He is obviously another fan obsessed with ND.
Exactly. "I don't like what ND fans say, so let me go to an ND chat board." Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. What an idiot.
He is obviously another fan obsessed with ND.
Worst possible assumption. Are you kidding me??? Bury your head in the sand . How did the Frozen 5 get dealt with. Nobody got arrested in that . We had 6 players get arrested last night .6! It's a big deal . The Marijuana is a real problem but the unregistered gun is the nuke. What the hell are 5 ND football players doing in car at the middle of the night in EBF Indiana with Marijuana in the car with a gun in the backseat? The ND administration must be apoplectic. They are gone .... the university is going to clean house. They must wonder if there is a football culture issue within the program itself. A former ND football player got shot and killed some months ago in the middle of the night . Now this.... it was all over the news as well. They are not going to cut any slack and go with the well boys will be boys approach . I believe Kelly is in some hot water over this with the higher ups. There has been too many consistent problems year over year. He is not going to get anymore more breaks on getting prized recruits thru admissions who are borderline. That's out the window. They are Def going to put the clamps down. I'm generally a big BK supporter but you have to wonder if his ceo approach to running the program has him out of touch with what's going on with his players. A few years ago Manti Teo told him he needed to be more personally involved with the players and less detached . Kelly has done really good things for the program but there are some undeniable deficiencies as well . One being in game decisions like say kicking the extra pt et AL and the overall leadership of the team. Kelly s approach is that these players have a job to do and know the expectations on and off the field . It's a professional approach but these 18-22 yr college kids. They are responsible ultimately for their actions but to assume that s enough based on last night and previous history is naive. We always wonder how come the team comes out so flat ie. BC gm last yr etc... I believe it's partly do to this we tell them their jobs and they know their jobs attitude .
Nope, not obsessed with ND.
I hope not. I'm not a BK apologist by any stretch and felt he should have been on a warm seat going into last season. I think he righted the ship last season and definitely got me back on board.I'm sure there are posters who will blame all this on CK.
If they're guilty then I hope all are suspended accordingly. Move on without them.
I second that!
Glad we are making sure to throw a shot a Obama in there
Pull your head out of your ... . What do you think the administration thinks??? I'll tell you and see if it might wake you up. They're thinking where the hell were those guys going where they or one of them felt they needed to have a gun with them and what were they planning to do!! ND was realistically looking at a 10-2 or better yr this yr. Now it's probably a 9-3 at best to a 7-5. World of difference and will hv a lasting impact on perception of program and recruiting over next 2 -3 yrs. ND can't keep allowing itself to shoot itself in foot and act like all is well. It's an uphill battle for ND to begin with. Posters on this board generally fall into 2 camps . The BK cheerleaders everything is perfect or the anti Kelly brigade where he's the worst coach in CFB. Truth is he's brought the program back substantially but can he get ND over the hump to elite status. Last night was a real setback I think that will hurt that cause . The program is starting to look out of control. Any reasonable person would hv assumed that last night would hv had the potential for problems. Friday night / last day of Fall camp completed / school a week away and first game in 2 weeks. You wonder if it was approached as business as usual at the end of practice yesterday or if someone on the coaching staff thought to drill home to these players to keep their ass in line knowing they might be inclined to blow off some steam.Calm down. Get ahold of yourself. Get some perspective. Deep breaths.
First we all know they are all done for at least the season. Second, I'm not just referring to this it's virtually every time (excluding the Rees incident). Look at the 'Frozen 5' at least one of them got suspended for not ratting on others. Third, we don't know if they all knew about the gun. Fourth, speeding, tail light out.. they should have to wash the coaches cars for that. Lastly, pot 2 game suspension.Any infraction... they had an unregistered gun in the car.
They all should be suspended for getting in a car with the gun, blowing tree, speeding with a tail light out. At least 6 games for stupidity.
Get rid of Spicoli Redfield and Butler and give the younger guys a chance to get their act in gear if they want to. A year suspension for the other 4.
Six Notre Dame football players arrested in two separate incidents
Pull your head out of your ... . What do you think the administration thinks??? I'll tell you and see if it might wake you up. They're thinking where the hell were those guys going where they or one of them felt they needed to have a gun with them and what were they planning to do!! ND was realistically looking at a 10-2 or better yr this yr. Now it's probably a 9-3 at best to a 7-5. World of difference and will hv a lasting impact on perception of program and recruiting over next 2 -3 yrs. ND can't keep allowing itself to shoot itself in foot and act like all is well. It's an uphill battle for ND to begin with. Posters on this board generally fall into 2 camps . The BK cheerleaders everything is perfect or the anti Kelly brigade where he's the worst coach in CFB. Truth is he's brought the program back substantially but can he get ND over the hump to elite status. Last night was a real setback I think that will hurt that cause . The program is starting to look out of control. Any reasonable person would hv assumed that last night would hv had the potential for problems. Friday night / last day of Fall camp completed / school a week away and first game in 2 weeks. You wonder if it was approached as business as usual at the end of practice yesterday or if someone on the coaching staff thought to drill home to these players to keep their ass in line knowing they might be inclined to blow off some steam.
Get rid of all the scumbags.
None of them are needed. It opens up more scholarships next year. We don't need this element here. This is why we get beat by the Northwesterns, Louisvilles, and struggle with Navy.
Says the guy who's concerned with what ND fans think and took the time to visit an ND chat board. Nope, not obsessed at all.
And no understanding of irony apparently.
I well understand irony and also well understand karma - you guys just got a big dose of karma. I have no clue whatsoever where you got the idea that I care what ND fans think. I came on your board out of curiousity and a little boredom to see how you, as fans, were handling the fact that you had six (6) players arrested in one night! Wow, I am sure that has beat our record. For many, many years, a plethora of your fans have referred to our players as convicts and thugs,(remember the "Catholics vs. Convicts") so perhaps now you understand the irony and karma of the events of last night. So, maybe this year some of your enterprising students can design some "convicts vs. convicts" shirts. Hey, I am not knocking it, we all have some players who make stupid choices.
I well understand irony and also well understand karma - you guys just got a big dose of karma. I have no clue whatsoever where you got the idea that I care what ND fans think. I came on your board out of curiousity and a little boredom to see how you, as fans, were handling the fact that you had six (6) players arrested in one night! Wow, I am sure that has beat our record. For many, many years, a plethora of your fans have referred to our players as convicts and thugs,(remember the "Catholics vs. Convicts") so perhaps now you understand the irony and karma of the events of last night. So, maybe this year some of your enterprising students can design some "convicts vs. convicts" shirts. Hey, I am not knocking it, we all have some players who make stupid choices.
I have no clue whatsoever where you got the idea that I care what ND fans think. I came on your board out of curiousity and a little boredom to see how you, as fans, were handling the fact that you had six (6) players arrested in one night!
Anybody know if Ryan Lochte was hanging out in South Bend last night with ND football players? Just saying. Pissing me off!
The difference is this: Cane fans hope their arrested players will continue to play. ND fans want these guys out, period. And, it wouldn't matter to me who they were, or where they are in the depth chart.I well understand irony and also well understand karma - you guys just got a big dose of karma. I have no clue whatsoever where you got the idea that I care what ND fans think. I came on your board out of curiousity and a little boredom to see how you, as fans, were handling the fact that you had six (6) players arrested in one night! Wow, I am sure that has beat our record. For many, many years, a plethora of your fans have referred to our players as convicts and thugs,(remember the "Catholics vs. Convicts") so perhaps now you understand the irony and karma of the events of last night. So, maybe this year some of your enterprising students can design some "convicts vs. convicts" shirts. Hey, I am not knocking it, we all have some players who make stupid choices.
somebody posted on another free irish board that mods over at ISD are saying that this basically isn't as bad as it seems. Kelly's presser on this should be interesting
Max Redfield & Devin Butler are both key veterans in the secondary (a position group already lacking much veteran talent)
Losing both of those guys plus Tevon Coney (the 3rd best LB on the team) -- days before game prep for Tex -- is debilitating to the defense/program as a whole.
For all the talk of our super high standard admissions, these types of arrests/cheating/suspensions/etc. (misc. off the field distractions) have been an all-too-regular occurrence during the BK era. You can only continue to blame the players/athletes for this type off acting out so many times before the finger gets pointed directly at the leadership of the program.
And I guess you think we care what a Cane fan thinks!I well understand irony and also well understand karma - you guys just got a big dose of karma. I have no clue whatsoever where you got the idea that I care what ND fans think. I came on your board out of curiousity and a little boredom to see how you, as fans, were handling the fact that you had six (6) players arrested in one night! Wow, I am sure that has beat our record. For many, many years, a plethora of your fans have referred to our players as convicts and thugs,(remember the "Catholics vs. Convicts") so perhaps now you understand the irony and karma of the events of last night. So, maybe this year some of your enterprising students can design some "convicts vs. convicts" shirts. Hey, I am not knocking it, we all have some players who make stupid choices.
To me it's very simple. You throw each and every one of these men out of the University. Here is my reasoning.
Butler-Arrested for battery and resisting arrest. He's gone.
The other 5-there was one gun and some weed in the car. Whether the gun and weed was the possession of one of these five does not matter to me. You would be absolutely blind to believe that all five of these men did not know that the weed and more importantly LOADED GUN were not inside the vehicle. This to me makes all of them guilty whether they are all charged with it or not. They all put themselves in this position being fully aware of what was going on inside that car and therfore in my opinion should all be released from the University.
We as ND fans always jump on other programs for not being harsh on players. It has now happened to us and there should be no leniency. Move on from all involved. Next man up!!! Go Irish!!!
tommy turnover had a rich daddy so he got off. These boys prob not in same situation. you clowns that are talking kick them out of school for smoking weed are totally clueless. I guess we ought to execute all of them. the horror, my gosh a 21 yr old kid smoking pot. lock him up. I agree they are idiots for what they did, but you morons who want them tar and fettered need to get into the year 2016. this isnt the 1950'sI have always said that Tommy should have been off the team after it happened. Also thought Floyd should have had a stiffer suspension.
You should be held accountable for your actions. But not every action should be reason for total explosion.
Truth be told if this was almost any other school, they might miss the first half of the opener
Quite honestly, I have zero interest in pot; all kids do it. So what. But my overall take is, let the facts come put, don't prejudge, and in the end these kids should be treated fairly, that is say, like any other student at ND. They knew/know the rules and expectations, and actions have consequences.tommy turnover had a rich daddy so he got off. These boys prob not in same situation. you clowns that are talking kick them out of school for smoking weed are totally clueless. I guess we ought to execute all of them. the horror, my gosh a 21 yr old kid smoking pot. lock him up. I agree they are idiots for what they did, but you morons who want them tar and fettered need to get into the year 2016. this isnt the 1950's
perseveare, you are absolutely correct. "Convict" and "Thug U" fan here. Karma is a bitch.
Quite honestly, I have zero interest in pot; all kids do it. So what. But my overall take is, let the facts come put, don't prejudge, and in the end these kids should be treated fairly, that is say, like any other student at ND. They knew/know the rules and expectations, and actions have consequences.
What an incredibly insensitive and out of touch post. I hope you've reconsidered and I missed it.I've been a ND fan my entire life. I said it here before and I'll say it again. If I were offered Stanford, UCLA, or ND, I'd pick Stanford or UCLA.
Indiana has the most draconian MJ laws in the country. These guys were in jail for misdemeanor MJ possession. Stanford, UCLA, and usc will use this against ND in recruiting. Poor old Greg Bryant should have gone to UCLA. Might still be alive today.
Deserves all he gets and more.
Pretty sure you would never have been offered at a school like ND.I've been a ND fan my entire life. I said it here before and I'll say it again. If I were offered Stanford, UCLA, or ND, I'd pick Stanford or UCLA.
Indiana has the most draconian MJ laws in the country. These guys were in jail for misdemeanor MJ possession. Stanford, UCLA, and usc will use this against ND in recruiting. Poor old Greg Bryant should have gone to UCLA. Might still be alive today.