Can't wait to see how big the advertisements will be on the jumbotron

HDK -- I could be wrong, but I can swear that I read that somewhere. I know there are a lot of college stadiums that do not replay those types of plays (unlike the NFL which shows everything).

Logic would dictate what you said -- however, sometimes logic gets lost in reality.

I think what you mean to say is logic has nothing to do it!
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Word on the street is the screen will show the stadium crowd and a magic arrow will float around on the screen to the ND Victory march. When the music stops, the arrow stops on a fan. When the arrow stops on a fan, said fan gets to play in the Grand Prize Game at halftime. One boy, one girl. Jack was heavily influenced by Ringmaster Ned.
Think they will have a line of buckets, a clown, and some ping pong balls? Be like our childhoods on WGN all over ?
will the jumbotron be ready for this season. someone on another board posted an updated picture of the stadium from inside and it looks to almost done except for having the screen on. the question is being asked on twitter and other places about if it can be used this year or not
Will not be installed or used this year.
When I go to games in stadiums with jumbotrons I become entranced. Totally engrossed in it's vivid imagery and replay ability. I can't look away. All sense of my surroundings is lost and I melt away into the world of millions of pixels. Sometimes I fear I shall never return and be stuck there forever.

Get a grip. They put a giant tv in the stadium.
Well, you might get an idea of what to expect on the football jumbo by finding out what happens on the basketball jumbo. I'm sure it will have a similar tone.
the 1st advertisement on the board -- 78 announcing that the Kiss - Cam will be in full force, and to show how real it is, will be the 1st one on the video board. :D
My advise to anyone who doesn't like the jumbotron would be to not watch the jumbotron. It really shouldn't be this hard.