Dublin, don't get lost on a technicality. I realize that the voters don't directly make this decision but, rather, indirectly through the election of their representatives. As to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, they did not, initially, apply to ALL individual Americans. As mentioned before, the Constitution originally recognized and countenanced slavery. African Americans didn't get the legal "right" to vote until 1870 and, even then, had those rights restricted at least through 1965. Women did not get the right to vote until 1920.
The pre-Obamacare health system was a mess with millions of people uninsured and, more importantly, problems with pre-existing conditions and lifetime spending caps. I didn't have pre-existing conditions then but I sure do now and allowing states to waive restrictions on pre-existing conditions scares me.
What this all comes down to is why are people resistant to everyone being able to receive and afford healthcare? yes, it will be expensive and it will create a large government bureaucracy. If those are the only two issues, than we should discuss that. I have, however, seen too many people on this Board that oppose universal healthcare as being un-American or socialistic. The first two issues are logistical in nature and I'm confident that those problems can be addressed rationally. The other objection is more philosophical in nature and seems akin to "Hey, I got mine through a life of hard work. Why should this be handed to you?" That philosophy, while not unreasonable, seemingly fails to recognize that we aren't all created equal. Some people just have more skills than others. Some people have physical and/or mental conditions that restrict their ability to do it on their own. There is also a degree of luck that plays into everyones' lives. I have friends who are worth millions of dollars. Some of those friends are smarter than me and others aren't. Some of them work harder than me and others don't. The ones who aren't smarter and don't work harder but have still been hugely successful have been incredibly fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time.
That being said, I wouldn't trade my current life for that of any of my wealth friends. I have been incredibly fortunate to have a wonderful wife (for 33 years) and two great kids. While I wouldn't trade lives, I would certainly welcome some of their money.
Irish Duck
You seem to have answered your own question.
Single-payer healthcare is too expensive and we are a broke country it will take decades for us to settle our debt and that's only if we attack it immediately till then it cannot even be considered.
Bureaucracy. That is a loaded word.
Look at the EPA for example 80% of the EPA is nothing but paper pushers who make no policy decisions or anything that will help the environment.
Government-run Healthcare would dwarf EPA.
Pre ACA Medical was a hell of a lot better for me. I do understand pre-existing conditions needed to be addressed, and needs to be taken care of only because in the job market of today it is very difficult for an individual to remain at one job for 20 years/or retirement.
That is another unintended consequence of a higher corporate tax/NAFTA and moving all manufacturing out of the country
Congress stack the deck with the insurance companies limiting the number of empowering them in a sense.
That's where changes need to be done next.
President Obama had the right idea in regards to fixing the insurance companies but instead he went to bed with him and they ended up even richer. Guaranteed government money have not helped the medical industry or the educational one. Why is an aspirins $8 individually at hospitals for example.
Why have College tuitions all increased substantially the past couple decades
You are correct government-run Healthcare is unamerican. it is socialist. it is wrong.
Our forefathers guarded against this type of government in the Constitution and if there is going to be any type of government-run Healthcare it needs to be done through the states plain and simple end of story
Everybody is not the same this is very true. For those who can just never get it together for whatever reasons Charities have been established for that.
The more money that is taken from people through the government is less money being able to be given to charities. We are giving Nation probably the most giving Nation ever in the history of mankind.
We will not allow a fellow American fall on their face
individual charities have been replaced with corporate charities through lobbyists and such, and they have an endgame in mind which takes the oil charity definition out of the equation..
You now have that fake Indian Elizabeth Warner trying to push for single-payer right now and I assure you if this is the route the Democrats are going they will lose even more.
I'll say it again we are a broke Nation.
President Obama created more debt than all the presidents before him combined.
This debt affects every single American rich,middle class. and poor.
It affects how we can do business it affects retirement. It also has effects internationally. With China holding so much of our debt how do you expect us to deal with them?
The United States should never be in debt to anyone with the wealth of this country
This is not going to be an easy fix, nor do I believe it'll be fixed in my lifetime
But I assure you my children don't want federal health care and my grandchildren will not want federal health care.