Rule: Obscenities in post titles and handles will never be tolerated. Non-subscribers, and particularly minors, can see obscenities in post titles and handles. We will strongly protect them against seeing that material.
Obscenities inside posts will be moderated at a high level. Those who wish for obscenity-laced posts to be removed will have their wishes honored.
We understand Notre Dame football brings out a lot of passion among our readers, and sometimes mature language is used, but we hold the right to delete posts and blacklist users as we see fit, without prior warning.
Action: See an offensive post? Email us. Tired of a particular user? Try the "ignore" tool located under that poster's shield avatar (to left of his post). You won't be presented his posts.
Rule: No personal attacks on anybody; fellow posters, and Rivals staff, Notre Dame coaches and players, etc. We encourage dialogue, different opinions and respectful arguments. Name-calling will not be tolerated on these forums, nor will constant attacks of our business practices. reserves the right to moderate these posts as they see fit.
Action: Take a deep breath. Just because a Rivals analyst doesn't rank a kid as high as you think he should be or a poster doesn't share your opinion on an issue does not mean that person is a piece of dirt. Express your disagreement in a respectful manner. Ask a question, and you will get a respectful response in return.
Rule: Flame-only posters not allowed. We understand sports discussion is sometimes about egging others into a debate. However, users that only post with the intention to flame others are a negative distraction to the overall community.
Action: strives to maintain a community that is welcoming to all. Please feel free to email us if you believe a particular poster's sole focus is to be disruptive. We will give a honest look at his post history and moderate as we see fit.
Rule: Post with respect to the truth. We hope you hold to the highest of journalistic standards. We ask in return that posters do not purposely post false information. We will review subscribers' post histories, and if we determine a user habitually or purposely posts false information, we will moderate as we see fit. Posters earn and lose credibility too! If you constantly post false information, or unsubstantiated rumors, your fellow subscribers will ignore you.
Action: Honest debate, heartfelt opinions, and FACTS are always encouraged with message board posts. See anything different? Email us.
Rule: No racist, obscene or sexist comments.
Action: Take that somewhere else, and expect to be blacklisted.
Rule: No posting of pornography.
Action: Expect to be blacklisted without notice, and without "parole." The consequences that come from posting this material can extend beyond our forum moderation. Per the Terms of Service: is not responsible for the content of your posts. If you provide this type of material to minors, be ready to face the appropriate consequences.
Rule: No posting or distribution of any material that infringes and/or violates any right of a third party or any law. will protect the information our staff works to obtain. Premium content and forum posts must never be posted on a third party site, particularly other Notre Dame sites.
Additionally, we will not tolerate posters that share our competitors premium information on our site. Its a two-way street. We wish to protect our information and respect the exclusivity of other sites' content.
Action: We are glad to receive your help policing this rule. Please email us with any concerns.
Rule: No posting of commercial offers, competing ND websites or spamming of the board will be permitted.All threads will be deleted at the discretion of our staff and the poster may be blacklisted.
Action: Email us at with a link to the offending post.
Rule: Please remember recruits, players, and their parents read our forums. Attacking recruits and college players in a way that goes beyond a respectful evaluation of their football performance will not be tolerated, and moderated by our staff as we see fit.
Action: Email us at with a link to the offending post.
Rule: Do not reveal your full name, or someone else's personal information. Sharing your email address or other contact information comes with the risk of being viewed by many you do not know. If you post someone else's personal information, you will be blacklisted without parole, no questions asked.
Action: Your username should in no way hint to who you are. For example, if your name is John Smith, don't select a username of 'KokomoJohnSmith', or 'SorinHallJohnSmith1978'. will protect your private information, but please use caution when doing things like ticket exchanges and tailgate planning in order to protect your own information.
Rule: Post Signatures: No pornography or other vulgarities, and no product or company advertising.
Action: We will simply ban your ability to display signatures.
Rule: The NCAA governs message boards the same way they do personal, real-time contact. Use of these message boards for direct involvement in the recruiting process is strictly prohibited. No attempts to contact or sway recruits will be allowed on these boards. Under no circumstances should fans attempt to make any contact with a recruit.
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