELL up about your political views? This is supposed to be a FOOTBALL BOARD!!! I'm SO friggin' sick of reading everyone's political "take." Keep it to YOURSELVES!!! If you must express your political views, please go to a new website I just discovered, "Hereswhyidonthaveanycluebutmustshoutasloudasi canaboutmymisinformedopinions." JUST SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!! Gah!!!!!!!!!!! Lord, could someone, ANYONE (?), tell me something about the team? Tell me why Kelly should be fired after the upcoming season, or retained. Provide an obscure statistic in support of your views. Tell me why, or why not, Paul H. should have won the Heisman trophy over Jim Brown. Tell me why Ara was perfectly justified in doing what he did at the end of the Michigan State game in '66. Please, ANYONE??? CHRIST!!!

With only 4 posts, you do not have much standing to reprimand other posters.
With only 4 posts, you do not have much standing to reprimand other posters.
With only 4 posts, you do not have much standing to reprimand other posters.

As you'll be able to tell, below, that sort of response always makes me annoyed, but always makes me laugh. I actually have more posts than 4. I had to change my screen name a few years ago, because I lost my password, but I probably don't have more than 20 posts, total. I remember way back in the Charlie Weis era, I made a few observations about the team. A few people, back then, thought my comments were well-founded. Another few, told me my views were silly, because, at the time, I had only a "few posts"to my name. So, does the number pf posts one makes equate with intelligence and insight? Does the number of posts one makes verify his/her credibility? If that's what you believe, you're an idiot, on your best day. Any day you'd like, I'd be happy to debate my experience with playing football, coaching football, and maybe even our comparative education levels. As my wife would say, if you believe the number of posts one puts on this board somehow makes one's posts more legitimate, you're a "dummy."