DIP, I am never offended by someone with strong opinions as long as they are intelligent opinions. I disagree with your opinions but respect your right to have them. I want to address a few of your points:
1. I agree that the Native Americans were defeated but our government did not treat them as a defeated people and just make them citizens. They allowed them to retain their sovereignty and entered into treaties with them. I think this was foolish but that is what happened. We also violated those treaties on numerous occasions and was wrong. Of course, there was also racism and cruelty involved both those are discussions for another day.
2. One thing that we agree upon is that the Constitution doesn't provide for healthcare. Of course the Constitution also doesn't provide for a lot of things that the government currently provides (not to mention that the Constitution, in its original form, recognized and authorized slavery). The fact that the Constitution doesn't require universal healthcare doesn't mean the government can't and/or shouldn't do so.
3. By saying that the US is a warmonger, I wasn't suggesting that other nations aren't also. There is little dispute, however, that we are a militaristic and interventionist nation. US history is replete with the US government, overtly or covertly, overthrowing nations, i.e. Nicaragua, Panama, Iran, Iraq, Granada, Afghanistan, etc. Our involvement in WW II was wonderful and heroic but please remember that we were part of a coalition. Also, we didn't suffer the infrastructure damage that the rest of the world did.
4. The healthcare bureaucracy will be huge if it is to cover everyone. It will take a lot of work, on a bipartisan basis, to make that bureaucracy work. There will be abuses but the question is whether the cost of the abuses will overshadow the benefit provided.
5. Illegal immigrants? I'm not going down this rabbit hole. Let's just say that I'm more of an open border-guy than you are.
rgc7, you make a good argument and I recognize that the state of Germany's healthcare system is troubling. That being said, it is still better than the mess we have. In 2014, German spent 11.4 of its GDP on healthcare. That same year, the US spent 17.1 of its GDP. By every metric I've been able to find, the US lags behind the rest of the First World Nations in the cost and quality of healthcare.
Telx1, I'm only a few years from being eligible for Medicare and I hope it will still be available then. Medicare is a form of single payer system that seems to work pretty well. It is certainly underfunded but that is correctable.
To all, a friend of mine brought this to my attention as a problem with for profit companies being in charge of health care. Let's say you have a company that makes 25% of its revenues from diabetes-related drugs. These drugs help to control and to minimize the detrimental impact of that disease. If you are the president of that company and had the opportunity to bring to market a drug that would cure diabetes, knowing that it would then reduce your revenues by 25%, would you do it? As president of the Company, your allegiance is not to the general public but, rather, to your shareholders. If you bring this new drug to market and thereby reduce the company's profitability, you may have breached your fiduciary obligations to your shareholders. That, more than anything else, is why we absolutely have to take the "profit" out of health care.