Sorry if my working all day had you sitting around idle waiting for my response.
I see that you failed to cite one play where our WR’s couldn’t get off the LOS.
All you have to do is cite the play by the quarter and game clock.
So what’s stopping you from providing the citation ?
I know what’s stopping you ….. you lied when you stated that our WR’s couldn’t get off the LOS !
I’ve forgotten more about the game than you’ll ever know.
Since I called you out and challenged you to cite the plays where our WR’s couldn’t get off the LOS, you failed to answer the question, choosing to slink off like a coward.
I would have had some respect for you had you admitted that you misspoke and were in error, but you don’t have the character to do that, So go ahead and slink off !
Here’s a question for you.
What’s a longer period of time, 60 minutes or 28 minutes ?
Hint: It’s 60 minutes !
So what is more tiring, 1. playing offense for 28 minutes or 2. playing offense for 28 minutes and then playing defense for 32 minutes ?
Take your time, don’t rush your answer !
Here’s another question for you.
WHY did they switch from a single platoon to two platoons ?
Again, take your time, don’t rush, you can even cheat by asking others for the answer.
Then you can lie again and claim that you figured it out for yourself !