I have known EG since second grade. I have stood face to face with him many times in the last 4 years. I am a little over 6'. He is eye to eye with me. One day we talked to him at the mall and I asked my wife after if EG looked as tall as me. She did not hesitate to say yes and has no prejudice in this matter. Have any of you hight'ers met him in street clothes ? He looks small standing next to giants as any of us six footers would. Also, his upper body is muscular and he looks to be 200 or over. He is slim in the lower half but his father and older brother are not, so he will probabl
y thicken up in the next few years. EG throws the ball like few you will ever witness in person. When he started as a freshman at Myrtle Beach it was obvious,,,but through the years his ability to sling the ball with rocket velocity has never been in question by any objective observer.
Haters gonna Hate.