Missing is missing, not sure why you are confused? If a team has a practice and the player is not there, he is missing from practice, If a team has a game and the player is not there he is missing from the 2 deep. If a guy has a track record of consistently missing practices and consistently missing games then he is not someone you can count on. Period, It is not personal it is a business.
When Christian Grey returns a pick 99 yards, and or is stuggling out there in coverage, but never leaves the field. Why do think that is? Because guys like Jaden Mickey and Ben Morrison were not available. I am not saying players who miss practice for whatever reason are bad people, I am saying that if a player is consistently missing practice or missing games he is someone you cannot count on, Just like the talented guy at work who calls out sick 2 days a week, every week, At some point you gotta move on