More ignorant drivel from an ignoramus !Why was it little then? Who does that fall on?
Same problem. Starts at the top and it's a mess up there
Why would a legit OC want to cone here. The AD is trying to play coach.
More ignorant drivel from an ignoramus !Why was it little then? Who does that fall on?
Same problem. Starts at the top and it's a mess up there
Why would a legit OC want to cone here. The AD is trying to play coach.
I already didHow do you know that the administration fooked up ?
Tell us the details of exactly what transpired between the administration and Ludwig
If he didnt have a buyout, that shows even more how much of a joke that the Administration isHow do you know that Rees had a buy-out ?
How do you know the length and terms of Rees’s contract ?
If Rees had a buy-out, Alabama would have had to pay it, wouldn’t they !
But there was no buy-out, so tell us again how ND could have used Rees’s buy-out money, money that doesn’t exist, except in your near empty head.
Oh, that’s how ND does things, they just ask donors to pony up when they need to hire or fire a coach ?
As usual, you don’t know what you’re talking about !
BingoNo. ND likes to hoard its' money. Jenkins is happy with 9-4 seasons as long as $$$ come rolling in still.
Don’t try to weasel out of being dead wrong !If he didnt have a buyout, that shows even more how much of a joke that the Administration is
Thank you for proving what we already knew
Thanks Patty
No you didn’t, you just made vague generalizations.I already did
Not at all !Pat, you sound like a sycophant. It’s as if you think the ND administration is infallible. Like the people who think the guy they voted for is above reproach, kind of strange. I never understood that amount of loyalty to strangers.
Never said he had a substantial buyout.Don’t try to weasel out of being dead wrong !
You said that Rees had a substantial buy-out.
You were wrong ….. again.
For a guy who wanted Rees gone you should praise ND for NOT having a buy-out, thus making his departure easier.
Just admit that you were wrong about Rees having a buy-out.
I already didNo you didn’t, you just made vague generalizations.
Provide the details !
They weren't willing to pay the buyoutNot at all !
All of you have been quick to draw conclusions without the facts at your disposal.
I never said that the administration was infallible, that’s your claim.
But your collective stance that ND wasn’t willing to pay the buy-out defies logic.
In fact it’s downright stupid !
Kelly put ND in a really terrible hole, why would the administration want to dig that hole deeper over $ 500,000 or $ 1,000,000.
If $ 500,000 or $ 1,000,000 would help ND and Freeman out of that hole, ND would have paid it in a heartbeat.
You guys listen to and feed upon comments made by know nothings, and worse, you accept their opinions as the Gospel.
As I’ve stated all along, wait until all of the facts come out before drawing conclusions, as opposed to your rash, irrational conclusions !
Yes you did, and you said that ND could use that money to pay for Ludwig and the OC he would bring with him.Never said he had a substantial buyout.
I said earlier I didn't know what his buyout was.
And if he didn't have any, then add it to the list of blunders by the Administration
Thank you again Patty
Bullshit, Show us concrete proof that ND wasn’t willing to pay the buy-out.They weren't willing to pay the buyout
You're wrong like usualBullshit, Show us concrete proof that ND wasn’t willing to pay the buy-out.
You’re a fraud !
YOU made those claims, now substantiate them !You're wrong like usual
What's your sources? I want names and all the details. Go
Nope. You said about a 1 year contract for Rees. No buyout. And he was doing Freeman a 1 year favor.YOU made those claims, now substantiate them !
You’re a liar and a fraud !
You lack character and integrity !
You were crystal clear, you stated that ND should take the buy-out money that they’ll be getting for Rees and apply it toward Ludwig and his OC’s buy-out.Nope. You said about a 1 year contract for Rees. No buyout. And he was doing Freeman a 1 year favor.
Subsstantiate right now or lose all credibility.
Ready go
No credibility.You were crystal clear, you stated that ND should take the buy-out money that they’ll be getting for Rees and apply it toward Ludwig and his OC’s buy-out.
You’re a liar and a fraud.
Obviously lying and making misrepresentations. are in your DNA.
You’re not to be trusted.
You lack character and integrity !
and you are stupid and a joke.No credibility.
But you're old and senile
Golson, how do you describe yourself?No credibility.
But you're old and senile
Another member of the old and senile group jumping to the defenseand you are stupid and a joke.
It’s true, I’m old, but I’m a lot smarter and a hell of a lot more honest than you !Another member of the old and senile group jumping to the defense