"BOO!!!!" kaepernick

I'm not at all defending his actions, but it is a free country and he has the right to not stand up during anthem. NFL has already released a statement that players are encouraged, but not required to stand during anthem.

What disappointments me most is that while I can see he wants to stand for people of color, this isn't the best way to go about it, in my opinion. This creates more angst and not progress. I believe if you want to change things, you have to do from within and attempt to connect with both(the oppressor and the oppressed) and look to create a healthy dialogue between the two. Get in the communities of the oppressed and ask what they need from you and look to help them. Get in the town hall meetings and respectfully say what you need to say. Talk to law enforcement and politicians and those in power and work to seek change by telling them what you and people of color need from them. I'm sure it won't be easy, but those are more positive actions to take, than taking a seat.

This thread seems to have proven your point.
What are the odds that he would have pulled a stunt like this if he had been named the starting QB of the 49ers? I say Zero percent. If that meathead Harbaugh hadn't made the wrong choice, kap would have been already been flipping burgers or driving a forklift.
He has already proved he can't drive a football team, what makes you think he can drive a forklift?
why in hell have't the 49ers cut him yet! he should have been sent packing right after the 'sitout'
I guess most of us will say the same thing and feel the same way. It's a shame people do not understand that flag protects all of us. That flag gives us our rights. That flag is what millions died for to protect. That flag gave him his livelihood. All we can do is silently protest. Buy no jersey of his. Do not go to SF games until he is released. Burn his jersey and put it on utube. Turn off the tv when he is on. Ensure the flag and country he rejects returns the favor.

This is stupid. First of all, the flag does nothing. It is a symbol. It doesn't protect anyone from anything; it doesn't give "us our rights." It didn't give anyone their livelihood. It is a symbol and only a symbol. This is the reason why I don't do the Pledge of Allegiance (in addition to the fact that, as an atheist, the whole " god we trust..." thing is offensive). The Constitution is the important thing in the American republic. It provide for freedom of speech which means that he gets to state his opinion even if you don't agree with it. If you don't want to buy his jersey, don't. If you don't want to support the 49ers as long as he on the team, that is your right. It is your right because of the Constitution not because of a little piece of cloth.

Understand, however, that he didn't reject the country. He expressed his political view that racism remains an inherent fabric of this country and that is something that is hard to dispute. We have made incredible progress over the past 50 years in battling both racism and sexism but there is still a long way to go. I don't agree with him not standing during the National Anthem as it can be deemed a sign of disrespect for the country and those who have served and/or died to defend it. He should have least in my opinion.
America has been the Land of Opportunity!!! With a new Prez it might be again........ANYONE can make it in America with Hard Work. ANYONE.
America has been the Land of Opportunity!!! With a new Prez it might be again........ANYONE can make it in America with Hard Work. ANYONE.

For some, it is considerably easier. Would you agree that Trump's kids have a better chance of being wealthy than does some kid growing up on the South Side of Chicago? Also, what does it mean to "make it in America?" I've always told kids that you have to decide what your priorities are. For some, it is wealth. For others, it is having a family. For others, it is travel and adventure. At least for me, it was impossible to have it all. I gave up work opportunities in order to spend more time with my family - to coach my kids, to be there for their events, etc. I have friends, however, who have chosen work over family life. I don't fault them for their choices but merely recognize that they have different priorities that I do.

So again, what does it mean to "make it in America?"
This is stupid. First of all, the flag does nothing. It is a symbol. It doesn't protect anyone from anything; it doesn't give "us our rights." It didn't give anyone their livelihood. It is a symbol and only a symbol. This is the reason why I don't do the Pledge of Allegiance (in addition to the fact that, as an atheist, the whole " god we trust..." thing is offensive). The Constitution is the important thing in the American republic. It provide for freedom of speech which means that he gets to state his opinion even if you don't agree with it. If you don't want to buy his jersey, don't. If you don't want to support the 49ers as long as he on the team, that is your right. It is your right because of the Constitution not because of a little piece of cloth.

Understand, however, that he didn't reject the country. He expressed his political view that racism remains an inherent fabric of this country and that is something that is hard to dispute. We have made incredible progress over the past 50 years in battling both racism and sexism but there is still a long way to go. I don't agree with him not standing during the National Anthem as it can be deemed a sign of disrespect for the country and those who have served and/or died to defend it. He should have least in my opinion.

Trying to be all sides to everyone I see. Life is not perfect. people are not perfect. define what is racist now and sexist now. some cop shooting a black citizen is not necessarily racist and more that likely there was a reason. protesting things that happened in the past is not sexist or racist now because it more than likely does not happen now.
Trying to be all sides to everyone I see. Life is not perfect. people are not perfect. define what is racist now and sexist now. some cop shooting a black citizen is not necessarily racist and more that likely there was a reason. protesting things that happened in the past is not sexist or racist now because it more than likely does not happen now.

I'm not trying to be all sides to everyone. I do recognize, however, that people can disagree. I personally don't understand how anyone could think that Trump would be a good president but recognize that there are people who do. A cop shoot a black guy may or may not be racist. The fact that there are so few women heading up Fortune 500 companies may or may not be sexism. There is plenty of racism and sexism currently that we don't need to just protest things from the past.
duck.......if "kaperNUT's" protest standard is the trumps he IS in trouble. You clearly understand it is not. Why is it that in every part of the country I see "Mexican" workers WORKING? Here in PA, in Texas, in LA, in FLA, yes even in NYC. They or their parents travelled thousands of miles to WORK.......yet kids in our inner cities cannot find work?? Why? IMO democrat welfare policies which denigrate work & family and favor dependency.
Yes you are right Trump's kids know about success & work. Hard for Chelsea to learn that at an illegal foundation.

duck.......if "kaperNUT's" protest standard is the trumps he IS in trouble. You clearly understand it is not. Why is it that in every part of the country I see "Mexican" workers WORKING? Here in PA, in Texas, in LA, in FLA, yes even in NYC. They or their parents travelled thousands of miles to WORK.......yet kids in our inner cities cannot find work?? Why? IMO democrat welfare policies which denigrate work & family and favor dependency.
Yes you are right Trump's kids know about success & work. Hard for Chelsea to learn that at an illegal foundation.

oh please, trump and his kids were born on third base and try to convince everyone they hit a triple. being born into money is no different than hitting the lottery. it's the luck of the draw. now, what you do with your luck is another story.
Easier to tolerate this player and his actions than Adrian Peterson and his.
Easier to tolerate this player and his actions than Adrian Peterson and his.
amen to that. the thing with kaepernick is he doesn't realize that his little protest will have absolutely no effect on the issue he is protesting. all he is doing is calling attention to himself.
oh please, trump and his kids were born on third base and try to convince everyone they hit a triple. being born into money is no different than hitting the lottery. it's the luck of the draw. now, what you do with your luck is another story.

The problem I have with zealots is that they occasionally make a valid point but then screw it up by taking weak potshots. I agree that there are a lot of Mexicans that are working hard and many of them are here illegally. I also agree that there are many inner city kids who aren't working. We're on the same page there. Of course you don't discuss how intercity kids are supposed to get to the farms that house and work all of the migrant workers.

You then go and blame the Democrats even though I didn't see the Republicans under Reagan, Bush I, or Bush II really do anything to address the welfare state mentality. You then go and talk about the Clinton Foundation being illegal. It isn't. In fact, it is one of the more successful nonprofits as far as donations actually being used for their intended purpose rather than for administrative salaries and expenses.

Echowalker, stick with the valid points that raise the level of discussion rather than dealing with weak potshots that only demean yourself.
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CK likes stting ... he better because he will be sitting until he clears waivers
and then he can really "go sit on it!"
duck----just for the record I said nothing about either illegals or farms. From my recollection of the jobs I have noticed Mexicans &/or Hispanics working at in my travels it runs the gamut of landscapers, hotel maids, restaurants, construction, etc etc. in EVERY city or town or farm in America. Of course the same can be said for most Asians.....and of course the privileged Whites.

IMO the solutions start with stopping welfare without work, lowering the minimum wage, passing right to work laws, repealing Obamacare, and eliminating red tape for small businesses.
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duck----just for the record I said nothing about either illegals or farms. From my recollection of the jobs I have noticed Mexicans &/or Hispanics working at in my travels it runs the gamut of landscapers, hotel maids, restaurants, construction, etc etc. in EVERY city or town or farm in America. Of course the same can be said for most Asians.....and of course the privileged Whites.

IMO the solutions start with stopping welfare without work, lowering the minimum wage, passing right to work laws, repealing Obamacare, and eliminating red tape for small businesses.

I'll agree with cutting back on welfare without work (although I'm fine with job training), oppose lowering the minimum wage, passing right to work laws, repealing Obamacare and replacing it with a single payer healthcare system (like Canada, England, and most of the rest of the First World nations), and eliminating red tape for small businesses.
See that is a pretty good solution. Trump will GET IT DONE! Oh yeah kap will get NOTHING done except end his career---ha!

Just WIN!!!
I'm not trying to be all sides to everyone. I do recognize, however, that people can disagree. I personally don't understand how anyone could think that Trump would be a good president but recognize that there are people who do. A cop shoot a black guy may or may not be racist. The fact that there are so few women heading up Fortune 500 companies may or may not be sexism. There is plenty of racism and sexism currently that we don't need to just protest things from the past.

because there are larger portion of men CEO does not make it sexist either. there are reasons why women do not generally become CEO's . Generally women who stay single and do not have children tend to make more money then men and advance further in the workplace. So outside decisions have a large influence. As my son who is a cop said we do not go to work saying lets kill a black person today . in reality there are in the neighborhood of 500 or so people killed by cops. the vast majority of these victims are white. if you combine the black deaths with hispanics or other so called minorities it does not equal or near equal the white deaths. the issue from what a lot police officers is the media for ratings promotes it when a black person is shot. You do not hear the circumstances until much latter. it is tried in court of public opinion and not through normal processes. In the end BLM which helps promote cop deaths / collusion with the media helps this along see Dallas / etc .
See that is a pretty good solution. Trump will GET IT DONE! Oh yeah kap will get NOTHING done except end his career---ha!

Just WIN!!!

It truly scares me to think that people like you, who obviously have at least a reasonable degree of intelligence, would support Trump. What has he ever done that would suggest that he could run this country? Was it the bankruptcies? Was it the multitude of small-business subcontractors and suppliers that he screwed over in building his various projects? Was it the misstating of his wealth and his hiding of his tax returns? Was it the h-u-u-ge number of lawsuits he has been involved in? Was it the fact that he speaks without thinking and then refuses to recognize he may have made a mistake? Was it his absolute refusal to ever apologize for anything? I am curious.
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I'll agree with cutting back on welfare without work (although I'm fine with job training), oppose lowering the minimum wage, passing right to work laws, repealing Obamacare and replacing it with a single payer healthcare system (like Canada, England, and most of the rest of the First World nations), and eliminating red tape for small businesses.

Obamacare is terrible, single payer system sounds great in principle but once you have to use it ,,,, it is not all that great. My daughter lives in the UK and is married to British citizen. They have private insurance because of the red tape and BS wait times. It is great if you need contact lens or pharmacy needs but if you have something serious get in line and hurry up and wait. which means either die or be in great pain. it is not a well oiled machine its very bloated system. to think the government has all the answers and you want us to put our trust in government bureaucrats I just point to the DMV and that well oiled machine
It truly scares me to think that people like you, who obviously have at least a reasonable degree of intelligence, would support Trump. What has he ever done that would suggest that he could run this country? Was it the bankruptcies? Was it the multitude of small-business subcontractors and suppliers that he screwed over in building his various projects? Was it the misstating of his wealth and his hiding of his tax returns? Was it the h-u-u-ge number of lawsuits he has been involved in? Was it the fact that he speaks without thinking and then refuses to recognize he may have made a mistake? Was it his absolute refusal to ever apologize for anything? I am curious.

Hilary is corrupt how can you not see that and voting for the same thing overtime and getting terrible results is not the answer either. At least Trump has run businesses and swung for the fence. He has had failures and successes but he has done that what has hillary done. collect money from donors and become a mega millionaire.
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Obamacare is terrible, single payer system sounds great in principle but once you have to use it ,,,, it is not all that great. My daughter lives in the UK and is married to British citizen. They have private insurance because of the red tape and BS wait times. It is great if you need contact lens or pharmacy needs but if you have something serious get in line and hurry up and wait. which means either die or be in great pain. it is not a well oiled machine its very bloated system. to think the government has all the answers and you want us to put our trust in government bureaucrats I just point to the DMV and that well oiled machine

Anything is better than the crap system we have now.
well, what does one call insurance with taxpayer paid premiums that due to such extraordinarily high deductibles covers nothing: not insurance.
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It truly scares me to think that people like you, who obviously have at least a reasonable degree of intelligence, would support Trump. What has he ever done that would suggest that he could run this country? Was it the bankruptcies? Was it the multitude of small-business subcontractors and suppliers that he screwed over in building his various projects? Was it the misstating of his wealth and his hiding of his tax returns? Was it the h-u-u-ge number of lawsuits he has been involved in? Was it the fact that he speaks without thinking and then refuses to recognize he may have made a mistake? Was it his absolute refusal to ever apologize for anything? I am curious.
You are the scary one. Trump has actually done something in the dreaded private sector.
Billary has been leaching off our and other Governments(play for pay) her whole adult life.
You are the scary one. Trump has actually done something in the dreaded private sector.
Billary has been leaching off our and other Governments(play for pay) her whole adult life.
I forgot to add he is pond scum. And phlegm
And I hope he makes slurpees on the graveyard shift
Based on the interview I just saw -- Alex Boone may miss a few blocks
The problem I have with zealots is that they occasionally make a valid point but then screw it up by taking weak potshots. I agree that there are a lot of Mexicans that are working hard and many of them are here illegally. I also agree that there are many inner city kids who aren't working. We're on the same page there. Of course you don't discuss how intercity kids are supposed to get to the farms that house and work all of the migrant workers.

You then go and blame the Democrats even though I didn't see the Republicans under Reagan, Bush I, or Bush II really do anything to address the welfare state mentality. You then go and talk about the Clinton Foundation being illegal. It isn't. In fact, it is one of the more successful nonprofits as far as donations actually being used for their intended purpose rather than for administrative salaries and expenses.

Echowalker, stick with the valid points that raise the level of discussion rather than dealing with weak potshots that only demean yourself.
preachy, preachy. are you a self appointed board moderator ?
Obamacare is terrible, single payer system sounds great in principle but once you have to use it ,,,, it is not all that great. My daughter lives in the UK and is married to British citizen. They have private insurance because of the red tape and BS wait times. It is great if you need contact lens or pharmacy needs but if you have something serious get in line and hurry up and wait. which means either die or be in great pain. it is not a well oiled machine its very bloated system. to think the government has all the answers and you want us to put our trust in government bureaucrats I just point to the DMV and that well oiled machine
and i have relatives who have lived in Canada all their lives who have no complaints about their health care system. no system is perfect and ours is certainly broken.
I hope NFL fans--home & away-- BOO him mercilessly and any other player that joins him.

oppressed? yeah right...raised by white parents. if he feels guilty then give all his money away. there are plenty of homeless derelicts in SF that he can find.

Hope Chip cuts him!!!
Not sure if someone else posted this . But Fox News last night said his girlfriend is with Black Lives Matter.
and i have relatives who have lived in Canada all their lives who have no complaints about their health care system. no system is perfect and ours is certainly broken.

And my canadian relatives told me the wait times for a doctor are out of this world and so are surgeries. Thats why they go to the use for it because its done quickly. So they said it sucked
And my canadian relatives told me the wait times for a doctor are out of this world and so are surgeries. Thats why they go to the use for it because its done quickly. So they said it sucked
from what i understand the only wait for surgeries are for elective procedures. again, no system is perfect and the one here in the good old USA is broken and battered.
Someone should tell Teddy Bridgewater that Boone's gripe with Kaepernick would endanger him too. Suppose an athlete sat thru anthem to protest abortion?
dip-ass's comments will follow him the rest of his life.

He ought hire his own security now, cause if he calls the cops he might be waiting a looooong time or worse wish they didn't show up!

kinda like you never bad mouth Santa on Christmas Eve!
Normally, I'll take a leader with proven Executive success over a lawyer policy wonk to run the Country at every opportunity. Disgustingly, this year we're presented a choice between an end justifies the means pathological liar policy wonk and reckless pathological narcissist Executive, to name but a couple character flaws each. I'm voting Libertarian for the first time and pray like hell that the opposite Party of the elected President controls Congress. A poorly informed largely apathetic electorate overly susceptible to media sound bites and manipulation will be the ruin of this great nation.
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dip-ass's comments will follow him the rest of his life.

He ought hire his own security now, cause if he calls the cops he might be waiting a looooong time or worse wish they didn't show up!

kinda like you never bad mouth Santa on Christmas Eve!

I'm more troubled by the fact that the government paid (and the NFL accepted) about multiple millions for patriotic displays involving troops than I am by the fact that an individual decided not to stand for the national anthem.

I don't think Kaepernick's actions really did much to advance his cause (and it detracted from it, more than anything), but I'm not going to spend a significant amount of time getting upset by it. I would prefer that everyone stand with respect at the national anthem for a variety of reasons (one of which is to honor our military, though I wish people associated this issue less with the military and more with broader concepts of why our country is great), but I'm not a particularly big fan of government- or society-imposed shows of patriotism either.
Normally, I'll take a leader with proven Executive success over a lawyer policy wonk to run the Country at every opportunity. Disgustingly, this year we're presented a choice between an end justifies the means pathological liar policy wonk and reckless pathological narcissist Executive, to name but a couple character flaws each. I'm voting Libertarian for the first time and pray like hell that the opposite Party of the elected President controls Congress. A poorly informed largely apathetic electorate overly susceptible to media sound bites and manipulation will be the ruin of this great nation.

an effective vote for hillary
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