Violence in Virginia

Right, it's a criticism of Trump so it has to be fake news, right?

I noticed you do not condemn the ACLU at all.
I noticed you believe Nazis and skinheads are terrorists which they are yet I don't remember you saying anything about Bill Ayers and his affiliation with the former Administration
I noticed you don't say anything about Occupy Movement whom the Democrats rally around
And I also notice you don't mention anything about the Intifada
You're outrageo is selective and it makes your point moot

As much as I cannot stand the skinhead freaks being of Jewish heritage they had the right to be there thanks to the ACLU the counter-protesters did not who threw the first punch.

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A steak dinner that says there were more media at the rally that actual nationalists. This was a rally that should have been ignored by the media, BLM, and the out of state left, but, they couldn't help themselves and salivated at the thought of getting into the story. It appears the only group that ignored the protesters on both sides and left the scene was law enforcement.
In the meantime, the Canadian PM hands over millions of dollars to a known terrorist. There are issues all over the world. Most Americans are not what you saw on TV. Most Americans go about their lives, working hard, taking care of their families and not sounding like complete baffoons the media focused on during Ferguson, Baltimore, and Virginia. These are not the norm. Most have opinions but most would not cause injury to others. There is plenty of hate to go around. It's not relegated to one group. All lives matter. All violence from all hate groups must stop.

A move by Trudeau (although court ordered) that I openly attacked on this exact forum a couple weeks back. I will note, however, that Canadians aren't rioting and attacking each other over it. Some approve because the court ruled in line with the Charter. Some despise the move (myself included) because I think along your lines... They paid out money to a terrorist.

That said, we're not talking about Canada in this thread, are we? You can use anecdotal evidence to paint Canadians with the same brush as Americans but you'd be blatantly guilty of what you mentioned in your post. Drawing a conclusion on what is happening in Canada based on a single media story and applying that to Canadians, as if that's a regular situation here on this side of the 49th... Do you actually think I draw my conclusions and perspectives on America based on what your horribly partisan media outlets report? Give me a little bit more credit than that. I lived in the United States. Worked in the United States. Half my mom's family lives in the United States. I serve alongside members of your military on a regular basis. My Masters degree focused on Canadian / Americans relations. I wrote my thesis in part, on the coexistence of Canadians and Americans and vast similarities and numerous differences between our cultures. I would have too many passports to count if I counted the number of times I was documented crossing ours borders. If you ever want to engage in a conversation comparing the two nations, I'd be thrilled to have it with you. It's one of my favourite subjects and something that I'm extremely passionate about and would greatly welcome any new knowledge or a different perspective on the topic... I can assure you I know that the VAST number of Americans are good people. Read the post you responded too. My exact words were "too many good people on both sides of the argument". I didn't just throw that in there as a token sentence. It was deliberate and 100% accurate, in my opinion.

But we're not talking about Canada. This topic of conversation doesn't apply to Canadians. Quite frankly, I get the sense that you think my opinion is somewhat invalid, or completely uneducated, because I'm not American. I'm well aware Canada has problems. One of them is not extreme racial and partisan political divide that leads to violence and murder of innocent people and police officers.

Can we stay on topic? Because if you'd rather have USA vs Canada conversation that compares and contrasts all of our individual and national issues, I'll crack a beer and open a bag of these salted pretzels that will likely be the death of me. I'm on holidays this week. We can talk about anything you want... Here, I'll suggest a topic to start the conversation off if you want to go down this path. The U.S. Government recently condemned Canada's for protecting our western dairy farmers and the Canadian dairy market. President Trump took to social media as well as standard media to voice his displeasure over American dairy farmers getting screwed. That's what he wanted you to believe because he's desperate not to put all the dairy farmers in Wisconsin that helped turn Wisconsin into a red state this election cycle, out of work... Why would the state government in Wisconsin have to allow that to happen? Because during the Obama administration, in an attempt to promote pseudo job growth in Wisconsin, they licensed far too many new dairy farmers into the market and flooded the United States with more milk and milk products than your country needs. It caused an enormous surplus, drove down prices in an Asian style race to the bottom and is causing ecomnic collapse among the farmers in the American market. Canadian dairy farmers brought concerns that they would be priced out of their own home market by desperate American dairy farmers looking for a place to virtually give away their milk too. The Canadian Government agreed that Canadian dairy farmers should not have to risk their livelihood and farms because of irresponsible deregulation of an already maxed out, niche market in the United States... Meanwhile, Trump wants to play tough guy against Canada on the issue, when the Government of his predecessor is to blame. One of Canada's most respected journalists recently traveled to Wisconsin and interviewed the dairy farmers there, asking if they felt Canadians were at fault for the collapse of the U.S. dairy market. He could not find a single farmer who blamed Canadians like Trump is. They know the real issue. Dairy farms were licensed at an absurd rate in the state and the market was flooded to the point that in a country of 350+ million people, there was too much milk to sell to the market. Meanwhile it's the fault of the 35 million (a country 1/10th the size) to the north, who have tight regulation on their market to avoid this exact scenario... Sure... What's worse? Trump pushes the narrative with economic sanctions against Canadian lumber (the best in the world) imports into the United States in a retaliatory move for something Canadians weren't responsible for in the first place... But get this. It's just a silly show of pseudo force, as if he's doing something "tough" against Canada. Because here is the result. Canada sells that lumber to U.S. manafacturers at a cheaper rater than they can buy it at home. Those manufacturers then turn around and sell finished products back to Canadians and to nation's around the world. It has long been a profitable business for both sides, but Americans actually got the better deal because the finished products purchases far outweigh the raw material purchases. It's a significant contributor to the American economy... By forcing the price up on Canadian lumber, it may give the illusion that it's hurting Canada (it's not, we simply sell it to India, Japan, China and Europe at a slightly higher cost to cover shipping) but the reality is that it actually hurts Americans!! They are forced to pay more for their lumber at home or from another source, which in turn drives the manufacturing price up, compromises the job stability of people in the U.S. market and cuts into your profits when they can no longer sell their finished products back to Canadians at a cheaper price than their competitors in Canada. In turn, Canadians choose to buy at home, all things being equal and now U.S. dairy farmers are getting screwed because of a blatant lie being pushed by your government and a retaliatory move aimed at making the American public feel like something is being done to penalize Canada, when in reality, the actions being taken undermine a industry that has long worked well and has long being advantageous for Americans. Trump knows that the average American doesn't have the time, nor the interest to look into the matter, however, and will simply watch the news or read his Tweets and think "Yeah! **** you Canada. Our President is taking care of us. 'Merica!!"... Why do you think Canada isn't responding in outrage? Because our dairy farmers have been federally protected from the Obama attempted job creation scam and the lumber trade, after an economic blip, is finding new places to send their product if Trump wants to hurt Americans, simply to spite Canada for a problem they have nothing to do with.

Explain that one to me.
The traitorous fake president comrade Trumpsky is doing exactly what the russians are paying him to do, tear this country apart.
Don't understand why this is a debatable issue. White supremacists represent a very small radical minority in this country, they are repugnant, and they should be denounced whenever they pop up. The President missed an opportunity to call them out specifically, and I don't understand why anyone here is defending him on this. Yes, it's appropriate to criticize violence and make clear it will not be tolerated, but failure to specifically call out neo nazi kkk white supremacist hate groups was a failure in leadership. Glad to see AG Sessions issued the proper denunciation and quickly initiated proper steps to investigate these as hate crimes.
The question was simple. Did you believe what they said? This has nothing to do with fake news.
I suspect so, but you made an earlier comment that criticism of Trump was just a matter of liberals out to attack Trump. Rubio and Hatch were on record as being dismayed that nothing specific targeted the white supremacists. Are Rubio and Hatch liberals in your book?
I noticed you do not condemn the ACLU at all.
I noticed you believe Nazis and skinheads are terrorists which they are yet I don't remember you saying anything about Bill Ayers and his affiliation with the former Administration
I noticed you don't say anything about Occupy Movement whom the Democrats rally around
And I also notice you don't mention anything about the Intifada
You're outrageo is selective and it makes your point moot

As much as I cannot stand the skinhead freaks being of Jewish heritage they had the right to be there thanks to the ACLU the counter-protesters did not who threw the first punch.

You may be a dead poet, but you're a very excitable poet. Always interjecting yourself in other dialogues.
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His initial response drew praise from nazis and skinheads because they were not specifically cited. Sounds like you also approve.
I call b.s.! There is no way Trump supports these clowns. And we all know you would spin it that way because that's what you do. I don't care what side of the isle you're on if these events don't upset you, are messed up. Im just tired of all this nonsense. People need to start contributing and stop destroying on all sides. Unfortunately the globalist are winning big right now. The only loser is the American people.
IIO: try to focus on the point I made that these protesters from both sides are not the norm. The American media would have you believe it is, but it's not. Giving millions to a known terrorist is a big huge deal. There are issues everywhere, in every nation. It would be a sensitive subject to me also but don't try to make it out that these idiots in Virginia, Ferguson, and Baltimore are the normal everyday Americans. Yes, we have differing strong opinions but most would not hurt anybody over it. Thanks for your support but things have been like this for a long time around here and will not get any better any time soon as long as outside influences keep stirring things up. I hope your fine country is treating all our celebs who moved there after the election well.
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Don't understand why this is a debatable issue. White supremacists represent a very small radical minority in this country, they are repugnant, and they should be denounced whenever they pop up. The President missed an opportunity to call them out specifically, and I don't understand why anyone here is defending him on this. Yes, it's appropriate to criticize violence and make clear it will not be tolerated, but failure to specifically call out neo nazi kkk white supremacist hate groups was a failure in leadership. Glad to see AG Sessions issued the proper denunciation and quickly initiated proper steps to investigate these as hate crimes.

He does deserve to be called out because he has done so with other incidents

But why this is upsetting is the lack of consistency in the media on their reporting. One president won't call out a hate/terrorist group by name and it's but a footnote on page 6. The current president does the same thing and he's bashed all day long on the majority of news outlets. Is our biggest concern as a nation white nationalist hate groups? The media is ****ing disgusting and are using a tragedy to push a political agenda and it seems there is a lot of people who are just A ok with it. There was one active reporter reporter attacked yesterday and one off duty reporter who was taken to the hospital for getting his head knocked in by counter protesters (radicals).

The sad part is it seems this poor girl was an amazing person that was not part of any kind of radical group and just standing up for what she thought was right. The police should have never allowed these groups to interact in any way and they ****ing blew it Saturday.
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I call b.s.! There is no way Trump supports these clowns. And we all know you would spin it that way because that's what you do. I don't care what side of the isle you're on if these events don't upset you, are messed up. Im just tired of all this nonsense. People need to start contributing and stop destroying on all sides. Unfortunately the globalist are winning big right now. The only loser is the American people.
Rubio and Hatch are also "spinning" it like me. I can assure you that they are not just like me. Trump may not support these clowns, but he sure loves their support.
IIO: try to focus on the point I made that these protesters from both sides are not the norm. The American media would have you believe it is, but it's not. Giving millions to a known terrorist is a big huge deal. There are issues everywhere, in every nation. It would be a sensitive subject to me also but don't try to make it out that these idiots in Virginia, Ferguson, and Baltimore are the normal everyday Americans. Yes, we have differing strong opinions but most would not hurt anybody over it. Thanks for your support but things have been like this for a long time around here and will not get any better any time soon as long as outside influences keep stirring things up. I hope your fine country is treating all our celebs who moved there after the election well.

Leading up to WWII, a lot of people chose to ignore Nazis until they came knocking at the door. History suggests that wasn't a wise move. You can sit in your home with the curtains drawn and act like its somebody else's problem to deal with, but the rest of America doesn't need to wait for these swastika waiving Neo-Nazi White Nationalists to invade their neighborhood before opposing them. This type of activity is a national concern. And one that should not be a partisan issue.
Just some general observations from all the posts that I have read on this Tread and have heard even by some of the
" Conservative " news and " Republicans ".
I have not seen one post or comment that was not against the actions of the Neo Nazi , KKK group.
So I am both sure and thankful that, everyone condemns their despicable and actions, and all
Criminal actions should and must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
The main point of contention is that President Trump did not name the group who had a permit,
The Neo Nazis.
Here is the problem in that debate as I see it:
1. There were two groups involved or there would have been no " Clash " in the first place.
2. President Trump recognized this and came out and condemned " All Groups " Involved. So to be fair,
Should not the other " Group " involved have also been named ? Why do the news media not
Insist that all groups be named ? Because it doesn't fit their narrative!
3. Conservatives and President Trump are dammed if they do, and dammed if they don't.
Conservatives are against all Radical groups and all Criminal and destructive actions by Any group.
4. Conservatives are for all Americans to have the right to free speech and lawful and peaceful assembly.
We don't engage in violent demonstration or shouting down Liberal speakers at Universities and at any other venues.
5. I hope that it never happens again, but if and when BLM or Some other radical Left group takes to the
Streets and kills , destroys property, and causes mayhem, will the Liberals in the media, the RINOs,
And Democrats and Liberals on this board come out and condem these groups just as hard as Conservatives Condem the Neo Nazi group ?
That would really be a great day !
6. If President Trump comes out and names and condemns those Liberal radical groups will the Liberal
Groups previous mentioned come out and praise President Trump ?
That would really be a great day !
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He does deserve to be called out because he has done so with other incidents

But why this is upsetting is the lack of consistency in the media on their reporting. One president won't call out a hate/terrorist group by name and it's but a footnote on page 6. The current president does the same thing and he's bashed all day long on the majority of news outlets. Is our biggest concern as a nation white nationalist hate groups? The media is ****ing disgusting and are using a tragedy to push a political agenda and it seems there is a lot of people who are just A ok with it. There was one active reporter reporter attacked yesterday and one off duty reporter who was taken to the hospital for getting his head knocked in by counter protesters (radicals).

The sad part is it seems this poor girl was an amazing person that was not part of any kind of radical group and just standing up for what she thought was right. The police should have never allowed these groups to interact in any way and they ****ing blew it Saturday.
Largely agree. Almost added the media attack Trump mentality and double standard with Obama and radical Islamic terrorist, but decided that would sound like excusing Trump, which he doesn't deserve.
Rubio and Hatch are also "spinning" it like me. I can assure you that they are not just like me. Trump may not support these clowns, but he sure loves their support.
They were going to support whoever was the conservative option.
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5. I hope that it never happens again, but if and when BLM or Some other radical Left group takes to the streets and kills, destroys property, and causes mayhem, will the Liberals in the media, the RINOs, and Democrats and Liberals on this board come out and condemn these groups just as hard as Conservatives condemn the Neo Nazi group ?

History would tell you no. Whether anyone is willing to admit it, or not, liberals and the liberal media are reticent to overly or outwardly criticize, in a relative sense, any non-white and/or non-conservative group that gets involved in this type of mayhem or destruction.
They were going to support whoever was the conservative option.
Yeah, and that seems to have been enthusiastically reciprocated by words of omission. You never answered my question about why Rubio and Hatch are calling for decrying white supremacists by name while Trump dodged that issue in his initial statement.
History would tell you no. Whether anyone is willing to admit it, or not, liberals and the liberal media are reticent to overly or outwardly criticize, in a relative sense, any non-white and/or non-conservative group that gets involved in this type of mayhem or destruction.

I just about read every post on this tread and many other treads, and have to agree 100 % with
Your above statement. I also did not vote for President Obama, but had high hopes , as you stated in a previous post, that I was wrong and that President Obama would be a Great unifier !
Unfortunely, he was the Great Divider, and left us more divided than I have ever seen !
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so many people on tv and elsewhere want to tear into trump and say all kinds of horrible things about him like calling him a coward for not saying more on saturday but yet a lot of these same people want to give a pat on the back to all these African American nfl players or say nothing at all when they basically spit on the American flag by turning their backs during the playing of the national anthem like so many of them did this past weekend during preseason games. I wanted to reach into the tv this weekend if I could have and slap the crap out of one certain nfl player that told the media that Saturday's events in Virginia were part of the reason why he refused to stand for the national anthem
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Leading up to WWII, a lot of people chose to ignore Nazis until they came knocking at the door. History suggests that wasn't a wise move. You can sit in your home with the curtains drawn and act like its somebody else's problem to deal with, but the rest of America doesn't need to wait for these swastika waiving Neo-Nazi White Nationalists to invade their neighborhood before opposing them. This type of activity is a national concern. And one that should not be a partisan issue.
Oh ****ing shove it up your arse. This country isn't turning to nazism and the president is turning into the next Hitler. You can't be this fing stupid.
Largely agree. Almost added the media attack Trump mentality and double standard with Obama and radical Islamic terrorist, but decided that would sound like excusing Trump, which he doesn't deserve.

The media deserves to be called out. It's actually about my favorite thing about the current president. I honestly thing the media is much more of a threat than neo nazis or groups like antifa. They reach many more millions of people and they all have an agenda. Sure you have some hosts and some shows that are trying to be honest reporters/hosts/analysts but in the vast majority of cases that is not the honest truth.

How has the actions of students at Evergreen not become a nightly news story for the left leaning news. That is one of the most disgusting story's I've ever seen, outside murder and physical violence attacks, and deserves to been discussed at length. MSM...doesn't fit narrative so we arent reporting it. I still see guests on CNN bring up Michael Brown as proof of racism in the US and the hosts don't say shit to push back. But defend trump one iota and it's game on.
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Yeah, and that seems to have been enthusiastically reciprocated by words of omission. You never answered my question about why Rubio and Hatch are calling for decrying white supremacists by name while Trump dodged that issue in his initial statement.
In all honesty I don't find this that big of a deal. It's not like these groups are new on the scene, these marches have happened for years. They need to be watched by the government and ignored by everyone else. This noteriety just feeds their inane views of how universal their support is, when reality is they have virtually none outside their own cocoon.
Don't understand why this is a debatable issue. White supremacists represent a very small radical minority in this country, they are repugnant, and they should be denounced whenever they pop up. The President missed an opportunity to call them out specifically, and I don't understand why anyone here is defending him on this. Yes, it's appropriate to criticize violence and make clear it will not be tolerated, but failure to specifically call out neo nazi kkk white supremacist hate groups was a failure in leadership. Glad to see AG Sessions issued the proper denunciation and quickly initiated proper steps to investigate these as hate crimes.

This is difficult to say, but you are missing the point.

The Nazi ((very big swallow) had a permit to do whatever rant they wanted to spout. The ACLU fought for their permit, and I have many issues with he ACLU, but he City had no choice at that point but to sllow it. Big Cities have the pice Force to handle this not small ones. The city needed to bring back up in to keep the two sides apart

The President called it as it was. "Hatred from all sides" The counter protesters where not the type of people who where going to advance America's values. To not acknowledge that would of given the hundreds of antifa/BLM, idiots crowd a pass.

It was one form of socialist fight another form of socialist, and the freaking Nazi had the legal right to speak because they had the proper permits not the hundreds of antifa, weird BLM, dressed like clowns.

Personally I have no problem with two hate groups beating the crap out of each other, but they both needed to be called out.
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I suspect so, but you made an earlier comment that criticism of Trump was just a matter of liberals out to attack Trump. Rubio and Hatch were on record as being dismayed that nothing specific targeted the white supremacists. Are Rubio and Hatch liberals in your book?
They are both professional politions. They needed to call out the other side as well.
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Oh ****ing shove it up your arse. This country isn't turning to nazism and the president is turning into the next Hitler. You can't be this fing stupid.

Its not stupid to oppose those who espouse White Nationalist and White Supremacist ideals wherever they choose to rear their ugly heads and spout their hateful message.

I'm certain I haven't posted a negative word about the President on this matter, and I'm pretty certain I haven't posted anything negative about him at all since he's been elected. Though not on the timeline some would have preferred, the President has joined those who have specifically condemned these Neo-Nazi and white supremacist assholes. He also very clearly said racism is evil. Personally, I was pleased to see him emphasize that he opposes this crap today. I'm glad to see his attorney general is taking the matter seriously too. Those who really enjoy pointless partisan bickering can argue over whether the President acted quickly or strongly enough, but I'd rather our leaders use this as an opportunity to reassure the public that despite partisan politics, they are unified in seeing that these hate groups have no legitimate place in our political discourse.

But putting all that aside, I'm not sticking anything up my ass to please you. That's just weird.
Leading up to WWII, a lot of people chose to ignore Nazis until they came knocking at the door. History suggests that wasn't a wise move. You can sit in your home with the curtains drawn and act like its somebody else's problem to deal with, but the rest of America doesn't need to wait for these swastika waiving Neo-Nazi White Nationalists to invade their neighborhood before opposing them. This type of activity is a national concern. And one that should not be a partisan issue.

You can stay in your home and guard your women in fear of these few nationalists that showed up. I'd be more concerned about Muslim terrorists and BLM thugs than anything else. I'd be concerned about the education system in our nation and the manipulating of young minds. I'd be concerned about a media who has free access to destroy anyone and anything they want. You might be next. But these nationalist cats? Nope. They ain't going nowhere fast and if the media and the anti-movement didn't rush to be part of the scene, no one would have even noticed the nationalists were there. If the police officials did their job, no one would have been hurt. If the idiot governor wouldn't have purposely allowed the anti movement to parade around without a permit in close quarters, no one would have been hurt. Your fear is aimed at the wrong subjects.
Its not stupid to oppose those who espouse White Nationalist and White Supremacist ideals wherever they choose to rear their ugly heads and spout their hateful message.

I'm certain I haven't posted a negative word about the President on this matter, and I'm pretty certain I haven't posted anything negative about him at all since he's been elected. Though not on the timeline some would have preferred, the President has joined those who have specifically condemned these Neo-Nazi and white supremacist assholes. He also very clearly said racism is evil. Personally, I was pleased to see him emphasize that he opposes this crap today. I'm glad to see his attorney general is taking the matter seriously too. Those who really enjoy pointless partisan bickering can argue over whether the President acted quickly or strongly enough, but I'd rather our leaders use this as an opportunity to reassure the public that despite partisan politics, they are unified in seeing that these hate groups have no legitimate place in our political discourse.

But putting all that aside, I'm not sticking anything up my ass to please you. That's just weird.

"Leading up to WWII, a lot of people chose to ignore Nazis until they came knocking at the door. History suggests that wasn't a wise move. You can sit in your home with the curtains drawn and act like its somebody else's problem to deal with, but the rest of America doesn't need to wait for these swastika waiving Neo-Nazi White Nationalists to invade their neighborhood before opposing them. This type of activity is a national concern. And one that should not be a partisan issue."

You honestly believe that our country is sitting at home with our curtains down and missing some kind of nazi uprising? You are honestly trying to compare the US to nazi Germany, but I would probably feel the same way if I read and listened to certain media outlets all day.
This is difficult to say, but you are missing the point.

The Nazi ((very big swallow) had a permit to do whatever rant they wanted to spout. The ACLU fought for their permit, and I have many issues with he ACLU, but he City had no choice at that point but to sllow it. Big Cities have the pice Force to handle this not small ones. The city needed to bring back up in to keep the two sides apart

The President called it as it was. "Hatred from all sides" The counter protesters where not the type of people who where going to advance America's values. To not acknowledge that would of given the hundreds of antifa/BLM, idiots crowd a pass.

It was one form of socialist fight another form of socialist, and the freaking Nazi had the legal right to speak because they had the proper permits not the hundreds of antifa, weird BLM, dressed like clowns.

Personally I have no problem with two hate groups beating the crap out of each other, but they both needed to be called out.
DIP...nothing you say here mitigates the President's failure to single out the white supremacist. The statements he made today were exactly on point, and he would have been better served to make them two days ago.

I don't know the breakout of the different categories of people who were involved, but the one young woman killed doesn't appear to be a radical; but rather someone who cared enough about racial equality and abhorred the White Supremacist, and who wanted to show her support for those values.
Both sides came prepared for violence, wearing protective helmets, masks and carrying flags. When violence broke out, many of the flags were stripped from the wood handles and the handles were used as clubs.

Both sides brought street medics equipped with bandages and fluids for flushing eyes and skin afflicted with pepper spray.

I strongly condemn the KKK/neo-nazis and all of their hate/violence. I also strongly condemn Antifa/BLM and all of their hate/violence.

The fact is that two extremists groups came together and both were well prepared to engage in violence.

The police in Charlottesville did a terrible job of keeping these two groups separated. Some reports even say that the police actually pushed the groups into each other.

The guy in the car was a nut job just like the guy that tried to shoot up the GOP baseball practice. The young woman killed deserves all of our prayers, as well as the two policemen killed in the chopper crash.
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DIP...nothing you say here mitigates the President's failure to single out the white supremacist. The statements he made today were exactly on point, and he would have been better served to make them two days ago.

I don't know the breakout of the different categories of people who were involved, but the one young woman killed doesn't appear to be a radical; but rather someone who cared enough about racial equality and abhorred the White Supremacist, and who wanted to show her support for those values.

So the group that got the permit legally to spout their hate, should be singled out over the other hate group?

Do you think the other group who clearly didn't have a permit to hold their rally we're all Mr. /MrsI love America and its values? Maybe you should look into that it's all over the internet and who they were

I personally don't know what young ladies beliefs were, and it is tragic she got killed, but the fact of the matter the Naz scum got the permit./the counter-protesters did not.
Singling out one hate group and not the other would have been just as wrong

Everyone should have just ignored them and they would have went away.
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I am disappointed with Trump today that he made mention of the Nazis and white hate groups but said nothing about BLM, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood and antifa . Donald Trump became a politician today. Meanwhile, while the media is focusing on what Trump said and didn't say, nine people were shot and killed in Chicago over the weekend while Mayor Tiny Dancer was busy cutting ribbons for a highway. Why doesn't the media want Trump saying anything about Chicago?
I am disappointed with Trump today that he made mention of the Nazis and white hate groups but said nothing about BLM, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood and antifa . Donald Trump became a politician today. Meanwhile, while the media is focusing on what Trump said and didn't say, nine people were shot and killed in Chicago over the weekend while Mayor Tiny Dancer was busy cutting ribbons for a highway. Why doesn't the media want Trump saying anything about Chicago?

Who goes down first. Puerto Rico or Illinois?
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I strongly condemn the KKK/neo-nazis and all of their hate/violence. I also strongly condemn Antifa/BLM and all of their hate/violence.

The fact is that two extremists groups came together and both were well prepared to engage in violence.

The police in Charlottesville did a terrible job of keeping these two groups separated. Some reports even say that the police actually pushed the groups into each other.

The guy in the car was a nut job just like the guy that tried to shoot up the GOP baseball practice. The young woman killed deserves all of our prayers, as well as the two policemen killed in the chopper crash.

BLM was not about hate it was suppose to be about bringing awareness to minorities feeling that were being mistreated in impoverished communities by the law. So easy with the rhetoric that is was about hate and violence. A couple of cowards decided to be jack@sses and make it about voilence. When any protest becomes violent that is where I draw the line.

One thing that we all should learn becuase of what history tells us is the mob mentality for whatever movement creates and fosters chaos without a true leader with genuinely good intentions. An chaos is a ladder for the uniformed to act out like imbiciles feeling empowered bc they are backed by their likeness.