What?? So you're disagreeing with me? You gotta be the guy on this board who's the most full of himself and even a bit narcissistic when it comes to more advanced football knowledge/savvy, which is implied that you posses. Which I'm guessing in actual substance is about zero, as a practical matter. With the occasional semi-comprehensible word salad, when you're laboring to insist on some sort of tactical dynamic that ND's fate is going to be bound up in.
In any case, I like Tyler Buchner a lot, he's obviously a bright kid, the kind who'd probably be fine at ND even if he wasn't a football player. You certainly couldn't find someone who fits the ND profile any better. He seems like a very confident athlete, and I for one feel like I would have no special reason to suspect that he's might struggle as a passer as a full-time starter, which was something of the obsession du jour over the summer amongst the sweaty masses. And so I doubted myself a little. Now that the season's actually upon us, it's time to circle the wagons, and now no one's talking about TB sucking anymore.
The main takeaway is that your typical ND fan really doesn't know anything about anything. There'd be no reason to be impressed or intimidated or intrigued by anything they have to say, especially when it comes to the football team. Other than the most mainstream layman's conventional wisdom that's available to anyone. Sometimes the fans want to indulge in a particular opinion about whatever it is. And then later they'll contradict themselves for no other reason than the date on the calendar.
Anyway, I still think Avery Johnson ought to just stick with K-State. But if he does flip to ND that would be cool too. But I totally prefer Minchey....