The idea that no HC should ever put his hands on an assistant or a player is ridiculous. Has anybody ever watched baseball? Ever see a player get in an umpire's face and have to be forcefully pulled away or pushed away by the manager? I see it dozens of times every year and I've never heard anyone say boo about it and that's baseball. We're talking about football. Now having said that, it certainly appeared to me that BK was a bit overly aggressive in pushing Grimes but keep in mind Grimes was definitely jawing at the referee. The referee was jawing back at Grimes and was the first one to extend his arm toward Grimes to get him to back off. Longo gently tried to coax Grimes away but obviously BK didn't think gentle persuasion was enough so he came in to make sure Grimes physically moved away from the official. Again, I agree BK maybe was a little too forceful but Grimes was definitely out of line and someone needed to physically move him away from the referee before he cost the team a 15 yard penalty. Grimes should have backed down before BK ever got involved and once BK did get involved, even if BK was a little overzealous, Grimes should have come to his senses and backed down. He never should have put BK in that position and, once he did put BK in that position, he shouldn't have been so ticked off about BK yelling at him and shoving him that Sheldon Day had to pull him away from BK.
One more thing. Today in responding to the criticism he's received regarding the incident BK said, "They don't know what happened... it's typical of those that are just looking at the video without having any of the information." He made it clear that there was more to the story than just what you see on the video. But just based on what I saw in the video I think it's clear someone needed to physically move Grimes away from the referee. The fact that there is likely more to the story beyond what we saw in the video certainly helps me understand that there might have been something bubbling that caused BK to be overly aggressive. Even so, hard, aggressive push or not, in the end it was just a push to move a completely out of line assistant S&C coach away from an obviously irritated referee. We've all seen players who have to be forcefully removed from referees and umpires in all sports. Just because BK was clearly pissed at Grimes and was a bit more aggressive doesn't change the fact that Grimes was the one who put himself in a position to have to be physically removed from the situation.