If the fumble before halftime had not occured , ND might have gotten a fg to be up 23-21. This would have changed the failed 2 point conversion to an extra point thereby the score would end up ND 40-sTANFORD 38. Alas, it didn't turn out that way but might have. ND played hard but too many passes were caught too easily. I think Hogan only missed on 4 passes. I know injuries didn't help but I hope the defensive backfield improves a lot next year. I believe in Coach Lyght. ND- thank you for all your perseverance to overcome all the injuries and good luck in whatever bowl that the Irish are chosen to play in. A bright spot is Josh Adams. This kid has done a tremendous job filling in for Procise and Folson. I hope this experience will make some of our best players decide to come back for another try for a national champuionship. ND isn't that far off. GO IRISH!!!