"BOO!!!!" kaepernick

an effective vote for hillary
Yes, that's correct in some sense. But, living in Calif my vote only counts as an expression of the popular vote, not the electoral college. It's my strong preference that neither of these candidates gets close to what might be taken as a mandate. If the winner gets 45% of the popular vote and only 55% of the eligible voters vote, then that President may be more inclined to work with Congress on common ground issues, and be less inclined to think they can regulate with impunity.

you're usually on the 'left' on most issues.

Those displays are often paid for by the organizers; but true not always.
The servicemen are 24/7 anyways.

you're usually on the 'left' on most issues.

Those displays are often paid for by the organizers; but true not always.
The servicemen are 24/7 anyways.

I'm bothered by the fact that our government paid a significant amount of money to honor our troops instead of letting these things be organic and organized by citizens.

Frankly, the teams should be happy to do these things for no compensation (but then again, we are talking about teams run by owners who are happy to hold cities and taxpayers ransom for hundreds of millions).
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Hmmmm......a successful, nonpolitician BUSINESSMAN that loves America.........or a lying criminal that never did anything other than marry a jerk......EASY.....TRUMP!!!

"The business of America is Business."

BEAT texas!!!
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Hmmmm......a successful, nonpolitician BUSINESSMAN that loves America.........or a lying criminal that never did anything other than marry a jerk......EASY.....TRUMP!!!

"The business of America is Business."

BEAT texas!!!

A simpleton's answer to a very complicated question.
IMO the solutions start with stopping welfare without work, lowering the minimum wage, passing right to work laws, repealing Obamacare, and eliminating red tape for small businesses.

Not a believer in Catholic style social justice; do you like Francis as Pope?
That is a standard to assure the innocent don't go to jail, it is not a reasonable way to judge facts in other contexts.

Sorry, but I disagree. No statements of guilt should be made in any context without proof. Any opinions regarding either candidate can reference polls of favorability, not simplistic opinions of guilt.