What's happening to the Donald?

Dip, post links it's much simpler to follow. Secondly, I'm still waiting for the fact the Admin knew it was a lie when drafting the legislation. Your earlier statement indicated it was a nefarious attempt to "trick" the American people. Anyone can call something that didn't happen a lie after the fact. By your same logic would you agree that Trump "LIED" when he told the sheep that Mexico would pay for the wall?

I tried. I thought it was as easy as copy and paste, but that didn't work.
If you did take that the Obama administration was knowingly untruthful from that then I cant help you.

Big difference between Trump telling people Mexico going to pay for a wall that hasn't been built yet, and boldly stating falsehood about a bill the ramming it through Congress.
Why else do you believe they've past it without reading it?
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Come on...

Lets face it. Trump has an opportunity to do a lot of great things in America, especially as it relates to taking steps towards fixing the economy, specifically trade and creating decent jobs in America. I think he'll also do a great job on immigration, among other things.

But the people who took all of his campaign promises seriously, need a reality check.

1. Trump was never going to build this Lord of The Rings style wall that Mexico was going to pay for. Likely, the existing wall will be reinforced in areas and some new form of wall will be put up in areas it's lacking. We already know that spending billions of dollars on a wall is completely useless, when a lot of the illegals simply burrow under it. In terms of who is going to pay for what. American taxpayers will pay for the "wall". Mexico is apparently going to pay for it through taxation on trade, but realistically, with the way trade works and the way debt moves around, nobody will ever pay for the wall, rather, it will likely just be added to the national debt, which we all know will never balance.

2. There is no way the President is going to simply toss millions of people, regardless of what he said in his campaign. He's the President now, no longer a candidate. He'll be expected to act with compassion and restraint. If he wants to be a two term President (we're not sure if he'll want to, or not) he needs to not only retain the coalition of voters that put him into office, but he would also be shrewd to win over more voters as well, to build his approval rating as well as his electoral supoort.

We always have to keep in mind that politics is about getting people to believe in you and back you with their support. Then it becomes about doing what it takes to maintain that support, even if it means doing things contrary to what got you elected in the first place.

Great speech tonight by the President, by the way. Very Presidential of him. As a businessman, learning politics as he goes, he and his team are proving to be quick studies. I still think we'll see quite a few hiccups because of their inexperience outside of the world of business and finance, but I'm optimistic that we can see a lot of good come from this first term as well.
Actually, Mexico will pay for the wall directly or indirectly. With companies coming back to America from Mexico, more Americans will be hired, and the taxes they pay even at a reduced rate if a tax cut is put play, offset the cost of the wall. So either way Mexico will directly pay for the wall with tarrifs or pay with loss of jobs that go back to America. Americans will work and then the taxes that are generated offset the cost of the wall.

Thank you for your service as well. All of us that enjoy freedom here in the West are indebted to you for your sacrifice.

Thankfully, my grandfather is still with us and enjoying his retirement. Unfortunately, his brother, as well as my mom's uncle, have both passed. Three quick stories for you, however.

My grandfather went on to be a Lieutenant-Colonel and made his way up the ranks, eventually becoming one of the Canadian military's most respected orthopaedic surgeons. He loved everything about the military and being an officer. He served until forced retirement age and even in his mid 70's served as a chief consultant in the oversight of the training of many of the Canadian and American surgeons that had such immense success at forward surgical bases in Iraq and Afghanistan.

His brother, the med tech who lost his leg in Korea, was fitted with a prosthetic and although he never again served abroad, he continued his calling as a training officer at the Canadian combat medical school in Chilliwack British Columbia. Unfortunately, we lost him some years ago and he was buried next to his father, in Beachwood National Military Cemetery (similar to Arlington) in Ottawa.

My mom's uncle was actually British. My mom is a dual-citizen, who was born in Sterling, Scotland. Her uncle flew spitfires in opposition of Hitler in WW2. As the war raged on, Britain had a massive pilot shortage and called on their Commonwealth Allies to supply Britain with pilots to man their aircraft. My mother's uncle was one of the most experienced combat pilots left alive in Britain so they sent him to Canada to be one of the chief flight instructors at the aviation school they set up in Canada. He later returned to Britain and flew countless missions in the final defense of Britain. After the war, he and his brother (my mom's dad) decided to move to Canada for more opportunity and they were granted dual-citizenship. He then transferred to the RCAF, where he was among the lead flight instructors during it's establishment and he was sent back to war to lead the boys in Korea. After the war he retired and flew commercially for British Airways and was a flight instructor for Air Canada. He flew for 46 years, and proudly, never lost a passenger or crewmember on any of his aircraft. Had the pleasure of getting to know him before he passed. Impressive man. Very humble. Spoke 4 languages and was highly intelligent and very, very tough.

Thank you for this very enjoyable and informative post. What a great family ! The Canadian, British,
and American citizens can never thank such men enough for their service!
Since I have been on this message Board, I have gotten to know some very great people. DIP
and I ( as fellow US Marines ) have gotten to know each other very well. Dip and his family have also served our country " Above and Beyond the call of duty"
Some years ago, a group of us Board Members actually got together, and we each sent some money to one of the ND grads who purchased tickes for all of us and we all met at a hotel. What a great time !
It was my first visit to ND, and we did the Pep Rally, got to go out on the field, and we evey got to touch
the " Play Like A Champion " sign as we came trrough the tunnel ! Of course we tailgated before the game,
and after the game, we all went to mass ! Unfortunately, a few of those posters are no longer eith us, and a few others just stopped posting. All were just very nice people !
Funny to read about your " Great Grandfather " , Good Lord, if God gives me a few more years,
I will also be a Great Grandfather ! Hard to believe !
I have been a member of the Chosin Few every since its inception, and we are very rapidly becoming fewer and fewer. We are wondering who the last guy will be to " Put out the lights "?
Thank God, that we finally have a monument in Washington, so at least when we all pass into history, we
will not be completely forgotten as we had been for many years after we came home!
Keep posting you great posts, I always enjoy reading them.
  • Like
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I understand it, but I was watching a news program where their may be Question on Indian Reservations ?
I'm certainly not knowlegdeable about the laws as they pertain to Indian Reservations, but I think that land
is almost like Foreign land because of treaties with the Indians.
Emenent Domain gives the Feds the right to take the land, but It seems that there is a great number of people residing along the border, and I guess, Congress and the Senate may have to vote ? Not Sure ?
But if there is enough opposition, the vote in the Senate is not a sure thing ?
Beach, in any case, You as a lawyer know more about than I do !
Indian Reservation are under the department of the Interior, but I am sure they won't ram it down their throats. Senate approval is necessary for funding the wall but once the bull is passed it os not necessary for the exercise of eminent domain. That being said I doubt the wall will be uninterrupted. It will be used to funnel people to areas where there is increases enforcement.
Indian Reservation are under the department of the Interior, but I am sure they won't ram it down their throats. Senate approval is necessary for funding the wall but once the bull is passed it os not necessary for the exercise of eminent domain. That being said I doubt the wall will be uninterrupted. It will be used to funnel people to areas where there is increases enforcement.
The Mexican cartel has its hands in all things illegal they will have a tunnel system matched only by the Viet Cong
Much like the ACA this will not be an easy fix
Indian Reservation are under the department of the Interior, but I am sure they won't ram it down their throats. Senate approval is necessary for funding the wall but once the bull is passed it os not necessary for the exercise of eminent domain. That being said I doubt the wall will be uninterrupted. It will be used to funnel people to areas where there is increases enforcement.

Thanks Beach,
I also think that the wall will be more stratigically build than a solid wall, because there are also
a lot of natural barriers. As long as it does it job, that is a very bid plus !
Actually, Mexico will pay for the wall directly or indirectly. With companies coming back to America from Mexico, more Americans will be hired, and the taxes they pay even at a reduced rate if a tax cut is put play, offset the cost of the wall. So either way Mexico will directly pay for the wall with tarrifs or pay with loss of jobs that go back to America. Americans will work and then the taxes that are generated offset the cost of the wall.
C'mon man! Is that what you honestly thought when he had you all frenzied up during his rallies? So Congress looks to appropriate cash from taxpayers and you honestly expect them to show you payback later on? Madness, pure madness!
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Barriers will be built. Like others have said, a combination of walls and fences and electric barriers and natural barriers. Others proposed this during the primaries, but Trump captured the mantel as toughest on illegal immigration with the simplistic build a wall mantra, and Mexico will pay for it. Mexico will not pay for this, but a million ways to assert that they did via cost savings elsewhere or added tax revenue or whatever. Trump was allowed to blast out broad simplistic statements to complicated issues, and these connected with the public' thoughts and feelings and fears, etc... Trump never intended to build a huge wall along the entire border, neither did he intend to deport all illegal aliens. He will secure the border which is the result people want, and he will round up and deport illegals who have committed felonies; and once these two are accomplished, he will embrace Rubio's view that the remaining illegals should be given a long process for gaining legal status. Trump may not be a politician, but he knows the game and plays it well.
I live in Southern California. Home to hordes of Illegal Aliens. I absolutely believe it would be wrong to deport them all. We need to make allowances for some of them to have the opportunity to stay. After all, our broken system and our misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment have led to this mess. That being said, I can only agree to this if we build a more secure border and enact legislation to take away Anchor Babies and punish employers who hire illegal labor.
I live in Southern California. Home to hordes of Illegal Aliens. I absolutely believe it would be wrong to deport them all. We need to make allowances for some of them to have the opportunity to stay. After all, our broken system and our misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment have led to this mess. That being said, I can only agree to this if we build a more secure border and enact legislation to take away Anchor Babies and punish employers who hire illegal labor.
There all ready is a law against hiring illegal aliens. It just isn't enforced
I always find it interesting how insulting Conservatives can be. I am a moderate but definitely have liberal leanings. I'm not embarrassed about that. I have strong opinions as to what government should and should not do. I think that Conservatives referring to liberals as "libtards" and "snowflakes" and "the moronic left" is as silly as it is demeaning. You won the most recent round of elections, why not try and display a little class rather than gloating and insulting those of us who lost? Remember, politics is cyclical and in another couple of rounds of elections, the Dems will be back on top (only to be replaced again a couple of rounds after that).

I suspect that I will disagree with effectively all of what Trump says and most of what he does. I don't like him as a person and don't like him as our president. I wish him the best of luck because of the office he holds not because I see him as any great populist hero or "nationalistic proamerican worker." I appreciate that some people seem him as such and will be curious as to whether, in another 2 or 3 years, they still hold that belief.

I suspect that he'll do his one term and we will then see who #46 will be. I can be patient (at least I hope I can).

If anyone wants a legitimate debate on the issues, great. If all you can do is engage in name-calling than you are not worth either my effort or my time.
  • Like
Reactions: Quest4Twelve
I always find it interesting how insulting Conservatives can be. I am a moderate but definitely have liberal leanings. I'm not embarrassed about that. I have strong opinions as to what government should and should not do. I think that Conservatives referring to liberals as "libtards" and "snowflakes" and "the moronic left" is as silly as it is demeaning. You won the most recent round of elections, why not try and display a little class rather than gloating and insulting those of us who lost? Remember, politics is cyclical and in another couple of rounds of elections, the Dems will be back on top (only to be replaced again a couple of rounds after that).

I suspect that I will disagree with effectively all of what Trump says and most of what he does. I don't like him as a person and don't like him as our president. I wish him the best of luck because of the office he holds not because I see him as any great populist hero or "nationalistic proamerican worker." I appreciate that some people seem him as such and will be curious as to whether, in another 2 or 3 years, they still hold that belief.

I suspect that he'll do his one term and we will then see who #46 will be. I can be patient (at least I hope I can).

If anyone wants a legitimate debate on the issues, great. If all you can do is engage in name-calling than you are not worth either my effort or my time.
Like the classy left! Lols
  • Like
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I always find it interesting how insulting Conservatives can be. I am a moderate but definitely have liberal leanings. I'm not embarrassed about that. I have strong opinions as to what government should and should not do. I think that Conservatives referring to liberals as "libtards" and "snowflakes" and "the moronic left" is as silly as it is demeaning. You won the most recent round of elections, why not try and display a little class rather than gloating and insulting those of us who lost? Remember, politics is cyclical and in another couple of rounds of elections, the Dems will be back on top (only to be replaced again a couple of rounds after that).

I suspect that I will disagree with effectively all of what Trump says and most of what he does. I don't like him as a person and don't like him as our president. I wish him the best of luck because of the office he holds not because I see him as any great populist hero or "nationalistic proamerican worker." I appreciate that some people seem him as such and will be curious as to whether, in another 2 or 3 years, they still hold that belief.

I suspect that he'll do his one term and we will then see who #46 will be. I can be patient (at least I hope I can).

If anyone wants a legitimate debate on the issues, great. If all you can do is engage in name-calling than you are not worth either my effort or my time.
It is interesting that you could read this thread and only find those who present as conservative as being insulting. I do agree however that insults have no place in discusses, whether directed to poster or officials.
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Please sheep! Once again you resort to name calling and derogatory remarks yet never answer the question. You listed ONE policy in your reply. Yet those who didn't have insurance before the ACA would disagree with you. Again it's plenty documented this is a policy that needs re-working. But again I'll wait while you reply back with more "policies" that the American people didn't like.
Amnesty was an Obama policy.
Blocking Keystone Pipeline. Was yes an Obama policy
The Deal with Iran to allow them to enrich uranium ( nuclear weapons ) while removing sanctions was an Obama policy. It's called foreign policy.
Look your obstinate refusal to accept the obvious borders on insanity. Obama led the democratic party to its weakest political position in about 100 years.Its only power base is the corrupt liberal media and appratchiks in the bowels of government . Beaucracracy. Basically people like you . It's not bc of " sheep " or Faux News . It's because his policies were very unpopular on whole and as a result the American voter rejected his party and repudiated the Obama agenda . Case closed.
  • Like
Reactions: Bodizephax
I always find it interesting how insulting Conservatives can be. I am a moderate but definitely have liberal leanings. I'm not embarrassed about that. I have strong opinions as to what government should and should not do. I think that Conservatives referring to liberals as "libtards" and "snowflakes" and "the moronic left" is as silly as it is demeaning. You won the most recent round of elections, why not try and display a little class rather than gloating and insulting those of us who lost? Remember, politics is cyclical and in another couple of rounds of elections, the Dems will be back on top (only to be replaced again a couple of rounds after that).

I suspect that I will disagree with effectively all of what Trump says and most of what he does. I don't like him as a person and don't like him as our president. I wish him the best of luck because of the office he holds not because I see him as any great populist hero or "nationalistic proamerican worker." I appreciate that some people seem him as such and will be curious as to whether, in another 2 or 3 years, they still hold that belief.

I suspect that he'll do his one term and we will then see who #46 will be. I can be patient (at least I hope I can).

If anyone wants a legitimate debate on the issues, great. If all you can do is engage in name-calling than you are not worth either my effort or my time.
You obviously didn't dispute any of my post so I take we are on the same page?
Amnesty was an Obama policy.
Blocking Keystone Pipeline. Was yes an Obama policy
The Deal with Iran to allow them to enrich uranium ( nuclear weapons ) while removing sanctions was an Obama policy. It's called foreign policy.
Look your obstinate refusal to accept the obvious borders on insanity. Obama led the democratic party to its weakest political position in about 100 years.Its only power base is the corrupt liberal media and appratchiks in the bowels of government . Beaucracracy. Basically people like you . It's not bc of " sheep " or Faux News . It's because his policies were very unpopular on whole and as a result the American voter rejected his party and repudiated the Obama agenda . Case closed.
I'm starting to think Dublin is Sean Hannity! Quoting the same bs and calling names. See a therapist bro, I detect anger issues.
I'm starting to think Dublin is Sean Hannity! Quoting the same bs and calling names. See a therapist bro, I detect anger issues.
I'm starting to think Dublin is Sean Hannity! Quoting the same bs and calling names. See a therapist bro, I detect anger issues.
Quest enjoy your govt pension. You're what makes America a great country. We need more guys like you.
You obviously didn't dispute any of my post so I take we are on the same page?
DIP, I'm not sure we are on the same page on a lot of issues. For example, I am in favor of a single-payer healthcare system (albeit with substantial modifications) and it appears that you aren't. That being said, I don't mind people disagreeing with me. I don't recall you childishly calling names like some others on this Board. You state your opinion well and back it up with facts. I can't complain about that.
DIP, I'm not sure we are on the same page on a lot of issues. For example, I am in favor of a single-payer healthcare system (albeit with substantial modifications) and it appears that you aren't. That being said, I don't mind people disagreeing with me. I don't recall you childishly calling names like some others on this Board. You state your opinion well and back it up with facts. I can't complain about that.

I'm afraid that came out wrong that was not my intention
  • Like
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Thank you for this very enjoyable and informative post. What a great family ! The Canadian, British,
and American citizens can never thank such men enough for their service!
Since I have been on this message Board, I have gotten to know some very great people. DIP
and I ( as fellow US Marines ) have gotten to know each other very well. Dip and his family have also served our country " Above and Beyond the call of duty"
Some years ago, a group of us Board Members actually got together, and we each sent some money to one of the ND grads who purchased tickes for all of us and we all met at a hotel. What a great time !
It was my first visit to ND, and we did the Pep Rally, got to go out on the field, and we evey got to touch
the " Play Like A Champion " sign as we came trrough the tunnel ! Of course we tailgated before the game,
and after the game, we all went to mass ! Unfortunately, a few of those posters are no longer eith us, and a few others just stopped posting. All were just very nice people !
Funny to read about your " Great Grandfather " , Good Lord, if God gives me a few more years,
I will also be a Great Grandfather ! Hard to believe !
I have been a member of the Chosin Few every since its inception, and we are very rapidly becoming fewer and fewer. We are wondering who the last guy will be to " Put out the lights "?
Thank God, that we finally have a monument in Washington, so at least when we all pass into history, we
will not be completely forgotten as we had been for many years after we came home!
Keep posting you great posts, I always enjoy reading them.


Two of the three men I mentioned also had the great privilege of serving with, as well as befriending the legendary Tommy Prince, among Allies greatest War Heroes, who you may or may not know about? In case you don't Thomas Prince was an Ojibway Indian, born and raised in Manitoba, Canada. He was the direct descendant of one of the fiercest Indian War Heroes in North American history. He was the chief scout and original member of the Famous Devil's Brigade, and considered by many American, British, Canadian and French military men, as the the finest tracker they had ever come across. I learned, through my grandfather, that Prince use to track wolves through the night with his father, a hunter and trapper, on plains of the Canadian Prairie and that he was so good at it that that he'd often catch them asleep, before they smelled him. He was also known to be among Canada's finest marksman.

In World War 2, Prince was often referred to as a ghost. An animal of the night that the Germans feared. He would often go off on his own, deep behind enemy lines, and scout enemy positions. His work was stuff legend (but very real). He was know to have a fun side to him and he would toy with the enemy. On multiple occasions it was documented that he would sneak up on sleeping Germans during the night and tie their boot laces together, so that they would know he'd been there. I could tell you dozens of stories that barely seem real about what what he accomplished, but he became the only member of the Devil's Brigade to be awarded the Military Medal by the British King, the Croix de Guerre, by the French Crown, the Silver Star (with ribbon)by General Koening, on behalf of the President of the United States. In total, he took home 9 medals from World War 2, six beyond the three I listed... His most famous action was setting out on a trek without food or water, for 72 hours to find an enemy position. He returned after 3 days and so accurately detailed the position that it led his Brigade to capture of 1000 German soldiers, who surrendered after being completely surrounded and totally unaware of how the Allies had flanked them from multiple positions.

Sgt. Prince enlisted again in Korea and led a rifle company from the Princess Patricia's light infantry and was again awarded numerous presidential citations and awards. He was known as the "wolf" and the "ghost" by the Chinese that he tormented during the night. My grandfather said the guys use to joke that he had night vision and that even if he was blinded, he would be able to attain a headshot at hundreds of yards, based on smell alone.... Wound up being one of the West's most decorated soldiers in history and so much of what he did was classified or not able to be verified, because he was off doing what he did alone, where nobody could slow him down or blow his cover. We'll never know the depths of his accomplishments because he was incredibly quiet and humble, but merciless in his duty, and anyone who ever met him said that he was born and bred for combat.

Would have made one hell of a Navy Seal, a MARSOC or an Army Delta, today.

Just a cool story I thought I'd share.

If you have a couple short minutes, check out this brief video...

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Two of the three men I mentioned also had the great privilege of serving with, as well as befriending the legendary Tommy Prince, among Allies greatest War Heroes, who you may or may not know about? In case you don't Thomas Prince was an Ojibway Indian, born and raised in Manitoba, Canada. He was the direct descendant of one of the fiercest Indian War Heroes in North American history. He was the chief scout and original member of the Famous Devil's Brigade, and considered by many American, British, Canadian and French military men, as the the finest tracker they had ever come across. I learned, through my grandfather, that Prince use to track wolves through the night with his father, a hunter and trapper, on plains of the Canadian Prairie and that he was so good at it that that he'd often catch them asleep, before they smelled him. He was also known to be among Canada's finest marksman.

In World War 2, Prince was often referred to as a ghost. An animal of the night that the Germans feared. He would often go off on his own, deep behind enemy lines, and scout enemy positions. His work was stuff legend (but very real). He was know to have a fun side to him and he would toy with the enemy. On multiple occasions it was documented that he would sneak up on sleeping Germans during the night and tie their boot laces together, so that they would know he'd been there. I could tell you dozens of stories that barely seem real about what what he accomplished, but he became the only member of the Devil's Brigade to be awarded the Military Medal by the British King, the Croix de Guerre, by the French Crown, the Silver Star (with ribbon)by General Koening, on behalf of the President of the United States. In total, he took home 9 medals from World War 2, six beyond the three I listed... His most famous action was setting out on a trek without food or water, for 72 hours to find an enemy position. He returned after 3 days and so accurately detailed the position that it led his Brigade to capture of 1000 German soldiers, who surrendered after being completely surrounded and totally unaware of how the Allies had flanked them from multiple positions.

Sgt. Prince enlisted again in Korea and led a rifle company from the Princess Patricia's light infantry and was again awarded numerous presidential citations and awards. He was known as the "wolf" and the "ghost" by the Chinese that he tormented during the night. My grandfather said the guys use to joke that he had night vision and that even if he was blinded, he would be able to attain a headshot at hundreds of yards, based on smell alone.... Wound up being one of the West's most decorated soldiers in history and so much of what he did was classified or not able to be verified, because he was off doing what he did alone, where nobody could slow him down or blow his cover. We'll never know the depths of his accomplishments because he was incredibly quiet and humble, but merciless in his duty, and anyone who ever met him said that he was born and bred for combat.

Would have made one hell of a Navy Seal, a MARSOC or an Army Delta, today.

Just a cool story I thought I'd share.

Thanks Ontario,
what a great story about a really legendary hero. If you are interested, we had two medal of honor
winners in my company while I served in Korea. A man who was a great inspiration to my company and
whom we felt should have won the Congressional Medal of Honor as well, never did because he was the only officer still alive during his actions. So instead he won his second Navy Cross.
if you are interested, just Google him John Yancey. He was another real American hero.He was a Marine Raided in WW !! , wounded so badly in Korea and in spite of his wounds led a company saving counter attack attack against the Chineese. His wounds were so bad from Korea that when he volunteered to go to Viet Nam, he was turned down.
Thanks Ontario,
what a great story about a really legendary hero. If you are interested, we had two medal of honor
winners in my company while I served in Korea. A man who was a great inspiration to my company and
whom we felt should have won the Congressional Medal of Honor as well, never did because he was the only officer still alive during his actions. So instead he won his second Navy Cross.
if you are interested, just Google him John Yancey. He was another real American hero.He was a Marine Raided in WW !! , wounded so badly in Korea and in spite of his wounds led a company saving counter attack attack against the Chineese. His wounds were so bad from Korea that when he volunteered to go to Viet Nam, he was turned down.

Will do Rgc7! I consider myself somewhat of an amateur historian of North American War History, so I'll be excited to learn as much as I can about Mr. Yancey! Thanks for the heads up.
I always find it interesting how insulting Conservatives can be. I am a moderate but definitely have liberal leanings. I'm not embarrassed about that. I have strong opinions as to what government should and should not do. I think that Conservatives referring to liberals as "libtards" and "snowflakes" and "the moronic left" is as silly as it is demeaning. You won the most recent round of elections, why not try and display a little class rather than gloating and insulting those of us who lost? Remember, politics is cyclical and in another couple of rounds of elections, the Dems will be back on top (only to be replaced again a couple of rounds after that).

I suspect that I will disagree with effectively all of what Trump says and most of what he does. I don't like him as a person and don't like him as our president. I wish him the best of luck because of the office he holds not because I see him as any great populist hero or "nationalistic proamerican worker." I appreciate that some people seem him as such and will be curious as to whether, in another 2 or 3 years, they still hold that belief.

I suspect that he'll do his one term and we will then see who #46 will be. I can be patient (at least I hope I can).

If anyone wants a legitimate debate on the issues, great. If all you can do is engage in name-calling than you are not worth either my effort or my time.
Better luck in 8 years. Snowflake!
  • Like
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Will do Rgc7! I consider myself somewhat of an amateur historian of North American War History, so I'll be excited to learn as much as I can about Mr. Yancey! Thanks for the heads up.

Put John Yancy USMC to refine your search
Put John Yancy USMC to refine your search

Awesome read! Thanks very much. What a warrior!...

Man, I've been blessed to work with some fine people on the military. Did some awesome work with some Airforce PJ's out in Colorado and they came up to British Columbia as well. Our shared knowledge of military medicine was awesome. Those guys are some really sharp, fine tuned dudes. They train alongside Canadian SARtechs and it makes for an amazing experience.

I've also had the pleasure to help train some excellent young naval corpsmen and I learned a bundle from them as well. I look back at when I was teaching in a classroom and although it was an amazing experience, I couldn't ask for a better job than what I'm doing now.
Awesome read! Thanks very much. What a warrior!...

Man, I've been blessed to work with some fine people on the military. Did some awesome work with some Airforce PJ's out in Colorado and they came up to British Columbia as well. Our shared knowledge of military medicine was awesome. Those guys are some really sharp, fine tuned dudes. They train alongside Canadian SARtechs and it makes for an amazing experience.

I've also had the pleasure to help train some excellent young naval corpsmen and I learned a bundle from them as well. I look back at when I was teaching in a classroom and although it was an amazing experience, I couldn't ask for a better job than what I'm doing now.

AirForce? I will hold my tongue.
Now it looks like the Obama administration wire tapped Trump Tower. The rival of the candidate the Obama Administration endorsed
Speak of Russian tactics
Requested a warrant to tap, rejected, goes back and tries to get it again, this time success... taps lines and finds nothing yet keeps listening.

Dropping of the Access Hollywood tapes the day Wikileaks drops thousands of emails uncovering collusion and criminality within the Clinton/Obama Administration.

Clinton / Obama are the Putin's of the US, not Trump.
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Libtards should be made to pay for all the crap they are causing America!

President Barack Obama’s Department of State sponsored the July Ohio event where Sen. Jeff Sessions met the Russian ambassador for the second time in 2016, according to the organizers of the event.
Requested a warrant to tap, rejected, goes back and tries to get it again, this time success... taps lines and finds nothing yet keeps listening.

Dropping of the Access Hollywood tapes the day Wikileaks drops thousands of emails uncovering collusion and criminality within the Clinton/Obama Administration.

Clinton / Obama are the Putin's of the US, not Trump.

There's no evidence.

You shouldn't believe everything Trump or Fox News says.
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Wire tapping Trump tower. Trump just threw out accusations on twitter with no evidence anywhere.

Where is the evidence the Trump campaign team colluded with the Russians to influence the election? I've only seen allegations with no evidence anywhere.

With respect to evidence of wire-tapping Trump tower:

The Heat Street report continues: The first [FISA] request, which, sources say, named Trump, was denied back in June, but the second was drawn more narrowly and was granted in October after evidence was presented of a server, possibly related to the Trump campaign, and its alleged links to two banks; [sic] SVB Bank and Russia’s Alfa Bank. While the Times story speaks of metadata, sources suggest that a FISA warrant was granted to look at the full content of emails and other related documents that may concern US persons.

Read more at:
AirForce? I will hold my tongue.

What's wrong with your Air Force Pararescue guys Bodi? I've had the pleasure to work with U.S. Military personnel from all the various branches, and those guys are some incredibly well trained, high achievers. Their job, just like our SAR Techs, is nowhere close to easy and their training regimen is legit.

We do it a little different here. Our Medics are a "purple trade" within the military and although we're trained through the Army, we can be posted to the Army, Navy or Air Force... I'm working on my certifications for critical care flight medicine and advanced care surgical medicine, with hopes of either having the honour of serving as a SAR tech or to be posted to CSOR (special operations, similar to your Green Berets)...
Awesome read! Thanks very much. What a warrior!...

Man, I've been blessed to work with some fine people on the military. Did some awesome work with some Airforce PJ's out in Colorado and they came up to British Columbia as well. Our shared knowledge of military medicine was awesome. Those guys are some really sharp, fine tuned dudes. They train alongside Canadian SARtechs and it makes for an amazing experience.

I've also had the pleasure to help train some excellent young naval corpsmen and I learned a bundle from them as well. I look back at when I was teaching in a classroom and although it was an amazing experience, I couldn't ask for a better job than what I'm doing now.

Thanks for your service as well ! Glad you enjoyed the read on John Yancy ! If any one deserved the
MOH , he sure did ! He was quite a warrior !
What's wrong with your Air Force Pararescue guys Bodi? I've had the pleasure to work with U.S. Military personnel from all the var
I' ve done SARs, had to go through SERE school.
My father was in Korea, and and advisor in Vietnam (1961-1964). He would speak of the Pararescue, and SOW units
Probably the least known of the special operation groups.
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Comrade Trumpsky will go down for treason and be impeached before his four years are done. Comrade Trumpsky is by far the worst president in history.
Comrade Trumpsky will go down for treason and be impeached before his four years are done. Comrade Trumpsky is by far the worst president in history.
Um Nixonbama shouldn't be wire tapping! Lols. Maybe coed jail cells with Hillary!
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