Georgia is going to attempt to run the ball down NDs throat

You are by far more grounded than me in these matters and it's good to have people like you around to temper me down a bit lol

I totally times.... can see the forest through the trees in regards to ND football. MF more than ND needs this win to remove that doubt.

I still think Ga's QB has not seen the scheme that will be coming at him with this speed and wil eventually get in his head just my opinion but we'll see

On a side note it's rumored that if OSU wins it all Day/Kelly will be hired by the Chicago Bears.
Do you believe OSU will come after MF, and will he go if it does happens ?
I've NO IDEA who will come after WHOM and on what basis.

My question is, if ND wins it all -- A VERY BIG IF -- who's more attractive then -- Day or Freeman?

That the game is now defined by MONEY rather than LOYALTY and CONTINUITY is pretty clear. But does that value-change apply to everyone WITHOUT EXCEPTION?

Again, I've NO IDEA.
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