Violence in Virginia

BLM was not about hate it was suppose to be about bringing awareness to minorities feeling that were being mistreated in impoverished communities by the law. So easy with the rhetoric that is was about hate and violence. A couple of cowards decided to be jack@sses and make it about voilence. When any protest becomes violent that is where I draw the line.

One thing that we all should learn becuase of what history tells us is the mob mentality for whatever movement creates and fosters chaos without a true leader with genuinely good intentions. An chaos is a ladder for the uniformed to act out like imbiciles feeling empowered bc they are backed by their likeness.
Supposed to be?
"Leading up to WWII, a lot of people chose to ignore Nazis until they came knocking at the door. History suggests that wasn't a wise move. You can sit in your home with the curtains drawn and act like its somebody else's problem to deal with, but the rest of America doesn't need to wait for these swastika waiving Neo-Nazi White Nationalists to invade their neighborhood before opposing them. This type of activity is a national concern. And one that should not be a partisan issue."

You honestly believe that our country is sitting at home with our curtains down and missing some kind of nazi uprising? You are honestly trying to compare the US to nazi Germany, but I would probably feel the same way if I read and listened to certain media outlets all day.

No, I think the majority of our country has learned from history and actively opposes this neo-nazi/white supremacist nonsense. But these groups have been more actively recruiting, and they are tapping into a lot of anger about changing social standards over the last decade or so with some effective propaganda. They are a national concern. They don't have to take over the government to present a problem. This past May the FBI and Homeland Security (under President Trump) released a Joint Intelligence Bulletin on White Supremacist Extremism which recognized that White Supremacist Extremism has been responsible for more homicides than any other domestic extremist group. I learned about it (and ended up reading it) while reporting a death threat that had been made against my client in a civil rights case. About that same time, I obtained (and read) a heavily redacted FBI Intelligence Assessment from 2006 (George W. Bush's FBI) about the extent of infiltration of law enforcement by White Supremacist groups. Truth is, I get my information from a variety of sources partly because at various times I've needed to in my profession. I view media reports for what they've become: slightly informative entertainment.

My take, from what I've read, is that the FBI's assessment is that the violence of the White Supremacist groups has been disorganized and opportunistic because those groups have been limited by a lack of a unifying structure. In my opinion, that's partly why this last rally was disturbing because it clear intent of the organizers is to unify these extremist groups. Though I never see such groups taking control of the government- that's pretty radical thought - I do think they can do a lot of harm if they become organized and unified.
No, I think the majority of our country has learned from history and actively opposes this neo-nazi/white supremacist nonsense. But these groups have been more actively recruiting, and they are tapping into a lot of anger about changing social standards over the last decade or so with some effective propaganda. They are a national concern. They don't have to take over the government to present a problem. This past May the FBI and Homeland Security (under President Trump) released a Joint Intelligence Bulletin on White Supremacist Extremism which recognized that White Supremacist Extremism has been responsible for more homicides than any other domestic extremist group. I learned about it (and ended up reading it) while reporting a death threat that had been made against my client in a civil rights case. About that same time, I obtained (and read) a heavily redacted FBI Intelligence Assessment from 2006 (George W. Bush's FBI) about the extent of infiltration of law enforcement by White Supremacist groups. Truth is, I get my information from a variety of sources partly because at various times I've needed to in my profession. I view media reports for what they've become: slightly informative entertainment.

My take, from what I've read, is that the FBI's assessment is that the violence of the White Supremacist groups has been disorganized and opportunistic because those groups have been limited by a lack of a unifying structure. In my opinion, that's partly why this last rally was disturbing because it clear intent of the organizers is to unify these extremist groups. Though I never see such groups taking control of the government- that's pretty radical thought - I do think they can do a lot of harm if they become organized and unified.

There's obviously a better chance for a fringe left group to get some form of government position then then a fringed right group.

These people (white supremacist) have no platform at any conservative public event.
Absolutely none. I
I have been to 3 CPAC's, and never witnessed any such behavior.
I know you're not suggesting that, but w/o a doubt conservatives will now clear up any blurred lines that theses group believe exist
In all honesty I don't find this that big of a deal. It's not like these groups are new on the scene, these marches have happened for years. They need to be watched by the government and ignored by everyone else. This noteriety just feeds their inane views of how universal their support is, when reality is they have virtually none outside their own cocoon.

Back in late November of 1991, a group requested to be included in the Vincennes University homecoming parade. They first received permission which then was withdrawn when further investigation revealed the group was the KKK under a different name. Long story short, the university canceled the parade due to the Klan plans to march at the rear of the parade. The city leaders asked the folks of Vincennes to stay away from Main Street that afternoon and that the KKK was not welcome here. The few Klan that showed had Main Street to themselves.
Not giving them an audience for their platform or reason for violence worked for Indiana's first city over twenty-five years ago.
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In all honesty I don't find this that big of a deal. It's not like these groups are new on the scene, these marches have happened for years. They need to be watched by the government and ignored by everyone else. This noteriety just feeds their inane views of how universal their support is, when reality is they have virtually none outside their own cocoon.
You didn't answer "why" Rubio and Hatch specifically condemned the nazis, while Trump said nothing about them.
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Their themes are neo nazism, the KKK and white supremacy. Three memes that have been used to oppress all non white people in this country for years. We have seen how poor those themes work in the past and they have no business here. Their form of of political correctness is to offend routinely and create violence. They object to diversity and multi culturalism. They are intolerant of all contrary views and they claim foul because they are victims of people being intolerant of intolerance. The alt right's intolerance is insanity because it hasn't worked in the past but they still think it will.

They are enboldened because after Obama they feel like they have a place at the table with Trump. Dems and repubs have denounced it and Trump had to cave on the issue, albeit poorly.

Maybe it will turn out positively. Republicans are going to have a hard time denying that white supremacy is not the motivating philosophy of their constituents movement. The left has been telling that to them for years. It is finally out in the open.
Their themes are neo nazism, the KKK and white supremacy. Three memes that have been used to oppress all non white people in this country for years. We have seen how poor those themes work in the past and they have no business here. Their form of of political correctness is to offend routinely and create violence. They object to diversity and multi culturalism. They are intolerant of all contrary views and they claim foul because they are victims of people being intolerant of intolerance. The alt right's intolerance is insanity because it hasn't worked in the past but they still think it will.

They are enboldened because after Obama they feel like they have a place at the table with Trump. Dems and repubs have denounced it and Trump had to cave on the issue, albeit poorly.

Maybe it will turn out positively. Republicans are going to have a hard time denying that white supremacy is not the motivating philosophy of their constituents movement. The left has been telling that to them for years. It is finally out in the open.
Congrats! I have read many inane posts on this board(Islero posts 20 times a day) but this is by far the dumbest!
Their themes are neo nazism, the KKK and white supremacy. Three memes that have been used to oppress all non white people in this country for years. We have seen how poor those themes work in the past and they have no business here. Their form of of political correctness is to offend routinely and create violence. They object to diversity and multi culturalism. They are intolerant of all contrary views and they claim foul because they are victims of people being intolerant of intolerance. The alt right's intolerance is insanity because it hasn't worked in the past but they still think it will.

They are enboldened because after Obama they feel like they have a place at the table with Trump. Dems and repubs have denounced it and Trump had to cave on the issue, albeit poorly.

Maybe it will turn out positively. Republicans are going to have a hard time denying that white supremacy is not the motivating philosophy of their constituents movement. The left has been telling that to them for years. It is finally out in the open.
That is some kind of stupid.....
Because Hatch and Rubio are politicians and Trump is/was not, well, until he caved in to the PR hungry forces and became a politician with his statement yesterday. Nothing deeper than that IMHO.
They both heard the dog whistle "white supremacist"
They too needed to blame both sides or at least call the other racist group out
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Because Hatch and Rubio are politicians and Trump is/was not, well, until he caved in to the PR hungry forces and became a politician with his statement yesterday. Nothing deeper than that IMHO.
Right! There couldn't be genuine reason to express disgust over a white supremacist driving a car into a crowd. I think Trump was being a politician in NOT singling out white supremacists. He doesn't want to alienate any sector of his support base.
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Right! There couldn't be genuine reason to express disgust over a white supremacist driving a car into a crowd. I think Trump was being a politician in NOT singling out white supremacists. He doesn't want to alienate any sector of his support base.

Just like 44 did huh?
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Just like 44 did huh?
Duke said "it would be treason to your heritage not to vote for Trump," and ever since Trump has bent over backwards trying not to offend Duke, even comically claiming that he doesn't know anything about Duke.
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Duke said "it would be treason to your heritage not to vote for Trump," and ever since Trump has bent over backwards trying not to offend Duke, even comically claiming that he doesn't know anything about Duke.
Trying hard not to offend bad people? Maybe this President isn't as different from the last President as we thought he was.
Duke said "it would be treason to your heritage not to vote for Trump," and ever since Trump has bent over backwards trying not to offend Duke, even comically claiming that he doesn't know anything about Duke.
Sound like President Obama, and President Trump both had terrorist supporting them, though I do not remember President Obama having to explain away Bill Ayers.
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" Pigs in a blanket fry em like bacon "

Defend that

Disgusting. Reach out to politicians and let them put on a national ballot the chance for 30 states to form a New America. New York can open the doors for all to enter. Give free health care to everyone. Free housing to everyone. Free food to everyone. Oh wait, they do that already.
Right! There couldn't be genuine reason to express disgust over a white supremacist driving a car into a crowd. I think Trump was being a politician in NOT singling out white supremacists. He doesn't want to alienate any sector of his support base.
Kind of like how Obama wouldn't single out BLM and their ilk following the execution of 5 Dallas police officers following one of their big rallies, not to mention the numerous times he refused to even say the word Muslim extremists with regards to terror attacks? Nah, Obama was measured, cool and calm, and was waiting for more info before they made any proclamations about intent or blame, but Trump comes out, condemn's all hate, from all sides(placing proper blame, if any one is being honest with themselves), and dem's are once again in a tizzy that he didn't do it right, and didn't say it the way they'd like him to say it.

BLM/Antifa is the opposite side of the same coin as these KKK/neo nazi morons, and yet Barry routinely had their leaders up to the White House for 'discussions to help improve the community', all while they went around the country destroying them and chanting about frying pigs in a blanket like bacon. And yet, not a word from Dem leadership, instead they continued to legitmize them, and cowtow to their demands, and morons like yourself still refuse to call them out for what they are, racist opportunists looking for preference(look at any one of a number of their demands), hiding under the facade of equality. They promote 'diversity', but only so much as that involves skin color, all while living in an echo chamber and rejecting any thoughts or ideas that run counter to their utopia.
Kind of like how Obama wouldn't single out BLM and their ilk following the execution of 5 Dallas police officers following one of their big rallies, not to mention the numerous times he refused to even say the word Muslim extremists with regards to terror attacks? Nah, Obama was measured, cool and calm, and was waiting for more info before they made any proclamations about intent or blame, but Trump comes out, condemn's all hate, from all sides(placing proper blame, if any one is being honest with themselves), and dem's are once again in a tizzy that he didn't do it right, and didn't say it the way they'd like him to say it.

BLM/Antifa is the opposite side of the same coin as these KKK/neo nazi morons, and yet Barry routinely had their leaders up to the White House for 'discussions to help improve the community', all while they went around the country destroying them and chanting about frying pigs in a blanket like bacon. And yet, not a word from Dem leadership, instead they continued to legitmize them, and cowtow to their demands, and morons like yourself still refuse to call them out for what they are, racist opportunists looking for preference(look at any one of a number of their demands), hiding under the facade of equality. They promote 'diversity', but only so much as that involves skin color, all while living in an echo chamber and rejecting any thoughts or ideas that run counter to their utopia.
Obama isn't President anymore, so even if you think he committed some nefarious deeds that are equivalent to cuddling up to Nazis and skinheads, such actions don't pertain to the here and now. This outrage seems to suggest that misdeeds by a predecessor justify misdeeds by one presently in the office.
Sound like President Obama, and President Trump both had terrorist supporting them, though I do not remember President Obama having to explain away Bill Ayers.
Ayers was a citizen judged and free well before Obama met him. I'm sure Obama would condemn him if he willfully mowed somebody down in a car.
Obama isn't President anymore, so even if you think he committed some nefarious deeds that are equivalent to cuddling up to Nazis and skinheads, such actions don't pertain to the here and now. This outrage seems to suggest that misdeeds by a predecessor justify misdeeds by one presently in the office.
The selective outrage doesn't justify anything by either guy, but it does lend a lot of credence to why Trump is so distrusting and suspicious of the media. I have the misfortune two days a week to ride a stationary bike in the gym that lets me see MSNBC, CNN and Fox News all at the same time (thankfully along with ESPN and ESPN2). This was all they could talk about this morning, like 9/11 happened over the weekend.

I am expecting North Korea to do or say something really provocative today so they can get back into the news cycle.
Trump has shown time and time again through his actions (surrounding himself with the likes of Sessions, Miller, Bannon...the birther conspiracy...discrimination lawsuit) and his words (calling Mexicans rapists and drug dealers...calling Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas) that he is a racist.

He knew what he was doing with his initial statement, and it wasn't being measured and waiting for all the facts...something he has never done in the past. Calling out the KKK and neo-Nazis after the events that took place should have been the easiest thing a president ever has to do. Instead he said "on many sides" and mentioned "preserving history." There's a reason he was praised by the very groups he failed to condemn.

It's not surprising, based on all the evidence on the kind of person Trump is, but it's a massive failure, and disappointing by the president of our country.
Trump has shown time and time again through his actions (surrounding himself with the likes of Sessions, Miller, Bannon...the birther conspiracy...discrimination lawsuit) and his words (calling Mexicans rapists and drug dealers...calling Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas) that he is a racist.

He knew what he was doing with his initial statement, and it wasn't being measured and waiting for all the facts...something he has never done in the past. Calling out the KKK and neo-Nazis after the events that took place should have been the easiest thing a president ever has to do. Instead he said "on many sides" and mentioned "preserving history." There's a reason he was praised by the very groups he failed to condemn.

It's not surprising, based on all the evidence on the kind of person Trump is, but it's a massive failure, and disappointing by the president of our country.
While it is indicative of his political naivete, I don't think Trump considers one's racial tendencies in judging their potential value to him or his team.
Trump has shown time and time again through his actions (surrounding himself with the likes of Sessions, Miller, Bannon...the birther conspiracy...discrimination lawsuit) and his words (calling Mexicans rapists and drug dealers...calling Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas) that he is a racist.

He knew what he was doing with his initial statement, and it wasn't being measured and waiting for all the facts...something he has never done in the past. Calling out the KKK and neo-Nazis after the events that took place should have been the easiest thing a president ever has to do. Instead he said "on many sides" and mentioned "preserving history." There's a reason he was praised by the very groups he failed to condemn.

It's not surprising, based on all the evidence on the kind of person Trump is, but it's a massive failure, and disappointing by the president of our country.

Very well said. He has said and done racist things. He has surrounded himself with racists. And when given an easy opportunity to call out blatant racists (Nazis!), he instead called out people "from all sides."

If he isn't a racist, he does an excellent impression of one. I know that stuff doesn't bother his supporters, who hate politically correct libtards far more than they hate white supremacists.
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Obama isn't President anymore, so even if you think he committed some nefarious deeds that are equivalent to cuddling up to Nazis and skinheads, such actions don't pertain to the here and now. This outrage seems to suggest that misdeeds by a predecessor justify misdeeds by one presently in the office.

Since President Obama isn't President anymore he can no longer be judged even though someone else seemingly is doing the same thing he did how convenient for you
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While it is indicative of his political naivete, I don't think Trump considers one's racial tendencies in judging their potential value to him or his team.

Having Bannon as a top advisor, with all his history, is evidence enough that it's more than just political naivete...but then you add people like Miller, Flynn, Sessions, and there's a pretty apparent pattern with the people that he surrounds himself with.
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Since President Obama isn't President anymore he can no longer be judged even though someone else seemingly is doing the same thing he did how convenient for you

I find it more than a little sad that there were hate groups rallying in the streets and many people's initial reaction was "yeah, but..."

Many of these people (David Duke) were there invoking Trump's name, and he couldn't come out strongly against them?!

Also, to put BLM in the same vein as the KKK and neo-nazis is more than ridiculous. Yes, there has been violence (which is reprehensible and inexcusable), but at it's heart, BLM movement is fighting for equality...the others are fighting for supremacy. Just a little difference there.
Oh good I'll remember that the next time I hear them call a cop a pig.

I think the police prefer to be called names rather than have to face trial when they shoot some unarmed person.

I find it more than a little sad that there were hate groups rallying in the streets and many people's initial reaction was "yeah, but..."

Many of these people (David Duke) were there invoking Trump's name, and he couldn't come out strongly against them?!

Also, to put BLM in the same vein as the KKK and neo-nazis is more than ridiculous. Yes, there has been violence (which is reprehensible and inexcusable), but at it's heart, BLM movement is fighting for equality...the others are fighting for supremacy. Just a little difference there.

Have you been to Black lives matters webpage?
Do you hear their slogans?
BLM was built on a lie and taken over by occupy
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