New coach discussion...

^^^^^^^^ something I can agree 100% with Perse. But why did Perse and so many posters bite?

you have been contrary to most posts and to most posters for weeks now. Go read some of your stuff.
Someone says up, you say down. Been that way for a while.
You actually are the driving force in this whole subject. You Are perpetuating it.
Thrice I posted BK was going nowhere. But....

So, since you feel the way you do, don't read my posts. Exchanging comment or info is one thing; no sense dealing with the crap shooters. CYA then.
Ok perse that's not a fair assessment of this post but ok. I was just asking about your opinion on Sanford which you dodge and then come back and say we are all being jerks... ok man
Sal = driving force for this sorry topic, or seeker of clarification and accuracy? The later of course!
well, enjoy the sunshine pumpers. They are like vanilla ice cream: only no cream nor sugar.
yea: ok man.

ND fans enamoured with the experienced retreads is in keeping with the tradition of mediocrity established in 1997. Fans want a HC that has proven experience with losses not some young hotshot or budding superstar!
Let that young guy go somewhere else and win! There is guarded tradition here; it must be preserved!

The young hotshot coaches, seeking opportunity will gain no favor here! They say ND is their 'dream school' ?
Well they will go elsewhere for establishing the reputation, then they can beg that ND fans will take them back!
But, will they want to return?

22 perseverare, Today at 12:29 PM
I am not sure why this is a mutually exclusive thing. The initial topic was " I don't think BK is going anywhere but if he is the school should go after a young energetic coach like Matt Rhule"... Sanford could fit that profile albeit it is unlikely he would have HC experience. I said the top tier of a candidate that would fit the suggested profile would be Tom Herman. Its not like people here are saying " yall are all crazy we need to go get John Gruden", granted if BK left I am sure someone somewhere on a ND board would advocate calling Gruden.

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