Please take notice game is on NBC SPTS, Not NBC...


Future coach
Feb 7, 2015
Some without cable might not know this,,,,I know several people here use rabbitt attenna ears might be out of luck...Will not bother me becasue I will be at the game,,,,YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
will it be streaming online like NBC games typically do (all that is required is logging into your cable subscription) ...?
Some without cable might not know this,,,,I know several people here use rabbitt attenna ears might be out of luck...Will not bother me becasue I will be at the game,,,,YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
Yeah, you'll be at the game because you landed a job cleaning the toilets in the men's room.
It's hard to believe there are people in this day and age who don't have cable or some kind of satellite TV. Time to come out of the stone age. There also is a new invention called the internet also.
you forget irishjohn68 that families still struggle these days with the high price of things while raising a family I know a lot of people who did what I did recently in droping satellite tv because of the constant price hikes. it got to the point where I was paying 120.00 a month for directv and i'm on a single income and with me doing some recent remodeling to my home it meant I had to cut back on some things to help pay for the remodeling and so I cut directv
I don't subscribe to cable because I don't support monopolies.

I am not above using my dad's cable subscription login though to stream games online. :p