Kelly is going in home

Dec 24, 2010
Kelly is going in visit today with Demetris Robertson, We have a great shot! prob between ND / UGA... Kirby gets the last in-home according to Robertson. Mom wants him to go to great academic school, at the same time has said that she wants to be able to watch most games in person. I've heard through sources that he is going in- home with Ben Davis and then Jonah Morris to finish?
In home visits are yesterday's news, according to Coach Harbaugh slumber parties are the new recruiting style. I'm worried this won't be enough.
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QUOTE="perseverare, post: 1031232, member: 9888"]slumber parties are not new; just an opportunity to shower the kid with affections.[/QUOTE]
This brings a whole new meaning to showing them the love.
The enormous difficulty about being able to attend all games for parents of limited circumstances or for that matter medium circumstances effects anyone who plays a National schedule.

Let's face it----if you attend 12 ND games and even if you're driving to South Bend for the home games and you're beyond 400 miles away it's pricey.
ND usually plays an opponent in each quadrant of the country. Not great but at least an opportunity.
I said ALL Perse-----some parents want to attend all their kids games.

You can't blame them for that.

That's why we lost Elijah Hood.
Hood is a real sad situation! He loved ND and it was about (jmo) something a deal done that he had no choice in.