Coming from another left wing moron!! Go watch Clinton Cash video you horses ass and find a conscience. God forbid anyone mention anything negative ( true) about our great Dear Leader Obama .Another right wing moron heard from.
Coming from another left wing moron!! Go watch Clinton Cash video you horses ass and find a conscience. God forbid anyone mention anything negative ( true) about our great Dear Leader Obama .Another right wing moron heard from.
Coming from another left wing moron!! Go watch Clinton Cash video you horses ass and find a conscience. God forbid anyone mention anything negative ( true) about our great Dear Leader Obama .
I never said kick them out of school. But, I do want them kicked off the football team.tommy turnover had a rich daddy so he got off. These boys prob not in same situation. you clowns that are talking kick them out of school for smoking weed are totally clueless. I guess we ought to execute all of them. the horror, my gosh a 21 yr old kid smoking pot. lock him up. I agree they are idiots for what they did, but you morons who want them tar and fettered need to get into the year 2016. this isnt the 1950's
They are not kids. They are young men. How did it come to this: 18, 19, 20 year old men are called kids?Mug Shot- How stupid 3 or 4 of these kids are wearing ND If you are going to screw the pooch, take off the animal control uniform
Redfield - clearly has consistently demonstrated he has no clue on or off field takes mandarin Chinese but has no common sense
All should be ashamed
Before we paint them all with same brush, remember this is what kids do every day, everywhere You shoot them and it sends a signal to recruits everywhere that ND is not in the real world
Hopefully it get sorted out with some common sense
If any of these guys are in the car and not smoking weed and they get expelled from school, I sue Bad judgment yes, being kids, yes. lets see what happens hopefully ND does not have its head up its butt regarding mary jane
tommy turnover had a rich daddy so he got off. These boys prob not in same situation. you clowns that are talking kick them out of school for smoking weed are totally clueless. I guess we ought to execute all of them. the horror, my gosh a 21 yr old kid smoking pot. lock him up. I agree they are idiots for what they did, but you morons who want them tar and fettered need to get into the year 2016. this isnt the 1950's
You can pull out the knee pads for me you Tool!! Oh wait you've already done that for Obama. I never said I support Trump bc in fact I'm unsure I can vote for him. I don't own a gun and never hv or fired a gun in my life. Everyone who dissent s from your poltical preferences is full of hate, racist , homophobic, sexist, and a gun nut in your pathetic self serving narrow minded sanctimonious mind. Otherwise you'd hv to deal with the facts . Those being that the Clinton's net worth went from practically zero in 2000 to aprox 200 million . How did they do that ????? Duh ..... they're both criminals who belong behind bars . Resembling the poltical version of AL Capone. One being a repeated rapist and abuser of women ( who work for him ) and the other being a high govt official who traded influence and govt policy for her financial gain in the form of 250 to 750k a pop speaking fees for her husband from foreign govts. Who is no running for president and no doubt enjoys your full support. No problem for you I'm sure . Nothing to see here ... nothing sticks... reflexively being liberal and voting for anyone with a D bf their name somehow increases your view of yourself as self - enlightened. Pathetic and intellectually dishonest would be closer to the. mark.You right wing lunatics have been after Obama since the day he was elected. And what have you got? Nothing but a fistful of air. In the meantime you nominate a candidate who preaches hate, encourges violence, and lies so often even he doesn't know what's really true. And you tell me to get a conscience. The GOP has gotten largely everything it has wanted for 20 years and we now have a soceity teetering on the brink of civil war. And yeah, I know you guys will win because you have all the guns. In the meantime, I'm done with this discussion, but you can kiss my ass, you wanker.
Has Clinton had anyone rubbed out today?You right wing lunatics have been after Obama since the day he was elected. And what have you got? Nothing but a fistful of air. In the meantime you nominate a candidate who preaches hate, encourges violence, and lies so often even he doesn't know what's really true. And you tell me to get a conscience. The GOP has gotten largely everything it has wanted for 20 years and we now have a soceity teetering on the brink of civil war. And yeah, I know you guys will win because you have all the guns. In the meantime, I'm done with this discussion, but you can kiss my ass, you wanker.
The conservatives have gotten what they wanted? Get the hell out of here DHK. I hope this is sarcastic, we are all aware and subject to the overreach of government and this socialist movement in America. Come onYou right wing lunatics have been after Obama since the day he was elected. And what have you got? Nothing but a fistful of air. In the meantime you nominate a candidate who preaches hate, encourges violence, and lies so often even he doesn't know what's really true. And you tell me to get a conscience. The GOP has gotten largely everything it has wanted for 20 years and we now have a soceity teetering on the brink of civil war. And yeah, I know you guys will win because you have all the guns. In the meantime, I'm done with this discussion, but you can kiss my ass, you wanker.
It's all a " vast right wing conspiracy ". The 20k + emails from Saint Hillary ' s email server that we're under subpoena and hv been destroyed or lost are all irrelevant. HRC says they all pertained to personal issues like her daughter's wedding and yoga class . That works for HDK . He's all good with that. We got " nothing but air".Has Clinton had anyone rubbed out today?
HDRYou right wing lunatics have been after Obama since the day he was elected. And what have you got? Nothing but a fistful of air. In the meantime you nominate a candidate who preaches hate, encourges violence, and lies so often even he doesn't know what's really true. And you tell me to get a conscience. The GOP has gotten largely everything it has wanted for 20 years and we now have a soceity teetering on the brink of civil war. And yeah, I know you guys will win because you have all the guns. In the meantime, I'm done with this discussion, but you can kiss my ass, you wanker.
ND should do just what Alabama did. Nothing.
Its tricky in Indiana because you can have a gun in your car
It's strange to me. The kids are in jail not for the gun. All 5 were in jail for MJ possession. Not for having a loaded gun.
Max is from California (hometown of MIssion Viejo). He could very well have a doctor's note that allows him to have MJ and use it. If he does, does that affect his punishment?
He's not the moron. Obama is.Another right wing moron heard from.
Nice.You can pull out the knee pads for me you Tool!! Oh wait you've already done that for Obama. I never said I support Trump bc in fact I'm unsure I can vote for him. I don't own a gun and never hv or fired a gun in my life. Everyone who dissent s from your poltical preferences is full of hate, racist , homophobic, sexist, and a gun nut in your pathetic self serving narrow minded sanctimonious mind. Otherwise you'd hv to deal with the facts . Those being that the Clinton's net worth went from practically zero in 2000 to aprox 200 million . How did they do that ????? Duh ..... they're both criminals who belong behind bars . Resembling the poltical version of AL Capone. One being a repeated rapist and abuser of women ( who work for him ) and the other being a high govt official who traded influence and govt policy for her financial gain in the form of 250 to 750k a pop speaking fees for her husband from foreign govts. Who is no running for president and no doubt enjoys your full support. No problem for you I'm sure . Nothing to see here ... nothing sticks... reflexively being liberal and voting for anyone with a D bf their name somehow increases your view of yourself as self - enlightened. Pathetic and intellectually dishonest would be closer to the. mark.
And I guess you think we care what a Cane fan thinks!![]()
I blame NDA and Decker. These players read their exchange and got a headache only weed could kill. They then knew they were heading towards the board's cyborg and decided to arm themselves. Actually, most of the team arms itself due to argus....
PS I'm guessing that the guy with the gun gets suspended/dismissed along, perhaps, with those with knowledge of said weapon... The weed is survivable...
I didn't vote for either but that said, if forced to, I would take Bush over an incompetent Obama every day. I'm not a far right wacko nor a libtard like yourself. I'm an Independent who has voted for democratic Presidential candidates 4-1. Obama is still a moron. And Hillary is a criminal and pathological liar.Wow nole or scotch, you must've thought George w was a vegetable.
And all of this political BS on a Football board is for what? Please all, take all the conservative, liberal, political crap to the correct forum. This board is and should be about ND Football.I didn't vote for either but that said, if forced to, I would take Bush over an incompetent Obama every day. I'm not a far right wacko nor a libtard like yourself. I'm an Independent who has voted for democratic Presidential candidates 4-1. Obama is still a moron. And Hillary is a criminal and pathological liar.
And all of this political BS on a Football board is for what? Please all, take all the conservative, liberal, political crap to the correct forum. This board is and should be about ND Football.
Don't think that would work for him. Indiana isn't a medical marijuana state. Might work say in Michigan where they have different rules. But transportation of it in non pill form I think is still a crime. Would be an interesting question to know though
You talk out of your ass a lot.
I've been a ND fan my entire life. I said it here before and I'll say it again. If I were offered Stanford, UCLA, or ND, I'd pick Stanford or UCLA.
Indiana has the most draconian MJ laws in the country. These guys were in jail for misdemeanor MJ possession. Stanford, UCLA, and usc will use this against ND in recruiting. Poor old Greg Bryant should have gone to UCLA. Might still be alive today.
You would advocate expelling people for being in the presence of a handgun? I am not a huge gun guy but I am not sure how being willing to be around guns is grounds for expulsion.Facts are important. I'm 66 and can't remember a party in college or high school (Calif) where marijuana was not present. Can't begin to fully appreciate how prevalent it must be today. Maybe one guy was smoking, maybe more, maybe all five. The penalty for being in the car while someone else is smoking should not be the same; and the penalty for smoking should not be expulsion. The really troubling fact we do know is the presence of a loaded gun. At a minimum, the owner should be gone from the team and the university. If everyone knew someone was packing a loaded gun before they got in the car, then I would probably expel them as well. Hoping only the owner knew of the gun. Tough day for ND fans.
expelling people for being in the presence of a handgun
1. I am not sure why we use the term "gangstas" here except that it is a generalization based on race generally, lots of dumb people break gun laws and do drugs but are not affiliated with gangs or gang culture.Unregistered illegal handgun. You left that part out. Why are they driving around, smoking weed and sporting an unregistered illegal handgun? Are they gangstas? If that gun was used in a crime, would that change your mind about the severity of an unregistered illegal gun in the possession of minors who, by the way, just happened to be high. Either we are going to enforce laws or we are not. You can't cherry pick.