OT Muhammad Ali

Since I was one of those volunteers you couldn't be more wrong. The point is, compulsory service in a genuinely free society is a contradiction. Conversely, voluntary service is a natural byproduct.
There has always been (when required) the need for such a contradiction in this free society throughout this nations history. Those who refuse their duty should be w/o any redemption until that price is paid
"...The hell with that ! Let Trump be Trump ! Unfiltered non bs politician ! And he speaks the truth ! The Obama years have brought lawles...."

And do you need more from Bodi to realize the best part of him dribbled down his fathers leg!
He is intellectually sterile!

(and don't forget, he is 'continuously's biatch')

I know you all already know this; just reminding him!

Pretty vile stuff from Purse. His mind is always in the gutter. And Purse, you are scared of me (so I guess you are my biatch) I know what a sewer rat you are (remember--wax you got mail) and what a hypocrite you are. You say you never use vile language and yet you just posted "the best part of me went down my Fathers leg". That is language an adolescent uses.
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^ careful with that idea. Phrases i have heard 'Biblical Times' (when did biblical times end, jmo we are still in them; till the end); and Revolutionary Times (our country), greatest generation, and.... We are not living in 'Honorable Times' And those with little honor could just stroll in and take over if 'we' could did not choose to defend! (oh, yep, the Russians have invaded, without a shot.) And now? The 'we' referred to is the founding generations that formulated our government and way of life; the reasons and philosophies were (till recent) read, with pride, in history books by succeeding generations. The 'we' is now old and or deceased; (the "we" that followed by that way of life, liberty, and the pursuit of freedom (was originally property there). The goal 'inorder to form a more perfect union' is now a lost notion and the carpet baggers come from all over the globe, and none are interested in a 'more perfect union' but each possesing a self interest plan; very different from the original vision.
These are not 'honorable times'.

A famous respected preacher I heard deliver a sermon once said, 'if God doesn't do something about America, then he owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology'. Well....

You might want to get back on your medication Purse. You have flipped out.
There has always been (when required) the need for such a contradiction in this free society throughout this nations history. Those who refuse their duty should be w/o any redemption until that price is paid
The prior existance of a moral contradiction does not justify it. If you believe a state has the right to force its citizens to die for it, then you are to one degree or another a statist.
The prior existance of a moral contradiction does not justify it. If you believe a state has the right to force its citizens to die for it, then you are to one degree or another a statist.

If you chose not to serve when your country calls on you, you SHOULD NOT be allowed any government aid, or benefits, and an asterisk should be placed next to their name.
If there is no call up and you chose not to serve that's fine, but to not answer the call when so many do must have lasting consequences
There are too many takers in this Country, and this must stop.
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Yet you never served for this country, You are just a lot of hot wind. I served in the Marines as did my Dad and Grandfather. Deeds speak more than words.

I'm guessing you were 0-1.
Since I was one of those volunteers you couldn't be more wrong. The point is, compulsory service in a genuinely free society is a contradiction. Conversely, voluntary service is a natural byproduct.

Pretty much the ultimate in "Big Government": being forced to serve in a war that you do not support. Something that has happened across the world throughout history.
Yet you never served for this country, You are just a lot of hot wind. I served in the Marines as did my Dad and Grandfather. Deeds speak more than words.

There are ways to serve your country other than military service.
I know that but Perse brings the military service (he says he has relatives that served--not him) angle all the time to attack others. Maybe you should go after Purse and not me.

No intent to go after you, just adding a thought. And no chance to go after Purse as he has long been on Ignore and I read nothing he posts.