My guess, and this comes from undergrad days of my degree is Psych and minor in Criminal Justice where I did a lot of abnormal behavior and profiling stuff, is that this loon is probably from the midwest (in the heart of ND country), mid 50ish, a bit globular, wears specks, probably sits in a cubicle all day, and comes on this site to speak his true feelings about ND. He won't say these things in his real life, out at pubs or around the office, for fear of rejection and getting the crap beat out of he finds a site like this and tries to bully his way thru people...the guy is a total loon...he believes things in the cyber-world are real...he is looking for acceptance somewhere, anywhere. Just look at some of his one last week he wants me to give him credit for another he writes that "people come on this site to say things about Brey, looking for trouble, and whine when they find it." (Check it's on page 8 of this thread)...the dude thinks he's a sheriff or something. "Y'all come looking for trouble, well, y'all found it!" People on this site need to take more of my approach...he's a loonie tune, so have fun with him....