Truth be told if this was almost any other school, they might miss the first half of the opener
What's this about Jones? Which one?
Truth be told if this was almost any other school, they might miss the first half of the opener
Thought the same. Ignorance is where you find it.Glad we are making sure to throw a shot a Obama in there
These are the comments that drive people nuts.
Holier than thou
These are the comments that drive non ND fans nuts.
Holier than thou
Gee, you sound about as intelligent as the arrested players.To pendick Boston homo and mmmmboys. GO FUK YOUR SELVES. !!! Love the rest of us
Typical Notre Dame. Lizzy Seeberg. They are who we thought they were.
Lizzie Seeberg !
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs
The University prohibits the operation of a motor vehicle while intoxicated or impaired. Any person doing so exhibits wanton disregard for the rights and safety of others.
For purposes of this policy, “driving under the influence” is defined as a situation in which the operator of any motorized vehicle is determined by admission, by testing for blood alcohol content or by commonly accepted behavioral observations (e.g., slurred speech, staggering, etc.), to be driving such vehicle after having consumed alcoholic beverages or ingested other drugs or legally controlled substances to a degree that has altered, inhibited or impaired the student’s ability to think and/or act.
Students found responsible for a violation of this policy may face Conduct Process Outcomes up to and including dismissal from the University.
When an incident results in serious injury or harm to another, the University reserves the right to take additional action, including the possibility of dismissal from the University as outlined in Emergency Actions.
Depending upon the circumstances, violations of these behavioral standards will call into question a student’s continued full participation in the University community.
In addition to complying with the University’s standards of conduct, policies, procedures and regulations, students are expected to abide by local, state and federal law. Students may be accountable to criminal authorities and to the University for acts that violate local, state or federal laws, and they can be referred to the University Conduct Process concurrent with criminal action.
- Unauthorized possession of explosives, incendiary devices, firearms or other weapons
- whether the conduct has a negative impact on the University community or interferes with the pursuit of Notre Dame’s mission
- whether the conduct has a negative impact on the local community.
As a general rule, the University Conduct Process will proceed normally during the pendency of a criminal action. The University operates under different policies, procedures and standards, and therefore it is not necessarily bound by the findings of a court of law.
If a student is charged with a felony, the University, through the Office of Student Affairs or the Office of Community Standards, reserves the right to take summary action and temporarily dismiss the student. Similarly, the University may take summary action to temporarily or permanently dismiss any student convicted of a felony (see Emergency Actions).
Drugs and Controlled Substances
Students found responsible for possession or use of illegal drugs or controlled substances, the unauthorized possession or misuse of prescription drugs, or the possession of drug paraphernalia may face dismissal from the University. Students found responsible for distribution of illegal drugs and substances, including the illicit redistribution of prescription drugs, may face permanent dismissal from the University.
The health, safety, and well-being of individuals should be paramount concerns of all members of the Notre Dame community. As such, Notre Dame students are expected to exercise active care and concern and contact appropriate authorities in the event of any health or safety emergency, even if violations of the University’s alcohol policy and/or controlled substances policy (as outlined above) may have occurred in connection with such an emergency.
Because students’ concern of possible disciplinary action may unnecessarily deter their desire to seek medical attention for themselves or others, the University has adopted an Expectation of Responsibility to remove barriers for students seeking medical attention in alcohol and drug-related incidents. This Expectation is intended to create an environment where students receive necessary medical attention and those involved are provided an opportunity to learn from the incident.
To say this incident has the impact on the 18 class as you imply is a bit over dramatic no ? How about giving those potential kids the benefit of the doubt.I think it's wishful thinking and totally unrealistic to believe in any alternate outcome to this other than these 6 players are gone and most likely completely finished as ND football players. This will happen very quickly. The Frozen 5 and how the University handled cheating on homework assignments. We're in a whole different ballpark with this . They are not going to split hairs or look for legalistic semantics. Some them may remain as students or be allowed to re-apply to come back in 17 but their careers as ND football players is most likely over. The university is going to send a message and strong one. As well they should and have to. ND has a core set of values and an image to protect. The ND brand is a huge deal financially to this school. This is a potential catastrophe to this program. It's such a fine line ND football has to tread . This season is down the damn tunes . Already!!! Recruiting will take a big hit. We had a huge class building in 18 with amazing momentum. It's toast now. We'll be lucky to end up with a recruiting class in the top 15. Thank you Max Redfield. Redfield has been the single biggest disppointment and negative to this program I can remember. A 5 star prima donna from CA. He can take his Mandarin Chinese and not let the door hit his ass on the way out of South Bend . I hope to read later today that he's on a plane back to CA .
I think it's wishful thinking and totally unrealistic to believe in any alternate outcome to this other than these 6 players are gone and most likely completely finished as ND football players. This will happen very quickly. The Frozen 5 and how the University handled cheating on homework assignments. We're in a whole different ballpark with this . They are not going to split hairs or look for legalistic semantics. Some them may remain as students or be allowed to re-apply to come back in 17 but their careers as ND football players is most likely over. The university is going to send a message and strong one. As well they should and have to. ND has a core set of values and an image to protect. The ND brand is a huge deal financially to this school. This is a potential catastrophe to this program. It's such a fine line ND football has to tread . This season is down the damn tunes . Already!!! Recruiting will take a big hit. We had a huge class building in 18 with amazing momentum. It's toast now. We'll be lucky to end up with a recruiting class in the top 15. Thank you Max Redfield. Redfield has been the single biggest disppointment and negative to this program I can remember. A 5 star prima donna from CA. He can take his Mandarin Chinese and not let the door hit his ass on the way out of South Bend . I hope to read later today that he's on a plane back to CA .
Huh ? He was awful last year. Not sure who you were watching. Buy a program.I'm as disappointed in Max Redfield as anyone, but he had a very quietly productive year last year, and as a fan, I'm grateful for the contributions he's made.
You have to be joking.I'm as disappointed in Max Redfield as anyone, but he had a very quietly productive year last year, and as a fan, I'm grateful for the contributions he's made.
Agree 100%. Max has been a total joke since arriving on campus. Guy is a loser.I think it's wishful thinking and totally unrealistic to believe in any alternate outcome to this other than these 6 players are gone and most likely completely finished as ND football players. This will happen very quickly. The Frozen 5 and how the University handled cheating on homework assignments. We're in a whole different ballpark with this . They are not going to split hairs or look for legalistic semantics. Some them may remain as students or be allowed to re-apply to come back in 17 but their careers as ND football players is most likely over. The university is going to send a message and strong one. As well they should and have to. ND has a core set of values and an image to protect. The ND brand is a huge deal financially to this school. This is a potential catastrophe to this program. It's such a fine line ND football has to tread . This season is down the damn tunes . Already!!! Recruiting will take a big hit. We had a huge class building in 18 with amazing momentum. It's toast now. We'll be lucky to end up with a recruiting class in the top 15. Thank you Max Redfield. Redfield has been the single biggest disppointment and negative to this program I can remember. A 5 star prima donna from CA. He can take his Mandarin Chinese and not let the door hit his ass on the way out of South Bend . I hope to read later today that he's on a plane back to CA .
????? What has Max done? He's been awful. Absolute disappointment.You have to be joking.
All these guys are gone. Loaded gun? Makes no difference who owns up, gone. Zero tolerance. What are they doing anywhere there is a loaded gun? Terrible. They all will be indefinitely suspended and eventually launched. This has NOTHING to do with Kelly. Just dumb, dumb, dumb.
Why does it not surprise me that this poster would jump to the worst possible conclusion about this situation?[/QUOT.
Without question You are the dumbest poster on this site. A complete idiot. There will be no tolerance for students in a car with a loaded gun. Period.
Yeah, exploiting the tragic death of a young woman to further your anti-ND agenda. Says a lot about your character. Nice job, sleaze bag.
Yeah, exploiting the tragic death of a young woman to further your anti-ND agenda. Says a lot about your character. Nice job, sleaze bag.
question for you: have you ever commented on issues where any other coach was involved?
Meyer? Jimbo? Saban? Putino? coaches at Louiville or Neb. or
Have you ever commented on their 'team control'? Never?
Seems to me this board has had some posts over the years. So my guess is that there will be comments here and on other team forums.
BUT: how it is handled is where the separation is made!
Man, can't people think anymore? I am 65 and grew up in a small town; also was part of the jockocracy. Drinking was everywhere. However, athletes were under a total ban. If you were caught drinking you were dismissed from the team, no questions asked. So, the fact drug use is more prevalent or not is not the point. It doesn't matter.Facts are important. I'm 66 and can't remember a party in college or high school (Calif) where marijuana was not present. Can't begin to fully appreciate how prevalent it must be today. Maybe one guy was smoking, maybe more, maybe all five. The penalty for being in the car while someone else is smoking should not be the same; and the penalty for smoking should not be expulsion. The really troubling fact we do know is the presence of a loaded gun. At a minimum, the owner should be gone from the team and the university. If everyone knew someone was packing a loaded gun before they got in the car, then I would probably expel them as well. Hoping only the owner knew of the gun. Tough day for ND fans.
These are the comments that drive non ND fans nuts.
Holier than thou
Yes, most of us were shocked and sad over the young lady's death. No one should have to go through that at a young age.
But my point was that - as usual - ND fans start deflection to what Jimbo, Urban, Saban and others would do. I've read about a "draconian code of conduct." And if you go back and look at the post I was replying to the dimwit mentioning something about the penalty at other schools being "the 1st half of the first game or something like that."
My point: yes, all schools have problems these days including ND who's had some very SERIOUS issues under Kelly. Maybe it's time some of you start looking in the mirror.
I second that!
If you don't like what ND fans say, then why are you here? Did someone force you to visit an ND site?
He is obviously another fan obsessed with ND.