Kizer's thoughts...

Kizer got out before he got the Dayne Crist treatment.

and the way he gets dissed by the Kelly-only fans proves he made the correct decision. The efforts to adhere blame for the '16 fiasco were shameful.

One thing we cannot know is how any conversations between Kelly and GM's transpired. I have to believe that a GM who was potential drafter of DK reached out to BK. Based upon the way DK fell out of RD 1, one can only speculate that the comments went along the same lines as the public critique.

DK deserved better. One thing for certain, DK is better off today if only addition by subtraction.

Good Luck to Kizer.
Right, so let's finish the math here.

5m over 4 years. If he plays all 4 years.

1.25 million per year
-20% agent
-20% lawyers
=800 K per year
- 50% tax rate
=400 K per year.

For 4 years. He could have gotten an MBA free from ND and learned some coding skills.

300 K per year for life and he will have his health.

I don't see how this is seen as a good business decision. Unless you're his lawyer or his agent.
Agents get 3% of contract money. 20 % of endorsements.
I'm sorry you feel like you are being attack all the time. I wonder why you feel that way?

Somebody is psycho obsessed .... but we get it .... you've been humiliated ..... ironic that you asked for it .... :cool:
Somebody is psycho obsessed .... but we get it .... you've been humiliated ..... ironic that you asked for it .... :cool:
I've been humiliated? Really? Sorry you are so sensitive. Maybe you can go upstairs and sleep with your mommy!
The only joke is you Bugshit! But you keep telling yourself that you are special!

If Brey and Kelly won games as consistently as people calling him an ahole, ND would win NC's in both sports every year. Seriously, it's like watching a soap opera. Not post for a month or so, come back on and EVERYONE still calls him a moron.
This whole board is special compared to you .... you're just too old and dumb to notice .... LOL!
When did you doctor start cutting back on your meds? Everyone here thinks that was a bad idea, and then to let you out in public.
When did you doctor start cutting back on your meds? Everyone here thinks that was a bad idea, and then to let you out in public.

Ok .... try to at leasy get your jokes past puberty stage ..... sheesh ..... I know ... it's hopeless ... o_O
If Brey and Kelly won games as consistently as people calling him an ahole, ND would win NC's in both sports every year. Seriously, it's like watching a soap opera. Not post for a month or so, come back on and EVERYONE still calls him a moron.

Welcome back .... sorry your world of everyone still hasn't increased past the 4-5 people on this message board ..... tsk tsk tsk :oops:
Welcome back .... sorry your world of everyone still hasn't increased past the 4-5 people on this message board ..... tsk tsk tsk :oops:

Hey's 4-5 MORE people than agree with your moronic statements. You can't get ONE poster! Why don't you go and hang out with those REAL ND fans, those REAL ND coaches, those REAL ND athletes that you say you pal around with, who agree with everything you say and worship you like you are the Messiah himself? If all these people exist, why do you feel the need to post here, where EVERYONE knows you're an idiot? I
Hey's 4-5 MORE people than agree with your moronic statements. You can't get ONE poster! Why don't you go and hang out with those REAL ND fans, those REAL ND coaches, those REAL ND athletes that you say you pal around with, who agree with everything you say and worship you like you are the Messiah himself? If all these people exist, why do you feel the need to post here, where EVERYONE knows you're an idiot? I

I belong here more than you do ..... I am a real ND fan who wishes excellence for the program ... and I graduated college twice .... that is a little farther than 6th grade .... and I know Hawaii is one of our 50 states ..... LOL!

I also only need one handle .... OK Jax ..... LMAO!
I belong here more than you do ..... I am a real ND fan who wishes excellence for the program ... and I graduated college twice .... that is a little farther than 6th grade .... and I know Hawaii is one of our 50 states ..... LOL!

I also only need one handle .... OK Jax ..... LMAO!
You graduated twice from college yet you can not even write a complete sentence? You have the intelligence of a 5 year old. You should ask for your money back! BTW, we all know you are not a Notre Dame fan, most likely a Ohio State fan. I'm sure you could not even find Notre Dame if I gave you a map.
You graduated twice from college yet you can not even write a complete sentence? You have the intelligence of a 5 year old. You should ask for your money back! BTW, we all know you are not a Notre Dame fan, most likely a Ohio State fan. I'm sure you could not even find Notre Dame if I gave you a map.

You only have 10 year old humor in your repertoire and you think that you apparently are the measuring stick .... LOL! .... I am a communicator .... and this isn't a thesis ... I understand you don't know the difference ... I go to ND most years for games .... maybe you'd like to meet me behind the ACC .... LOL! :)
You only have 10 year old humor in your repertoire and you think that you apparently are the measuring stick .... LOL! .... I am a communicator .... and this isn't a thesis ... I understand you don't know the difference ... I go to ND most years for games .... maybe you'd like to meet me behind the ACC .... LOL! :)
I wanted to meet you last year but you chickened out. But sure I would love to meet you at a game. BTW, Notre Dame is in the state of Indiana, South Bend that is. Hope that helps you out. Maybe I can help you with your writing skills, of which you have none. I'm sure some other posters would love to meet you also. You love to see one of you classic meltdowns in person. Let's make this happen! LMAO!:rolleyes:
BTW Bugshit, you really need someone to edit your posts. I know that I am not the best writer here, but man you suck! Your second grader teach must be embarrassed by you!
Well let's see. There's me, IrishJohn, Echowaker, Pennick, Irishsportsfan, CHSeahawk, Zonairish,Kelso, Hvillebille, and I am sure this Jax dude you say I am thought you were a turd as well. Plus there's Telx1 and even your boy Bodi hates your guts. Plus I recall 756 and 1596 tearing your ass up when I first joined this site. That makes a helluva lot more than 4 or 5. Not to mention the hordes of people who have you on ignore because they know you are a waste of time. Not only do you write like a 2nd grader, you add like one too! Graduated college twice...who gives a shit.
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Well let's see. There's me, IrishJohn, Echowaker, Pennick, Irishsportsfan, CHSeahawk, Zonairish,Kelso, Hvillebille, and I am sure this Jax dude you say I am thought you were a turd as well. Plus there's Telx1 and even your boy Bodi hates your guts. Plus I recall 756 and 1596 tearing your ass up when I first joined this site. That makes a helluva lot more than 4 or 5. Not to mention the hordes of people who have you on ignore because they know you are a waste of time. Not only do you write like a 2nd grader, you add like one too! Graduated college twice...who gives a shit.
It was kiddy college he graduated, not once as he points out, but twice. Well he's got that going for him.
You are hopeless and useless!

I'm not hopeless ... or useless ... I for one am interested in raising the bar for excellence .... not you though .... and I have jokes that relate to an adult's sense of humor.... how many ways can I be better than you ?..... all ways apparently .... :cool:
I wanted to meet you last year but you chickened out. But sure I would love to meet you at a game. BTW, Notre Dame is in the state of Indiana, South Bend that is. Hope that helps you out. Maybe I can help you with your writing skills, of which you have none. I'm sure some other posters would love to meet you also. You love to see one of you classic meltdowns in person. Let's make this happen! LMAO!:rolleyes:

You are the bravest toughest guy ever ... trust me .... I have much better things to do than drive to South Bend to find you not showing up .... and/or end up in jail for beating up a nerd .... really????

Then this: " You love to see one of you classic meltdowns in person. Let's make this happen!"

1st of all what is this suoposed to say ? .... and how ironic you are critiquing anyone's writing .... LOL!

If it wasn't real it wouldn't be soooo funny ..... keep embarassing yourself .... someone is awfully angry ... LET"S FIGHT!!! .... LOL! :D
Well let's see. There's me, IrishJohn, Echowaker, Pennick, Irishsportsfan, CHSeahawk, Zonairish,Kelso, Hvillebille, and I am sure this Jax dude you say I am thought you were a turd as well. Plus there's Telx1 and even your boy Bodi hates your guts. Plus I recall 756 and 1596 tearing your ass up when I first joined this site. That makes a helluva lot more than 4 or 5. Not to mention the hordes of people who have you on ignore because they know you are a waste of time. Not only do you write like a 2nd grader, you add like one too! Graduated college twice...who gives a shit.

2 or 3 of those guys I've never heard of .... 3-4 are your clown show .... attacking anyone who criticizes what is painfully wrong .... and the fact that Bodi doesn't like me only gives that much more credibility to exposing you JAX .... LOL!

How dumb are you? ... you keep exceeding my expectations ...

And do all those guys attack gays and the handicapped ???? ... you know ... like you .... birds of a feather??? ;)
It was kiddy college he graduated, not once as he points out, but twice. Well he's got that going for him.

I assure you it was a college where they had higher expectations than this

"You love to see one of you classic meltdowns in person"

Keep posting .... it's hilarious .... coming from a real scholar ? .... LOL!
It was kiddy college he graduated, not once as he points out, but twice. Well he's got that going for him.

Don't you find it odd that this loser says he hangs with scores of REAL ND fans, REAL coaches, and REAL athletes. All these folks supposedly worship him like the second coming of the Messiah, yet not one of these supposed REAL people post on this message board to back up this asshat's moronic statements! I mean, this is a hugely popular site and it's FREE! You would think that ONE poster from this moron's fictional posse would have joined this board to help the little fella out. Dude lives in a dream world.
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I assure you it was a college where they had higher expectations than this

"You love to see one of you classic meltdowns in person"

Keep posting .... it's hilarious .... coming from a real scholar ? .... LOL!

Then why do you post here? You have said that this is the "Dumbest board in all of sports." You say you hang with all these REAL ND people who wash your feet twice a week...why do you post here.
You are the bravest toughest guy ever ... trust me .... I have much better things to do than drive to South Bend to find you not showing up .... and/or end up in jail for beating up a nerd .... really????

Then this: " You love to see one of you classic meltdowns in person. Let's make this happen!"

1st of all what is this suoposed to say ? .... and how ironic you are critiquing anyone's writing .... LOL!

If it wasn't real it wouldn't be soooo funny ..... keep embarassing yourself .... someone is awfully angry ... LET"S FIGHT!!! .... LOL! :D
The only angry person on this board is you Bugshit! I can imagine you getting all red faced every time you feel the need to respond to one of my posts. You are obsessed with hating every thing related to Notre Dame. Raising the bar? What a joke you are.
As far as you beating me up, well not to worried about you doing that. You chickened out last season but I would love to meet you buddy!
Go back to your Ohio Sate or Michigan or whatever team you root for board, we don't need any more village idiots we already have purse for that.
Can't think of one poster here that would come to his defense. Even purse hates this fool. We need WAX to come here and take the trash out.

Excuse me...perseverare does NOT hate anyone on this forum; I do not even know those who are contentious with me. It is a football forum, not family, world hunger or war!
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I don't hate the bug man. I find his weak attempts at trying to justify or legitimize his uninformed opinions as quite humorous and sometimes entertaining. The one man band plays on !
actually, posters ought take note; there IS Moderation of this board. It may not be as obvious as WAX, but name calling, stalking, profanity and the personal attacks will get attention. Look around?
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So much anxiety and tension on a free message board. Why? None of this matters. There is nothing any of us can do about anything. Just surf the wave and try and have a good time doing it. I was stopped at a busy light the other day and the car next to me was blaring "Mississippi Queen" by Mountain. That made the rest of the day pretty darn good. You can boycott, but that usually lasts about a week tops. You can be mad all the time about something that you have no control over. Or, you can be unhappy but wish the players the very very best, while debating and discussing fresh new talking and con. That pretty much is the size of it.
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