Would guaranteed national schedule be enough

I don't see the difference in "media exposure" between a game on NBC that draws 2 million viewers and a game on ESPN that draws 2 million. It certainly isn't worth $80 million per year.

If ND doesn't need the money, it would be nice if they would make tuition and tickets free...
You are assuming ND would be televised every week. That's not a guarantee especially when you have 20 teams in the conference. With their own deal, ND is guaranteed to be televised at least 6 games per year.
ND might not be hurting for the money now, but as B1G/SEC schools start raking in $100M/year and spending it to develop first-class facilities, new stadia, hire the very best coaches, expand recruiting, etc. the schools with lesser contracts will begin falling behind. Not to mention the path to the playoffs promises to get tougher for an independent (guaranteed the B1G/SEC will make that happen). Administration needs to be visionary. What will it look like in 15 years?
Chump change. Money is not an issue
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I dont really see the ACC all of the sudden saying hey, you can no longer play your 6 teams a year.

The formula stays the same, play 1 top 10 team and 1 top 25 team, go undefeated and your in.

Just like Cinci. Just like Clemson. Just like OK.

At some point in time, yea, we might be forced in but that is some time down the road when ND will have a better look at what Conference makes sense. IMHO, the ACC is still the best conf for them. You have academics, recruiting and a network. They could also go grab Vandy, Northwester and Stanford and actually have a conference that has standards. Maybe Rutgers is a better fit as well.
Like it. Have thought a long time it would be great for ND, Stanford and other real academic institutions form a league. How do you deal with the travel issues of Stanford's location??
I don't mean to stir the pot but the fact seems to be that ND isn't truly "independent" now. Its tied into the ACC for non-revenue sports PLUS has to play at least 5 in-conference football games. The real "independence" is the TV contract which boils down to money. It will be interesting to see if a combination of ACC and NBC money would equal projected revenue from the B1G which some media are suggesting could be as much as $100M/year/team. That ain't chicken feed.

Scheduling for football won't be a problem. Its the scheduling for non-revenue sports that drove ND to join the ACC in the first place. At some point that might force ND to fully commit to a conference.
We were not driven into the ACC, it was a contract of mutual convenience. Either side can let the contract expire and be all right.
ND is not even selling out it’s home games anymore and some of the games are being kicked over to cable or streaming service … and that is because our scheduling is getting more difficult to manage. Compare current schedules to when the NBC deal was signed … the ND fanbase is becoming a little delusional based on a few playoff appearances (that ended badly). We better read the tea leaves on this one or we will suddenly be in a room with a bunch of MAC teams and lower tier former P5 programs.
This is a myth told by those with an agenda. The schedule has been more interesting in the past ten years than the previous 20.
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Until the conferences are so full they can't logistically add any teams ND will be able to join any conference they want. Any one. ND has ultimate leverage.
And even if they are full, they'd still add ND.

We have the ultimate leverage.

If we were the last team holding out and decided we wanted in a conference, there would be a bidding war.

We are fine
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When your already making 1B a year, making 1B + 30m after you net out NBC and independence doesn’t seem like a big driver to sell your soul to the B16.

Id rather see the ACC add Oregon, ND, BYU and Wash.
The question is how long will the ACC be around ?
The question is how long will the ACC be around ?
I billion a year from football??? According to Fobes two years ago ND was around the 5th most profitable football program and is doing just fine but a billion a year???

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One of the main reasons ND would join a conference is for the media rights. You don't pass up over $100 million per year to renegotiate an $18 million per year NBC deal.
With ND and USC and UCLA joining the B10, the media rights would be closer to $150 million per year.
ND might not be hurting for the money now, but as B1G/SEC schools start raking in $100M/year and spending it to develop first-class facilities, new stadia, hire the very best coaches, expand recruiting, etc. the schools with lesser contracts will begin falling behind. Not to mention the path to the playoffs promises to get tougher for an independent (guaranteed the B1G/SEC will make that happen). Administration needs to be visionary. What will it look like in 15 years?
Notre Dame isn't hurting for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ today, Notre Dame won't be hurting for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ a year from now, and Notre Dame won't be hurting for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ten years from now.

If $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ was the big issue, as Golson said, Jack Swarbick would have had Football in a Conference full time long ago.
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The question is how long will the ACC be around ?

ACC is still better than the Big18. If you affiliate ND with the ACC, they have been in the CFP almost every year. The B18 nor the Pac can say that.

I cant see 2 super conferences? That would seem pretty silly. At some point, lets just go to 1, super duper conference and do a playoff with 30 teams and leave the other 100+ out.

I could see the Pac and the B12 merging to be a formidable 3rd and the ACC scooping up ND, Cinci and a few stragglers to be the 4th conf.

The real question is, who does the ACC go after?

I think they target UCF, Cinci, ND, WV, Ucon.....Cinci could probably leave if the B12 merged with the PAC
ND would be wanted but at what price? At some point the big 2 will be less willing to offer compromises on scheduling, tv rights, etc. The idea is to maximize your bargaining power. As the big 2 successfully grow and begin making billions the idea of having to give ND a sweetheart deal becomes less likely. It's a tough call.
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ND would be wanted but at what price? At some point the big 2 will be less willing to offer compromises on scheduling, tv rights, etc. The idea is to maximize your bargaining power. As the big 2 successfully grow and begin making billions the idea of having to give ND a sweetheart deal becomes less likely. It's a tough call.
I dont really see the ACC all of the sudden saying hey, you can no longer play your 6 teams a year.

The formula stays the same, play 1 top 10 team and 1 top 25 team, go undefeated and your in.

Just like Cinci. Just like Clemson. Just like OK.

At some point in time, yea, we might be forced in but that is some time down the road when ND will have a better look at what Conference makes sense. IMHO, the ACC is still the best conf for them. You have academics, recruiting and a network. They could also go grab Vandy, Northwester and Stanford and actually have a conference that has standards. Maybe Rutgers is a better fit as well.
When this playoff agreement is up, Notre Dame has no guarantee to be included.
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When this playoff agreement is up, Notre Dame has no guarantee to be included.
If you think ND is going to get squeezed out with all the eyeballs and $$$$ they bring in via their fanbase you have zero clue.
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I would think ND keeping their TV deal in place for home games would also be a requirement.

I'm hoping they hold off on joining a conference until the time comes where remaining independent prevents access to the playoff system.
Equally threatening -- and potentially more imminent -- could be a loss of access to marquee players due to the inability to a) play A-list schedules and b) secure competitive TV revenue.

Re the latter, I don't see ND raiding its piggy bank to finance its football program. College football is for major programs a revenue producer and in many cases, OUTRIGHT PROFITABLE as is the case for ND. No college CFO wants to see it flip to an EXPENSE ITEM.

Tradition, independence or conference affiliation notwithstanding.

I don't see how without maintaining FINANCIAL PARITY with the leading programs, ND can hope to compete with them on the field. It starts and ends with $$$.
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I don't mean to stir the pot but the fact seems to be that ND isn't truly "independent" now. Its tied into the ACC for non-revenue sports PLUS has to play at least 5 in-conference football games. The real "independence" is the TV contract which boils down to money. It will be interesting to see if a combination of ACC and NBC money would equal projected revenue from the B1G which some media are suggesting could be as much as $100M/year/team. That ain't chicken feed.
We have a WINNER.
If a small number of super conferences form with national reach, and they refuse to schedule you, you are no onger independent and by default a member of the “everybody else” conference … ND will no doubt navigate its way to the new reality … clinging to a world that no longer exists would be stupid. What makes Notre Dame special is not it’s “independent” status, it’s far greater than that.
Fact is, ND became ND due to its willingness to go anywhere to play anyone. But those other teams had to be willing to play ND as well. It all hinged on having a national reach.

TV changed all of that -- but only gradually. Now TV money is so determinative that scheduling is dictated not so much by geographical opportunism but by TV money packages. It's a 180 degree turnaround.

Does ND adapt or continue to play by its LITERALLY 1913 formula?
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Equally threatening -- and potentially more imminent -- could be a loss of access to marquee players due to the inability to a) play A-list schedules and b) secure competitive TV revenue.

Re the latter, I don't see ND raiding its piggy bank to finance its football program. College football is for major programs a revenue producer and in many cases, OUTRIGHT PROFITABLE as is the case for ND. No college CFO wants to see it flip to an EXPENSE ITEM.

Tradition, independence or conference affiliation notwithstanding.

I don't see how without maintaining FINANCIAL PARITY with the leading programs, ND can hope to compete with them on the field. It starts and ends with $$$.
No winner here.

When your already making 1B a year, making 1B + 30m after you net out NBC and independence doesn’t seem like a big driver to sell your soul to the B16.

Id rather see the ACC add Oregon, ND, BYU and Wash.
Where's the $1B figure come from?

The last data I saw had ND making slightly north of $50M on football? And that was profit.
ND might not be hurting for the money now, but as B1G/SEC schools start raking in $100M/year and spending it to develop first-class facilities, new stadia, hire the very best coaches, expand recruiting, etc. the schools with lesser contracts will begin falling behind. Not to mention the path to the playoffs promises to get tougher for an independent (guaranteed the B1G/SEC will make that happen). Administration needs to be visionary. What will it look like in 15 years?
I was listening to an interview Herbstreit gave recently. He was saying that even mid-pack Big Ten programs like IU and Northwestern have better facilities than USC, because they make so much money already from their current deals.
If there are 50-60 teams in 2 or 3 super conferences and you ain’t one of them, then you are finished. You are swimming in a different pool even if you get maybe one or two games vs traditional rivals … and within a few years recruits stop coming and you are Army or Yale.

As your scheduling options dwindle, so does your LEVERAGE. You lose VISIBILITY and then RELEVANCE.

And the idea that there should continue to exist a playoff system that holds an OPEN-ENTRANT SLOT SPECIFICALLY FOR YOU becomes LUDICROUS.

It would be like holding open an at-large berth in today’s playoffs for one of the ACADEMIES.
I was listening to an interview Herbstreit gave recently. He was saying that even mid-pack Big Ten programs like IU and Northwestern have better facilities than USC, because they make so much money already from their current deals.
And IU/Northwestern Football are still irrelevant.
Scheduling for football won't be a problem. Its the scheduling for non-revenue sports that drove ND to join the ACC in the first place. At some point that might force ND to fully commit to a conference.
Football scheduling COULD ALSO BE A PROBLEM as, depending on how conferences schedule internally, ND may not be able to put together schedules that are neither too strong nor too weak in relation to its then talent pool which could evolve appreciably in a world of locked-in conference play and playoffs.

ND would not only have to play the right amount of premier teams -- those teams' schedules and willingness to play ND permitting -- but also have the ability to WIN THOSE GAMES. To me, it would require almost MIRACULOUS NEEDLE THREADING. Whereas if it's in a conference, it puts it in drive and GOES.
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With USC in, I think that's a game changer. It solves part of our previous scheduling issue with joining a conference. And the Big Ten's becoming a national conference now. So I think we might accept the Big Ten's invitation now. I don't know, though. It's hard to guess what the powers-that-be at ND are thinking.
I'm sure it's causing something of an IDENTITY CRISIS. Just as it is with some here.

ND hasn't been FIRST AMONG EQUALS since FRANK LEAHY, though some still stubbornly ignore seven decades of evidence to the contrary. To paraphrase Madeleine Albright, many still see ND as the "ONE INDISPENSABLE" CFB program. And INDEPENDENCE as proof of it.

What's now happening must be EXTREMELY DISCONCERTING to those STEEPED in the MYSTIQUE ANGLE.
I don’t think Stanford is a must. Navy and SC are. Both possible in joining Big 10 !
I'd drop Stanford in a heartbeat. Maybe pick up Google or Apple.
I believe if ND can negotiate keeping their TV right/deal with NBC or another network for home games, BIG 10 assists with the buy out from ACC, and keep annual games with USC and Navy they should make the move. I can't see the BiG 10 saying no to the tv rights, it just gives the conference more exposure since most of those games would be against conference teams.
There's no perfect solution, but what you're suggesting here sounds reasonable. There are other options as well.
I have enjoyed the history and tradition of ND's independence as much as anyone, but it is delusional to think that what is happening right now won't force ND's hand to join a conference, and way sooner than later. I hope Swarbrick doesn't overplay his hand.
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ND doesn't need the money. The media exposure of being on a major network for all home games is worth much more vs the $100 million and only being on TV when the conference allows it.
Worth more in what sense?

Does it cover the deficit between $100 million and $18 million? How do you monetize the WORTH you refer to? Or are you referring to some kind of INTANGIBLE value?

As for needing the money, yes, ND has money, but it isn't necessarily there to be spent on its football program. No one uses their capital budget to cover operational expenses, and I'd bet that ND runs itself based on various operating budgets, most of which are expected to make a profit, so as to keep adding to the OVERALL CAPITAL HAUL.

And I'd very surprised if ND ever agreed to pump ENDOWMENT MONEY into football, even if it were allowed to do so.

I don't have all the facts here, but I suspect ND is happier making around $50 million in profit per year from football, rather than having to SUBSIDIZE IT.
Like it. Have thought a long time it would be great for ND, Stanford and other real academic institutions form a league. How do you deal with the travel issues of Stanford's location??
I'm not suggesting this now, but I did bring it up several years ago.



Ironically, one of the most eligible members for such a league would be USC which sometimes ranks ahead of ND in COLLEGE ACADEMIC RANKINGS.
ND would be wanted but at what price? At some point the big 2 will be less willing to offer compromises on scheduling, tv rights, etc. The idea is to maximize your bargaining power. As the big 2 successfully grow and begin making billions the idea of having to give ND a sweetheart deal becomes less likely. It's a tough call.
In THEORY, it may be a tough call, but in practice, it's a NO-BRAINER.
I'd drop Stanford in a heartbeat. Maybe pick up Google or Apple.
It's my understanding ND has always wanted to finish the season on the west coast, so that thr coaches can spend the following week recruiting the west coast kids.

If thr Pac12 implodes though, then Stanford may become an increasingly undesirable opponent to play and ND may have to consider other options. Tough to foresee what will happen.
I'm not suggesting this now, but I did bring it up several years ago.



Ironically, one of the most eligible members for such a league would be USC which sometimes ranks ahead of ND in COLLEGE ACADEMIC RANKINGS.
Never. That's awful. No
It's my understanding ND has always wanted to finish the season on the west coast, so that thr coaches can spend the following week recruiting the west coast kids.

If thr Pac12 implodes though, then Stanford may become an increasingly undesirable opponent to play and ND may have to consider other options. Tough to foresee what will happen.
Impossible to tell, really.

The sport is undergoing a facelift where certain parameters and practices observed by ND in recent decades may disappear.

For better or worse, our society doesn't just make money anymore, it makes money off of making money off of making money for as long as that CONGA LINE will stretch.

In other words, exponential money has now come to CFB.