Tom Rees will be the new OC


I've posted how many times?
Dec 9, 2006
The offense yesterday and predictable and mundane. The same it’s been for the last decade. But TR did nothing yesterday to eliminate himself from OC. The offense stalled multiple times in the red zone and the 33 point should have been 45.
The offense yesterday and predictable and mundane. The same it’s been for the last decade. But TR did nothing yesterday to eliminate himself from OC. The offense stalled multiple times in the red zone and the 33 point should have been 45.
So is this the official news or speculation? If it is official news please provide a citation so that none of us are curious or confused about the same thing
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I'm good with it, I wish him well. I thought he did a great job as our QB when he played, and I'm confident he'll do a great job in the OC role. If for no other reason then to shut up a lot of you armchair, never weres, and wanna bees.
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The offense yesterday and predictable and mundane. The same it’s been for the last decade. But TR did nothing yesterday to eliminate himself from OC. The offense stalled multiple times in the red zone and the 33 point should have been 45.

This post is stunning. Care to elaborate on the predictable or mundane?

Could the real issue be that your ego somehow expected a larger margin of victory and the guys had the audacity to let you down by only winning by 26?
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This post is stunning. Care to elaborate on the predictable or mundane?

Could the real issue be that your ego somehow expected a larger margin of victory and the guys had the audacity to let you down by only winning by 26?

Another opponent would have take advantage of those field goals. See Ohio State.
The D won that game and didn’t get enough credit.
First of all, did you expect Tom to install some new and exotic scheme in 2-3 weeks?

What I really liked was one, he constantly tried to get playmakers like Lenzy involved.

Second, he had Book throw high percentage passes. Quick outs, Quick slants, a couple of hitches.

If Tom is the OC next season, which I expect he will. I would expect Tom to add some wrinkles and creativity to the playbook. While first and foremost trying to establish the line of scrimmage.
I've been saying Rees would be the next OC the day Long was fired. I'm praying I am wrong,
So, let me get this straight - TR takes over someone else's system (who was fired) for one game and he suddenly owns all of it three plays into the game. Certainly the OP would have to admit that is absurd.

My take, TR would make a good OC candidate and, it would not surprise me if he lands the job. He picked up Kelly's system better than any QB Kelly has ever had and, he commits to the run without getting cold feet. Honestly, I would like to see TR get the OC job.
You give Rees the OC position, you better be 99% sure in him. If offense takes a step back next year and we keep losing the big games because of the offense with Rees then kelly should be fired.
The offense yesterday and predictable and mundane. The same it’s been for the last decade. But TR did nothing yesterday to eliminate himself from OC. The offense stalled multiple times in the red zone and the 33 point should have been 45.

Whew, I was worried as I hadn’t read a bitching and moaning post from you yet today. Ridiculous as always to criticize after we win and win comfortably - especially when you had your “BK sucks” post all ready to send, I’m sure.
The biggest thing in an OC is being able to teach and make it easy to understand. TR might not have had all the physical traits but he had the mental and obviously he has the coaching/teaching chops.
The offense yesterday and predictable and mundane. The same it’s been for the last decade. But TR did nothing yesterday to eliminate himself from OC. The offense stalled multiple times in the red zone and the 33 point should have been 45.
Are you serious? Not a knock just curious. I get the hope and dreams, but Kelly has chewed up and spit out more qualified people.
Totally serious. BK knows if Tom can handle the job. Offense is more about execution than anything else. Rees knows this system and should know how to make it hum.
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Whew, I was worried as I hadn’t read a bitching and moaning post from you yet today. Ridiculous as always to criticize after we win and win comfortably - especially when you had your “BK sucks” post all ready to send, I’m sure.

An “unmotivated” ND beat a team by more than all other 5 losses combined including 2 of those losses from Baylor and playoff participant Oklahoma. Rees and Kelly suck.
The offense yesterday and predictable and mundane. The same it’s been for the last decade. But TR did nothing yesterday to eliminate himself from OC. The offense stalled multiple times in the red zone and the 33 point should have been 45.

"The offense yesterday and predictable and mundane"

Kind of what I thought (was at a BDAY party, so I could not fully watch -- DVR'd it so I can re-watch) -- personally, I did not care if ND won or not (glad they did though) -- but, really wanted to see the offense open up with some imagination a bit -- take some chances...

regardless of who the OC becomes, he will need to light a fire under Quinn's ass and get the Oline to attack.
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I have been critical of having Rees as OC however I think it’s going to happen. So, I’m looking for the positive. I’d rather have a big name, but it is what it is. So, now to the optimism.

Positive: He looked decent against a mediocre ISU team. I really like that he played quarterback at a high level and had success beyond his talent level. He never should’ve been the quarterback at ND, but he emerged due to intelligence. This should bode well for him. I also like that BK has a lot of faith in him. BK has been in this game a long time and has worked with some outstanding OC’s. If he thinks Rees has what it takes I trust his opinion somewhat. People have been talking about his football iq since he was in high school.

Negative: It goes without saying that he’s inexperienced. I worry about buddy buddy time with Book. I think he was a bit cautious and should’ve opened it up more. ISU’s db’s were dreadful. I think we could’ve hung 60 on them. I know they did okay in the B12, but that conference stinks. OU is terrible and ND is better.

Time will tell. I think if he’s a great recruiter that could push the needle in his favor for success. I really don’t want to see growing pains though. Especially against Wisconsin.
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