OT: LSU fed up?

So you wanted Kelly gone after year 3? He didn't do it.
2012 season no....after the Natty & then him trying to go to Philly I was over his nonsense. Then after 2015 Stanford & 2016 I couldnt stand him. To his credit he proved me wrong. Then the way he handled leaving for LSU I get a kick out of his failures.
So you wanted Kelly gone after year 3? He didn't do it.
Year three was the year many of the posters/fans began to see thru the various personas of Kelly.
I know year 3, was the year I felt BK was-bad for ND; and yet I, at the time I considered him one of the ten best coaches in the nation. There was just a disconnect.with BK.
More money, more pressure and expectations. But it has to be tough having Georgia and Alabama in your conference. I know Bama is down this year, but still.
More money, more pressure and expectations. But it has to be tough having Georgia and Alabama in your conference. I know Bama is down this year, but still.
I think if BK was smart he would of retired after his 2nd loss to Bama & went to the booth and made a damn good living doing it plus he could of played all the golf he wanted. He could of walked away with the CFB world saying he restored ND but wasnt playing on an even field to win a title. Now there are no excuses.
So? What's your point with that? LSU got fleeced. Charlie Weis fleeced ND.
He has no point. While annoying he is an effective troll. He posts just enough positive ND content that you cant outright accuse him of being a troll, but he loves picking at all the ND sore spots. Its a weird hobby but he's a weird dude.
Why are you obsessed with other peoples $$$?
A thread about Brian Kelly a full 22 months after the dude took another head coaching job and a more lucrative gig, and you ask why I am obsessed? That's good stuff.
He took the job before the bowl game from what I remember. He can do what he wants; but that is kind of a **** move. You can't expect the fan base to be thrilled with it, but based on what he did, he doesn't care.
A thread about Brian Kelly a full 22 months after the dude took another head coaching job and a more lucrative gig, and you ask why I am obsessed? That's good stuff.
A thread out of nowhere slobbering all over Pete Carroll is a curious way for a ND fan to prove his bonifeds.. BK left at a recruits house & ND still had a shot at the playoffs. There gonna be resentment sport.
An thread out of nowhere slobbering all over Pete Carroll is a curious way for a ND fan to prove his bonifeds..
The same handful of posters writing the same Brian Kelly comments 22 months after he leaves for a more lucrative head coaching gig, and i get asked why I am obsessed.
A thread about Brian Kelly a full 22 months after the dude took another head coaching job and a more lucrative gig, and you ask why I am obsessed? That's good stuff.
We aren't obsessed, we are just enjoying him completely fail at a place he claimed was much easier to win because of the lack of restrictions, having a nutritionist on staff, and all the other advantages he mentioned he has at LSU while at the same time putting down the program that gave him 10+ years which led to his lucrative contract. I'm going to enjoy every minute of him failing.
Im old school. By year 3 if you didn't do it. History shows you never will at ND.

Third year results for ND coaches with ND lifetime win percentages of roughly 74% or higher:

Harper 7-1
Rockne 9-0 (partial NC unclaimed by ND)
Layden 6-2-1
Leahy 9-1 (NC)
Parseghian 9-0-1 (NC)
Devine 11-1 (NC)
Holtz 12-0 (NC)
Kelly 12-1 (lost NC title game)

Third year results for ND coaches with ND lifetime win percentages of 64% or less:

Anderson 3-5-1
Brennan 2-8
Kuharich 5-5
Faust 7-5 (the best of the worst, at least in THIS REGARD)
Davie 5-7
Willingham 6-5 (plus Kent Bear 0-1)
Weis 3-9


There's a track record here---it's called Weis , Davie and Faust.

The last 3 times we hired a first time HC it didn't work out.

Jack doing it till he gets it right ?

No one hopes it works out more than I do but the ND job is different----national fan base-----national media coverage------no conference so all games are critical .

Ara said it best " I was a HC for 10 years before I came to Notre Dame and I needed every one of them " .
Jack didn’t hire those guys. You posting until you get it right?
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2012 season no....after the Natty & then him trying to go to Philly I was over his nonsense. Then after 2015 Stanford & 2016 I couldnt stand him. To his credit he proved me wrong. Then the way he handled leaving for LSU I get a kick out of his failures.
Fair review
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I think if BK was smart he would of retired after his 2nd loss to Bama & went to the booth and made a damn good living doing it plus he could of played all the golf he wanted. He could of walked away with the CFB world saying he restored ND but wasnt playing on an even field to win a title. Now there are no excuses.

Realizing (for some years already) that he has no REAL SHOT at winning an NC at ND -- as per your INDISUPTABLE unlevel playing field point -- he says to himself, "WHAT'S THE POINT OF STAYING HERE WHEN LSU IS WAVING $10 MILLION IN MY FACE, AND I GET TO TAKE MY SHOT IN THE SEC AND PERHAPS PROVE ONCE AND FOR ALL JUST HOW GOOD A COACH I AM?"

Kelly is both a GAMBLER and a COMPETITOR. Not to mention a 72.5% CAREER CFB WINNER. I mean, why not GO FOR IT?

Which is exactly what he DID.

Doesn't work out? THEN hit the booth.

I GIVE HIM CREDIT for staying in the game. Hell, he beat SABAN last year. THAT had to feel good. Had he gone to the booth, he'd have missed that opportunity.

Plus, he's not down and out. Though the odds aren't great, he could still win his division or conference. Whereas at ND, what does Freeman do if he loses either this week or next other then BRACE FOR HIS MOMENT OF TRUTH YEAR 3?

And then, Kelly also has HIS OWN YEAR THREE to look forward to. How'd that work out for him at ND? Pretty well. Who predicted it? NO ONE.

As a business and professional decision, I can't see how Kelly didn't make the "correct" choice. He owed ND NOTHING as 54-9, a title game and two playoff appearances COUNTERBALANCES an abundance of earlier blunders committed on an UNLEVEL PLAYING FIELD.

He decided to opt for a LEVEL ONE. Who wouldn't? When it comes to your door and KNOCKS?
Lol... its so weird how a person can work politics into a football discussion. Im baffled by the thought process. And Big Lebowski is a masterpiece of cinema.
It's all the same when you think about it.

As for the film, it may be one of the CLEVEREST of all time. Certainly on a generational level.
Year three was the year many of the posters/fans began to see thru the various personas of Kelly.
I know year 3, was the year I felt BK was-bad for ND; and yet I, at the time I considered him one of the ten best coaches in the nation. There was just a disconnect.with BK.
Flirting with the Eagles in the lead up to the national championship game against Alabama did not sit well with me. I didn't think we had a snowball's chance in hell of winning that game, but come on, man, focus on the task at hand.
A thread about Brian Kelly a full 22 months after the dude took another head coaching job and a more lucrative gig, and you ask why I am obsessed? That's good stuff.
You bring his ass up all day, every day! Your a fnnning hypocrite and should be banned from this site!!!!
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Realizing (for some years already) that he has no REAL SHOT at winning an NC at ND -- as per your INDISUPTABLE unlevel playing field point -- he says to himself, "WHAT'S THE POINT OF STAYING HERE WHEN LSU IS WAVING $10 MILLION IN MY FACE, AND I GET TO TAKE MY SHOT IN THE SEC AND PERHAPS PROVE ONCE AND FOR ALL JUST HOW GOOD A COACH I AM?"

Kelly is both a GAMBLER and a COMPETITOR. Not to mention a 72.5% CAREER CFB WINNER. I mean, why not GO FOR IT?

Which is exactly what he DID.

Doesn't work out? THEN hit the booth.

I GIVE HIM CREDIT for staying in the game. Hell, he beat SABAN last year. THAT had to feel good. Had he gone to the booth, he'd have missed that opportunity.

Plus, he's not down and out. Though the odds aren't great, he could still win his division or conference. Whereas at ND, what does Freeman do if he loses either this week or next other then BRACE FOR HIS MOMENT OF TRUTH YEAR 3?

And then, Kelly also has HIS OWN YEAR THREE to look forward to. How'd that work out for him at ND? Pretty well. Who predicted it? NO ONE.

As a business and professional decision, I can't see how Kelly didn't make the "correct" choice. He owed ND NOTHING as 54-9, a title game and two playoff appearances COUNTERBALANCES an abundance of earlier blunders committed on an UNLEVEL PLAYING FIELD.

He decided to opt for a LEVEL ONE. Who wouldn't? When it comes to your door and KNOCKS?
Everything I learned about BK while at ND he doesnt strike me as a Malcom Gladwell Outliers type (btw not a bad read). I honestly dont think football drives him like its drives Saban, Urban, ect... I think he caught a huge break with SC, Stanford being down and ND's move towards the ACC & away from the more traditional Michigan, MSU opening schedule/. You cant win 30 in a row regular season games without the conf providing you some relief on SOS front. Im not saying it was all smoke & mirrors but I cant fathom an engaged coach not knowing his S&C was MIA. As for his time at LSU with Miles & Oregeron producing titles his legacy will take a hit if he cant get it done.
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The same handful of posters writing the same Brian Kelly comments 22 months after he leaves for a more lucrative head coaching gig, and i get asked why I am obsessed.
Thats not why you take sh!t from the board. You take sh!t because you cant read the room or adapt your posting style and IMO its by design. From personal expierence I was a BK hater during the 16 season & crossed the line. Sometimes you have to look at yourself & adjust the way you post. Growth is important in life & recieving feedback from fellow contributors here I dialed it back & even realized that I was apart of the problem. Since then i have had a more enjoyable time here.
The same handful of posters writing the same Brian Kelly comments 22 months after he leaves for a more lucrative head coaching gig, and i get asked why I am obsessed.
Handful??? Really??? You're in the minority and not just about this!!! I swear at this point it's got to be an act? Are you sure your really not the Theatre teacher??
The same handful of posters writing the same Brian Kelly comments 22 months after he leaves for a more lucrative head coaching gig, and i get asked why I am obsessed.
Let me ask you a serious question and then I'm done posting with you forever...You to this day talk about Brandon Wimbush and his 22 yard run that led to a first down and yet it's been almost 7 days and you've not said one word about SH and his 4th & 16 that actually won the game(you can figure that out right?). Brandon Wimbush couldn't shine SH's shoes on a football field and yet ND is 5-1 and I don't think I've read one post from you of how great this guy has played w/ no WR's(just look at the stats), why? And you certainly haven't started any threads about him, why? I would bet my left arm you've started no less than 10 threads on the great Brandon Wimbush? I know why, I think we all know why...cause' your just a BK fan and not a real ND 13 years of talking about him on this board he's infallible in your eyes and that's almost an impossible take of him on and off the field. You've made it impossible to have any kind of rational football discussion...Enjoy the season.
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Everything I learned about BK while at ND he doesnt strike me as a Malcom Gladwell Outliers type (btw not a bad read). I honestly dont think football drives him like its drives Saban, Urban, ect... I think he caught a huge break with SC, Stanford being down and ND's move towards the ACC & away from the more traditional Michigan, MSU opening schedule/. You cant win 30 in a row regular season games without the conf providing you some relief on SOS front. Im not saying it was all smoke & mirrors but I cant fathom an engaged coach not knowing his S&C was MIA. As for his time at LSU with Miles & Oregeron producing titles his legacy will take a hit if he cant get it done.
Notre Dame followers TYPICALLY like their winning coaches but not their losing ones. And ALWAYS in retrospect. Fair enough.

Brian Kelly, though, presented ND people with a unique conflict. He won 74% of his games but, given his personality, was deemed unlikeable anyway, and, because he didn’t win enough IMPORTANT games, not liking him, DESPITE ALL THE OTHER GAMES HE WON, was seen as JUSTIFIED.

Is he some kind of outside-the-lines, force-of-nature outlier? No. He’s a methodical, business-like professional. But he IS interested in the game. Just NOT SO MUCH THE PLAYERS. He likes running systems and playing FOOTBALL CHESS. Plus, according to Saban, he's the last REAL STRATEGIST. So, GOD FORBID some player should mess up what Brian Kelly has deemed on paper MUST HAPPEN. He’ll take your head off and has.

Most senior people I worked for were some version of this or WORSE. So, none of that affects my perception of Kelly in the least.

As for football driving Meyer and Saban more than Kelly, maybe they’re just BETTER COACHES. Plus, they certainly worked in more ACCOMMODATING ENVIRONMENTS. Saban would NEVER coach at ND and Meyer actually SAID NO. Kelly at least TRIED. Problem was, HE NEVER DRANK THE ND KOOL-AID, say, like Holtz or Freeman. The “THIS IS THE MOST PROFOUNDLY EXCEPTIONAL PLACE” routine.

Maybe they believe it or maybe it’s even true, but certain ND fans will NEVER FORGIVE Kelly for not VOICING THOSE SENTIMENTS.

Re his portion of the current ACC streak, Kelly could only play the schedule they gave him and to be fair, Stanford was still a viable opponent several years into his tenure and more than capable of beating ND which on a couple of occasions it did. Plus, when ND won – particularly those games in 12 and 14 in South Bend – those were NAILBITING DOG FIGHTS. Then there was the crushing 2015 loss that may have kept ND out of the playoffs.

Stanford was still GOOD.

But, yes, if he doesn’t win an NC at LSU, Kelly’s legacy will take a hit, but then won’t Lincoln Riley’s, Jim Harbaugh’s and Ryan Day’s if they don’t win one as well? As for Les Miles, HE WAS NO FLUKE. He won 77% of his games at LSU – same as Lou Holtz at ND – plus one and ALMOST two NC’s – same as Holtz at ND. Does anyone think Lou Holtz was a fluke? Not on THIS BOARD.

Oh, and Miles also went 9-6 in bowl games.

One could argue, I suppose, that Orgeron got lucky, but that doesn’t necessarily bear CAREFUL SCRUTINY either. Had he not gone 10-25 at Ole Miss, his career numbers would be much better. As it was, he was 6-2 at USC as interim coach – one of those losses was to Kelly – and 51-20 at LSU, a 72% winning percentage, including a 15-0 NC campaign. He faltered badly his last two years, but still, he owes no one an apology.


Realizing (for some years already) that he has no REAL SHOT at winning an NC at ND -- as per your INDISUPTABLE unlevel playing field point -- he says to himself, "WHAT'S THE POINT OF STAYING HERE WHEN LSU IS WAVING $10 MILLION IN MY FACE, AND I GET TO TAKE MY SHOT IN THE SEC AND PERHAPS PROVE ONCE AND FOR ALL JUST HOW GOOD A COACH I AM?"

Kelly is both a GAMBLER and a COMPETITOR. Not to mention a 72.5% CAREER CFB WINNER. I mean, why not GO FOR IT?

Which is exactly what he DID.

Doesn't work out? THEN hit the booth.

I GIVE HIM CREDIT for staying in the game. Hell, he beat SABAN last year. THAT had to feel good. Had he gone to the booth, he'd have missed that opportunity.

Plus, he's not down and out. Though the odds aren't great, he could still win his division or conference. Whereas at ND, what does Freeman do if he loses either this week or next other then BRACE FOR HIS MOMENT OF TRUTH YEAR 3?

And then, Kelly also has HIS OWN YEAR THREE to look forward to. How'd that work out for him at ND? Pretty well. Who predicted it? NO ONE.

As a business and professional decision, I can't see how Kelly didn't make the "correct" choice. He owed ND NOTHING as 54-9, a title game and two playoff appearances COUNTERBALANCES an abundance of earlier blunders committed on an UNLEVEL PLAYING FIELD.

He decided to opt for a LEVEL ONE. Who wouldn't? When it comes to your door and KNOCKS?
He was a pure d@ck about it. That was the issue. Was disingenuous, then tried to change the narrative after. Had no problem with him going, and he had improved ND. But lost so much respect for how he left.
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We aren't obsessed, we are just enjoying him completely fail at a place he claimed was much easier to win because of the lack of restrictions, having a nutritionist on staff, and all the other advantages he mentioned he has at LSU while at the same time putting down the program that gave him 10+ years which led to his lucrative contract. I'm going to enjoy every minute of him failing.
Yes...BK's condescending, smirky demeanor....thumb in the nose ridiculing of ND....relishing in the "my ship came in" the new fans are lighting the torches and sharpening up the pitchforks....already. Has Kelly even unpacked all of his moving boxes yet?

Third year results for ND coaches with ND lifetime win percentages of roughly 74% or higher:

Harper 7-1
Rockne 9-0 (partial NC unclaimed by ND)
Layden 6-2-1
Leahy 9-1 (NC)
Parseghian 9-0-1 (NC)
Devine 11-1 (NC)
Holtz 12-0 (NC)
Kelly 12-1 (lost NC title game)

Third year results for ND coaches with ND lifetime win percentages of 64% or less:

Anderson 3-5-1
Brennan 2-8
Kuharich 5-5
Faust 7-5 (the best of the worst, at least in THIS REGARD)
Davie 5-7
Willingham 6-5 (plus Kent Bear 0-1)
Weis 3-9

Meanwhile, Freeman quietly has a 73.6% WINNING PERCENTAGE at this point, and He's RECRUITING BETTER than Kelly ever did.

And no i'm not counting the bowl game against OSU because he didn't have HIS staff in place and was head coach literally all of 3 weeks.

Third year results for ND coaches with ND lifetime win percentages of roughly 74% or higher:

Harper 7-1
Rockne 9-0 (partial NC unclaimed by ND)
Layden 6-2-1
Leahy 9-1 (NC)
Parseghian 9-0-1 (NC)
Devine 11-1 (NC)
Holtz 12-0 (NC)
Kelly 12-1 (lost NC title game)

Third year results for ND coaches with ND lifetime win percentages of 64% or less:

Anderson 3-5-1
Brennan 2-8
Kuharich 5-5
Faust 7-5 (the best of the worst, at least in THIS REGARD)
Davie 5-7
Willingham 6-5 (plus Kent Bear 0-1)
Weis 3-9

Quarterback will be a need to make this work.
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About to be 22-17, with 2 minutes left in the half. Logan Diggs closing in on 100 yards rushing.
Notre Dame followers TYPICALLY like their winning coaches but not their losing ones. And ALWAYS in retrospect. Fair enough.

Brian Kelly, though, presented ND people with a unique conflict. He won 74% of his games but, given his personality, was deemed unlikeable anyway, and, because he didn’t win enough IMPORTANT games, not liking him, DESPITE ALL THE OTHER GAMES HE WON, was seen as JUSTIFIED.

Is he some kind of outside-the-lines, force-of-nature outlier? No. He’s a methodical, business-like professional. But he IS interested in the game. Just NOT SO MUCH THE PLAYERS. He likes running systems and playing FOOTBALL CHESS. Plus, according to Saban, he's the last REAL STRATEGIST. So, GOD FORBID some player should mess up what Brian Kelly has deemed on paper MUST HAPPEN. He’ll take your head off and has.

Most senior people I worked for were some version of this or WORSE. So, none of that affects my perception of Kelly in the least.

As for football driving Meyer and Saban more than Kelly, maybe they’re just BETTER COACHES. Plus, they certainly worked in more ACCOMMODATING ENVIRONMENTS. Saban would NEVER coach at ND and Meyer actually SAID NO. Kelly at least TRIED. Problem was, HE NEVER DRANK THE ND KOOL-AID, say, like Holtz or Freeman. The “THIS IS THE MOST PROFOUNDLY EXCEPTIONAL PLACE” routine.

Maybe they believe it or maybe it’s even true, but certain ND fans will NEVER FORGIVE Kelly for not VOICING THOSE SENTIMENTS.

Re his portion of the current ACC streak, Kelly could only play the schedule they gave him and to be fair, Stanford was still a viable opponent several years into his tenure and more than capable of beating ND which on a couple of occasions it did. Plus, when ND won – particularly those games in 12 and 14 in South Bend – those were NAILBITING DOG FIGHTS. Then there was the crushing 2015 loss that may have kept ND out of the playoffs.

Stanford was still GOOD.

But, yes, if he doesn’t win an NC at LSU, Kelly’s legacy will take a hit, but then won’t Lincoln Riley’s, Jim Harbaugh’s and Ryan Day’s if they don’t win one as well? As for Les Miles, HE WAS NO FLUKE. He won 77% of his games at LSU – same as Lou Holtz at ND – plus one and ALMOST two NC’s – same as Holtz at ND. Does anyone think Lou Holtz was a fluke? Not on THIS BOARD.

Oh, and Miles also went 9-6 in bowl games.

One could argue, I suppose, that Orgeron got lucky, but that doesn’t necessarily bear CAREFUL SCRUTINY either. Had he not gone 10-25 at Ole Miss, his career numbers would be much better. As it was, he was 6-2 at USC as interim coach – one of those losses was to Kelly – and 51-20 at LSU, a 72% winning percentage, including a 15-0 NC campaign. He faltered badly his last two years, but still, he owes no one an apology.

Yeah, well, you know, that’s just like ah, your opinion man
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