Pat - you are being extremely aggressive on a topic that you clearly do not understand, and to boot you are almost 100% wrong.
For college football, there are a few sportsbooks that try to set the first line (usually Sunday). The bookmaker that posts that line usually limits the size of a bet that can be made on that line. If professional bettors see value, the line will be wagered into heavily and there will be a disproportionate amount of money going one way. The bookmaker will then adjust that very early, restricted line, if necessary, during the day. Keep in mind an enormous amount of data is considered when they set the lines, many of which have nothing to do with who will win, but what lines will generate the heaviest and most even betting. They will look at whether the public is more attracted when a certain team is favored or not favored, whether the betting is higher or lower when a team has a high spread or low spread, the proclivity of certain regions to bet for or against certain teams when teams from other regions play there (i.e. - northern schools play SEC, or southern schools playing north or west). From there, other bookmakers and online sites will usually follow that flow again limiting the size of the bets that can be made, but they will usually be pretty close to what the early houses are doing as they want to avoid an arbitrage situation where they become the one bookmaker getting all the action on a certain side. One house may completely disagree with a line that has been set, but they will not diverge and offer a new different line in order to avoid taking lopsided bets. They want to be where half the money is on one side, half on the other, and they take the vig - 10-20%. By Tuesday of game week, as more time has passed and the lines have been bet into by the pros, the more sportsbooks feel comfortable with recognizing the consensus line and they will raise their limits or remove them.
Odds makers do not make money predicting winners and losers. They make money knowing how the gambling public will respond to various bets.