Close but no cigar, as that is NOT the same situation. I googled it, and Penn St. was already ahead, and they wanted to run the clock out which is understandable and very straightforward, and IU was able to trick or induce them into scoring against their will or their better judgement or what have you. And then IU got the ball back and had their chance.
But alas it's very telling how intent you are on arguing this obscure point, and grabbing at straws to somehow carry the day. You don't give a F about BK by now you just want to win the argument for your own personal reasons. But you didn't though, because this is not the same situation. Many/most/all coaches would be aware of the considerable utility of simply running out the clock, in possession of the ball, ahead on the scoreboard, and sufficiently little time left that, presumably they could successfully end the game on that possession. It's called victory formation!
Toledo was not in victory formation, because they were still trying to take the lead. So you are effin' wrong. And don't say you're just trolling for shits and giggles. You just don't want to back down....