I voted for Trump primarily because I despise the Clinton's and felt that a vote for anyone other then Trump would effectively elect Clinton.
I also thought that Trump's appeal to the "forgotten middle class" was sincere and that he would try to clean out the political and bureaucratic elitists that actually rule this nation.
I favor immigration reform including stopping illegal immigration and providing a functional process that would allow work visa's and some form of vetting of those wishing to enter the US. I don't hate immigrants but I also do not think that open borders should exist.
I have seen Obamacare raise my premiums/co=pays/deductibles by 450% since 2009 and want a better form of healthcare reform.
I am tired of identity politics that pits women against men, white men against people of color, flaunts LBGT values as somehow superior to heterosexual values, defends the rights of Muslims while allowing violence against Christians without comment, spends more time and political capital getting transgender bathrooms than dealing with the real threats of NK and Iran.
It troubles me greatly to see Trump allow himself to be outmaneuvered by elitists on both sides like Ryan, McConnell, Schumer and Pelosi. The mission in DC appears to be to make Trump an ineffective President and he obviously does not have the experience or the will to deal with his opposition.
It troubles me that the Senate Republicans dealing with the health care bill are all white men when there are capable GOP women Senators available. Are lessons never learned?
It troubles me that Ivanka's sister-in-law is in China selling visa in exchange for a $500,000 investment in a Trump project.
It's obvious that money/power is the only currency of the realm and it will remain so until a significant percentage of the population say otherwise. I thought that the Trump election was a step in that direction and I was wrong.
So my question is how do we rid ourselves of the entrenched ruling parties? Term limits would be a start, but that will not clean out the political appointees and career bureaucrats that seem to work for their own agendas and are not held to account by the electorate.
The whole system appears hopeless to me. Clinton has just set up a PAC to oppose Trump, the Dems are only about resistance these days and appear far more competent at it than the GOP House and Senate since 2010. If Trump loses in 2020 then we swing back to a secular progressive slide to socialism with the GOP in opposition again.
We need a government that works together to solve real serious problems. Examples are plentiful here in the socialist state of California. We just had our wettest winter in 20 years yet because CA has not improved it's water infrastructure since the 1970's, much of the snow melt is going to wind up in the Pacific Ocean and Gov. Moonbeam will still tell us to stop taking showers. He'll continue to throw money at his high speed train to nowhere, while demanding a $0.125 gas tax to fix our roads and bridges. Does no one in government understand the concept of capital expenditure budgeting?
Brown is now using a scam to divert $1.5Billion raised by an anti-tobacco ballot measure into the general fund. The same thing happened with Gore's lock-box of Social Security funds.
Yet we listen to these clowns and keep reelecting them. We are in a quagmire primarily because we are all stupid. We cast votes for people if they promise to keep allowing us to kill our babies in the womb, irrespective of whether these people are actually competent to be a day manager at a fast food restaurant.
End of rant.
I also thought that Trump's appeal to the "forgotten middle class" was sincere and that he would try to clean out the political and bureaucratic elitists that actually rule this nation.
I favor immigration reform including stopping illegal immigration and providing a functional process that would allow work visa's and some form of vetting of those wishing to enter the US. I don't hate immigrants but I also do not think that open borders should exist.
I have seen Obamacare raise my premiums/co=pays/deductibles by 450% since 2009 and want a better form of healthcare reform.
I am tired of identity politics that pits women against men, white men against people of color, flaunts LBGT values as somehow superior to heterosexual values, defends the rights of Muslims while allowing violence against Christians without comment, spends more time and political capital getting transgender bathrooms than dealing with the real threats of NK and Iran.
It troubles me greatly to see Trump allow himself to be outmaneuvered by elitists on both sides like Ryan, McConnell, Schumer and Pelosi. The mission in DC appears to be to make Trump an ineffective President and he obviously does not have the experience or the will to deal with his opposition.
It troubles me that the Senate Republicans dealing with the health care bill are all white men when there are capable GOP women Senators available. Are lessons never learned?
It troubles me that Ivanka's sister-in-law is in China selling visa in exchange for a $500,000 investment in a Trump project.
It's obvious that money/power is the only currency of the realm and it will remain so until a significant percentage of the population say otherwise. I thought that the Trump election was a step in that direction and I was wrong.
So my question is how do we rid ourselves of the entrenched ruling parties? Term limits would be a start, but that will not clean out the political appointees and career bureaucrats that seem to work for their own agendas and are not held to account by the electorate.
The whole system appears hopeless to me. Clinton has just set up a PAC to oppose Trump, the Dems are only about resistance these days and appear far more competent at it than the GOP House and Senate since 2010. If Trump loses in 2020 then we swing back to a secular progressive slide to socialism with the GOP in opposition again.
We need a government that works together to solve real serious problems. Examples are plentiful here in the socialist state of California. We just had our wettest winter in 20 years yet because CA has not improved it's water infrastructure since the 1970's, much of the snow melt is going to wind up in the Pacific Ocean and Gov. Moonbeam will still tell us to stop taking showers. He'll continue to throw money at his high speed train to nowhere, while demanding a $0.125 gas tax to fix our roads and bridges. Does no one in government understand the concept of capital expenditure budgeting?
Brown is now using a scam to divert $1.5Billion raised by an anti-tobacco ballot measure into the general fund. The same thing happened with Gore's lock-box of Social Security funds.
Yet we listen to these clowns and keep reelecting them. We are in a quagmire primarily because we are all stupid. We cast votes for people if they promise to keep allowing us to kill our babies in the womb, irrespective of whether these people are actually competent to be a day manager at a fast food restaurant.
End of rant.